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Mike Morbid

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  1. Do any of you have this game? If you're interested, I'm starting an online group in which we share information from our campaigns to make a unified continuity/game world. Each person in the group tells us what is happening in their section of the world, gives details about the heroes and villains they are using, and so forth. We can borrow each others characters and perhaps have some cross-campaign events. (Also, I'm using Homecoming to design what my characters look like). If any of you are interested, let me know and I'll add you to the mix. There are only a few of us at the moment, but I'm hoping to get more as we go along. Excelsior!
  2. The answer, of course, is pie. If you want to get specific, pumpkin pie.
  3. Soon this game will be gone to the Americans!
  4. Good list, just the sort of thing I was looking for.
  5. In the late 90s I took a two-year journalism course in community college. One of the first things the instructor told us is that it was a dying field and we would have a very tough time pursuing a career in it. I was thinking "What a great time to tell us! Not like that would have been useful to know before we committed to this!"
  6. Excellent choice. Carpenter is my favourite director, and The Fog is my third favourite horror movie.
  7. You might never guess from my name and avatar, but I'm a big fan of Halloween and horror in general. So, this being Spooktober, let's get a little evil. Come up with COH builds for your favourite horror villain (heck, or any other characters in the genre). I gleefully await to see what you all come up with.
  8. That's how insidious it is! As for this thread... Your mother was a hamster. and your father smelt of elderberries!
  9. So I have a character concept: guy was murdered by thugs, then mystically returned to life as an avatar of retribution. I know his primary will be willpower, and that sometime down the line he'll learn some sorcery. What I have analysis paralysis on is his secondary. I have five that I can't choose between; claws, dual blades, katana, martial arts, or street justice. Which would you take (doesn't matter the reason, whether it be thematic, tactical, or other)? Thanks for the help, I'll go Kill Skuls in your honour.
  10. We got it straight from this guy:
  11. He hacks her dating app, and sets her up on dates with Stilt Man and Big Wheel!
  12. People seem to like rppvp servers, though. Perhaps it can be re-designated as that.
  13. I have my own universe of super characters that came from many years of playing/reffing Villains & Vigilantes and Heroes Unlimited, and I think I'll make Indomitable their home as soon as this new name policy comes into effect.
  14. Does anyone else think the mystery villain is the Leader?
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