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Everything posted by sonderjack
I would like a new enhancement on the Pay 2 Win Vendor -- one that converts a power's Knockback to Knockdown, like the Sudden Acceleration enhancement that is not available until level 21. Like the other P2W enhancements, the bonus feature could stop working at 21, and it could be unique, if this is deemed wise for balance reasons (though being non-unique would be a boon for energy blast). It would allow people to have low level characters with a knockback power, like Gale which is a mandatory power selection for Storm controllers, to be more group-friendly.
Neither is 50 yet, but I have both a rad/kin and a rad/savage; both are really fun. For Kinetic Combat, you have the interesting option of putting a force feedback and knockback to knockdown proc into Repulsing Torrent -- it's a 45 degree cone with a base range of 40, rather unique among tanker sets -- and using it instead of or in addition to Taunt. It's just an all-around fun set and the animations that people complain about go well with my character concept. You didn't mention it on your list of possibles, but for Savage Melee, I am not yet to the level where I have skills that consume Blood Frenzy... but it's my understanding that a full-stacks of BF Rending Flurry (a pbaoe) has a quite impressive radius. Plus, Blood Frenzy gives you an endurance discount and recharge bonus, the latter of which goes like icing on top of the cake of Beta Decay.
@seresibyl2I just wanted to say I am looking at playing a Rad/?? stalker and found this. Thanks for both helping me decide on a secondary and providing a build to consider. I'm a little worried that I will be hurting for healing pre-Incarnates, but it's not like my Arachnos Widow needed Aid Self or anything so maybe it will be just fine. I'm curious to hear if you've made further changes to the build since your last post (or if anyone else out there in Stalkerland has thoughts on a rad/sr build).
You can drag and drop slots around, but that makes sense too. Thanks for the quick response.
Slightly old post, but I'm looking around the forums for ideas on slotting rad armor. I think you might have swapped some power levels around in that build, @killerdestiny -- you can't get Rend Armor at level 6 and the status effect protection toggle isn't taken until 28? That just sounds painful to me.
No other explanation? I don't think so. We could all be Nemesis automatons, I don't think they have babies either.
Holy thread necro, Manbat! But I figured it would be better to dig up an old thread that's relevant than to make a new shiny one. But I was just hangin' out in Atlas Park and an NPC near me gave me a bad idea: Relief Worker: Excuse me, would you like to help feed children who have been displaced by the tragedy in Galaxy City? Relief Worker: Galaxy City's children need you! Just look at these pictures. These children need your help! Relief Worker: We need your help to get proper food and medical care to children hit hard by the tragedy. What if I could actually throw influence at them? It wouldn't do anything, of course, but I could feel like my character is being virtuous. For extra bonus sauce, if it's not too much trouble, NPCs could sometimes acknowledge donations in their wandering-around text (like when they say stuff like "I heard Fandom Crush took down a Council base the other day!"). Or there could be badges associated with total amounts donated. @Hero_of_Lightmade a similar suggestion on Page 1, back in 2019, but I'd just like to be able to say YES, yes I WOULD like to help feed children who have been displaced by the tragedy in Galaxy City.
Double the (head) details, double the fun!
sonderjack replied to Lyris's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
That was my first thought too. At last, I could play a Zaphod Beeblebrox tribute character! But I like the actual idea @Lyris proposed too. -
Spoilers herein for Scirocco's patron arc, as the title might suggest. I needed to pick and complete a patron arc to get the last of the VEAT story missions (which was a whole nother letdown actually) so off I went to learn about my options and make my selection. I knew that Scirocco had been drifting toward the rogue side of things during Live, and saw that his “just because I’m a villain doesn’t mean I have to hurt people” ideal was in line with my character concept, so I went with him. I’m a roleplayer at heart, and I think that’s my problem. Anyway, off I go to help Scirocco. Bring Ghost Widow back to life? Great! So his plan to make every villain into a nice person may be a little bit contrary to the idea that free will is a good thing, but that sort of villainy is exactly the sort of villainy I am here for! Except it turns out that I am not there to help Scirocco, I am there to betray him… whether I like it or not… and for motivations that my character does not have. I get that his plan can’t succeed, for the sake of the game’s narrative. But to have no choice other than to run off and blab to the Arachnos guy, then do what he tells me when that is absolutely not what my character would do? That rankles. I didn’t like doing it one bit, but there’s not even a way to say “never mind” once you’ve started a quest arc. And then after I had to do what I didn’t want to do, Scirocco reminds me of it every time we talk for the rest of the arc. Oh, and he reminds me of why I did it, too. It’s because I am a selfish bad betraying mean poopyhead. What I would have liked ideally was the option to continue working with him and fail. Maybe Arachnos found out and thwarted us; maybe some heroes found out and stopped us because they believe that the ends (a world without villains) does not justify the means (taking away freedom to choose). That’s a fair chunk of development work, though, and might be impractical. In the absence of that, I would have liked the option to say to him, “Yes, I betrayed you, but not for the reasons you think.” Just adding another few dialogue options in a non-voiced game is relatively simple, I think. But instead the game’s writers decided for me what my character did and why, which I find really ironic given the nature of moral objections to Scirocco’s plan. Usually I am willing to concede that the "problem" with redside content is is really that it's just not made for me (and yes, yes I do love goldside!) but right now I'm just really unhappy that "this NPC will be your patron" really meant "you will be this NPC's betrayer."
This happened to me too. My solution was more annoying than Hedgefund's. It seemed to be related to her being in combat, so I restarted the mission, did not kill the mobs near her, cleared everything between her and the target at the end. Then I went back, 'rescued' her, and led her to the guy she was supposed to kill. It worked, but if I run into that bug again I'll try the exit but don't restart option.
@GM Sparky has helped me several times and I am really grateful for that and for all the GMs for choosing to put their time towards keeping Homecoming the great place that it is.
Best of Both - Blood Widower Fortunado Build
sonderjack replied to Gulbasaur's topic in Arachnos Soldier & Widow
Hi Gulbasaur! I wanted to thank you for putting this guide together, it's really helped me. I've been leveling Spider Georg, now level 43, with v4 of this build with a couple of changes and I'm having a lot of fun so far. Georg is my highest-level character now, and on live I'd never played a VEAT at all. Here are the changes I've made, for leveling purposes in case anyone else out there is curious about leveling like this: Dropped Strike, took Combat Training: Offensive -- I feel like I have enough attacks for an attack chain, maybe because redraw doesn't bug me that much, and the +accuracy is really nice while getting to 50 Took Mental Blast instead of Telekinetic Blast -- on teams, I didn't like the knockback, felt like I might annoy people with it. Also four-slotted with Tempest, hoping the End Drain might help with leveling end woes Stamina -- Three-slotted, again with end woes; Performance Shifter Chance for +End + 2 regular End Mods. Will probably drop the 2 End Mods when I respec at 50, now that I have Health slotted out. Travel power -- Personal preference here, I like Super Speed + Stealth IO. On top of Mask Presence, it makes it really easy to stealth missions if I want to, and I like SS+CJ as a travel power. Total Domination -- Dropped this, took Tactical Training: Assault earlier. I might swap it in at 50 to give it a try, but I'm not a real fan of the long cooldown aoe holds. As for IO sets, I've been able to afford to buy as I level, without a character already at level 50 to bankroll me (thanks to people who wrote guides on how to make inf from merits on top of this being a relatively cheap build). Any recommendations from anybody on what powers to consider taking if I don't take Total Domination, Recall Friend, or Provoke? I'm still in the process of figuring out what Spider Georg will look like at 50, but it will be pretty close to your posted build, so thank you again. -
I'm also curious to see an updated version of this -- it's the sort of concept I'm interested in running on a spider. Though I'll be starting with leveling, and a leveling build is no doubt a different beast altogether.
Why don't you play on the Villain Side?
sonderjack replied to Raught19's topic in General Discussion
tldr: I like quests and am a roleplayer at heart, and I just don't like the Redside stories. And I don't like being mean, even in video games. Back during Live, I did have some Redside characters, but the quests and story arcs don't really fit the types of villains I'd like to play. I'd rather be a Magneto (a villain who thinks they're on the 'right side') or someone who's into using superpowers to selfish ends... or a villain who thinks Lord Recluse is doing a terrible job and wants to overthrow him and be better at world domination. But the story arcs I remember mostly tended toward "chaotic stupid", mayhem for its own sake, or the Bad Guy equivalent of going "lol im so random! xDDDD" There's nothing wrong with those kinds of villain stories, but they're just not what I enjoy.