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  1. If your looking at solo play, may I suggest going to a Brute instead of a Tank? Brute's secondary power is more suited to solo, they focus on their attack powers as their primary and defense as their secondary (tankers defense is the primary set and attack secondary) All that means is that you'll have your attack powers earlier.
  2. Badge - Hopeless Romantic Select the Inspiration Option during the Wedding Event 20 times. I'm truly enjoying the wedding event. Honestly, I find it relaxing and enjoyable to play through solo with my main character. I've gotten all the badges for the event, and I'm fine just being limited to the inspiration at the end as I enjoy the battle. (I would make more xp and inf faster on content or a farm, but I just enjoy this fight.) Thanks for all you do.
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  3. Mediport lore aside, there are numerous powersets that have Self Rez built into them. What your asking for isn't the design of the game. If you want to do this playstyle, fine. If your character loses their life, just delete it. It is very easy to self implement what you want. I would much prefer the Devs put their time and efforts somewhere else.
  4. The Surprise is really fun with the right team!
  5. Back in the days of Live where being a Ill/Rad Controller was an amazing thing, the original Phantasm was much better than it is today. Then, it stayed at range and didn't close like it does now. You could also have multiple copies of it out. They reduced the summons to one (admittedly, teaching it to ride an elevator is a plus) and changed the AI. I wish they would just give the AI for the pet in Symphony control as that stays at range. In my mind, the only real downside of that one is it would also increase the effectiveness of the Phants summoned by Carnie.
  6. Honestly, while I originally used to have trouble with Mercy with the occasional Red Side Character, now they drop a temporary flight power on you after you complete the tutorial. All of the problems getting around Mercy, or the other zones, is taken care of with just having a map and being able to use a jet pack for a short period to take care of any problems. Personally, I think Red Side has an amazing amount going for it, I just can't imagine the Devs spending much time on it due to the relatively low player base and lack of resources.
  7. I don't want every major boss fight to have some puzzle that I need to figure out before I can actually just throw down and fight them. I play CoH to turn my brain off and just have fun, I don't want to have to figure (or look at a website) out the 'trick' to every big fight.
  8. Especially if it allows you to pull them from their nice, dark, safe and secure coffin to the middle of a treeless park that has no shade, at noon, in full sunlight. It would need to work in those circumstances, for, ah, reasons.
  9. Actually, mortadella (essentially the same thing but more expensive)
  10. Unfortunately, there are a few sets that have set up effects that work great if your solo and patient, but, on a team, your going to lose effectiveness because (on speed teams) you will not be able to keep your effect up. Marine Affinity - Tide Pool (probably the most direct comparison - but it isn't mobile at all- better recharge time though) Trick Arrow - Flash Arrow Traps - (half the set)
  11. I got: Florida Woman I left some names of my lower level characters unprotected. I feel a little bit disappointed that none have been taken from me. I guess I am not as creative as I thought.
  12. I think I saw that exact statement in LFG Chat by someone called "Calamari Commander"
  13. Counter-Counter-Suggestion: Sociopath setting - all NPCs can be attacked
  14. Just to pile on this post a little bit. You have the Skulls, with a really nice early game arc, where they are trafficking drugs to the Trolls, a group that goes later in the game than they do, and they just fall off the face of the Earth. Sure, you can take it as you crippled their operations, but they always seemed to have something bigger in mind. Some later game ties with Mott maybe. Their are some inside jokes about them (I remember "Go kil skulls" when it first came up in the forum leading to the badge) but they shouldn't just disappear. I would like to see them expanded, and more than just adding "Skull Boyfriends". I want to see a male npc complain "Once Maggie got that deathhead promotion, she just doesn't have time for me. She is just cold and distant." Hellions are the same way, they seem to have some more grand plan, but they just disappear. Some of their area is eaten up by CoT but there was room to grow. Also, at low level, I kinda wish the game just had some basic, unaffiliated, thugs. One's that were just thieves, not in a gang or group. Just solo criminal morons.
  15. Map Server. . . . It is a scary one.
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