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  1. This guide pretty much spells out everything
  2. I usually stick with one Main and use alts to provide buffs like leadership/radiation/bubbles but also give them access to mayhem/safeguard missions out of level range. I do make alts to team with others at their level because it's more fun to play an alt at the same level as them than my overpowered 50.
  3. I must have missed this in the notes... what extra options for non-charisma characters have they added?
  4. My second playthrough was as a DURGE and it was very different. From what I gathered from their notes on Patch 7, they've added new endings for evil runs that allow for evil playthroughs that don't opt to go DURGE. This is a huge draw for me, as I'd love to do another evil playthrough but not go through the exact same way. Echo the kudos for free updates so far along from release!
  5. I do like the idea of Council/5th Column recruiting at universities! I remember all the crazy preachers and political whackos they let get on a soapbox at Kent State and this is a perfect fit. Protestors often have extremists or false-flag plants, so you could have some rival of theirs manipulating things into a fight (possibly Warriors or Family due to their competition in Striga?). You could use the video camera drones from the TPN trial in conjunction with their speeches to show a crowd approval meter based on who the heroes/villains side with. I still like the idea of the Luddites showing up to crash things though, they're so under-used and really hate tech so the university has to be like a giant beacon to them they can't resist. I don't think Family, Warriors, or Luddites have an AV so this would be a chance to shine 😎
  6. I did the Theodan arc of Who Will Die setting it at -1/x8 to get as many in one run as possible, then kept repeating it until it popped. Didn't take too long.
  7. Perfect chance for the Luddites to take the spotlight, attacking the universities with torches and pitchforks, with only our heroes and villains to stave them off!
  8. CoX has been the most casual, fun, customizable, relaxing, social-friendly, action-packed MMO I've ever played - that DOESN'T require a ton of time per gaming session. It hits all the sweet spots, and free to play! Go Casual Dad Mode 😎
  9. I played this tabletop RPG back in the day called Heroes Unlimited by Palladium Games. This particular GM had us roll for powers when we made our characters instead of choosing them ourselves, and everyone was having a great time on the random tables coming up with weird powers and concepts. Until it's my turn. Of course I rolled horrible and got no powers at all... in a superhero game... where everyone has POWERS. So I dumped all my stats in strength and endurance and made this HUGE buffed-out hillbilly that was insanely strong. I ended up being one of the most powerful heroes on the team, though I was certainly the dumbest ðŸĪŠ I took great pleasure in just ripping doors apart and ramming through walls when the other characters would try and come up with elaborate plans and uses for their so-called "powers" ... and I will always feel a certain kinship to BAB because of that 😊
  10. Best value: Civ 5&6 Gloomhaven CoX Darkest Dungeon Cultist Simulator Frost Punk ... the older I get the more I value turn-based games so I can stop at any point to go do what needs done and jump right in where I left off without a problem. CoX is the anomaly 😄 Worst value: Any Telltale game (I play once and never again yet... still kept doing it over and over 😑) FIFA any year (because I work too much to play it enough before the next year comes out) WoW/EVE... because I spent countless hours not doing anything productive/fun just grinding away for something because that was the only way to get ahead
  11. BG3 is a fantastic game, and is put out by Larian who did the Divinity: Original Sin CRPGs. Since I enjoyed those so much, BG3 was a natural evolution. It is rather conversation-heavy at times, which can slow the game down for those who want more action (and especially in multiplayer games). After one playthrough, I found all my following ones waaaaay faster because I wasn't engaging in the fluff conversations anymore. Overall, I'd say BG3 is superior to DOS 1&2 in regards to story/choices/graphics. I think DOS 1&2 are superior in terms of challenge/combat. I've read countless posts about people enjoying BG3 and getting completely wrecked when starting DOS 😄
  12. I also found it very confusing when I came back here after a few years' hiatus
  13. If I saw someone had copied my looks and naming convention, my thinking would be in this order: Whoa, how are there two of me??? Hey, nice outfit! I DO look good! Wow, they're only like level 5. That was me at level 5. Gosh, that was a long time ago... I am probably never going to see this person again. I should take a screenshot! Oh hey, it's dinnertime! - and then promptly forget the whole thing until I go back through my screenshots on a random rainy Tuesday afternoon and laugh about it again I really doubt anyone who copies a *non-trademarked* character concept will feel as invested as a player who creates their own and continue to play it long.
  14. Other than the badgers revolting for a badge that's impossible to attain (and/or keep), it would create a problem in gameplay especially on teams where people were vastly underperforming to play it safe and running when their health was low even if they were about to defeat an enemy or get healed. It would cause friction amongst players in any team/league with someone who wanted to retain theirs. A... painful experience... to stay the least.
  15. Depends on how many alignment points you've put into your missions 😄
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