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Texas Jane

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Everything posted by Texas Jane

  1. What time zone are you in and when do you play? I love the SG I joined last year --Fusion Force -- it's full of great people and fun players. We have a few planned SG events a week, usually around 8pm CT. We run all levels of stuff because most of us are alt-aholics with new characters waiting in the wings. 😄There's almost always a few of us around and happy to team up for some missions. My global is the same as here, so feel free to message me and we can chat more.
  2. SUMMERCAMP-21525 on Everlasting. Mystic Pines offers lots of camp activities -- archery, crafts, swimming, horseback riding -- as well as fully functional services like teleporters, trainers, and craft tables for all your heroic and villainous needs. There are six cabins with four bunks per cabin and each cabin is spaced far enough apart that that no counselors should overhear your late night scheming. 🙂 Feel free to visit and explore.
  3. Sorry I'm late to this. I use these lights too. I attach them by putting a white floor at an angle across the conifer, then attach the short lights to the floor instead of the tree. That way the black ends are buried in the tree. I just keep rotating and moving the floor and attaching the lights. Hope this helps.
  4. A friend pointed me to this thread last night and I've spent hours combing through the combos. Thank you so much for all of these! No requests atm, cause I have plenty to keep me busy with what is here. Thank you!!
  5. This may be a moot point since the badge is available through the Night Ward mansion, but Midnight Squad given by Montague Castanella (blue) & Ashley McNight (red) only goes to the leader unless everyone else is grabbing the missions along the way.
  6. Hi. I'm newish to base building. So far my favorites are small, personal bases but I hope to add to them and make them a little more complex. Here's Ophelia's Lake on Torchbearer. Passcode OPHELIA-11652
  7. I just started building more advanced bases and these videos have been so helpful. @Dacyis your discord still active? The links I've followed all say they have expired. Thanks!
  8. DId you ever solve this? My captions are also missing on some characters, but not others. I'm pretty sure it's a user error as I was messing with my settings just before I noticed it. I reset everything, but they still aren't back.
  9. Thanks for pointing out that there is a HC wiki. I searched on Paragon Wiki and didn't see a Resilient badge. Apologies for any time wasted reading my comment. 🙂
  10. Resilient Sums up the year and the game.
  11. Same issue. I'm going to try reinstalling. Please tag me if you find a fix.
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