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Everything posted by Ravenplume

  1. I suppose even though it is a totally innocent name, a female canine heroine with might be called Bitch Hazel?
  2. Pleatherface was awesome...Then I noticed your Olivia Neutron Bomb. I think that one might with the internets. :) Witch Hazel, eh? https://chuckjones.com/characters/witch-hazel/
  3. This one is Human only though, and not Kheldian at all
  4. If the mission is part of a story arc, it will typically say after the mission title what part it is, or Finale. If it doesn't say that, but has a title anyway, it is a badge mission.
  5. I absolutely hate how everything is speed run and rush rush rush, Screw training and enhancing, forget reading any of the content, to hell with waiting for everyone to get into the mission or staying together. Just go go go. Still never managed to get a First/Night Ward team that lets you actually experience the arcs, and instead being dragged quickly through it all with no time to read or train, or anything other than just rushing to the next mission. Come to think of it, I've never even done the Who Will Die arcs yet, largely because I figure it will be all speedy run like everything else.
  6. More often than not, there isn't time, due to teams rarely ever giving time to train between missions. Typically by the time you are done training and enhancing and finally get to the next mission, they are already nearly through it. Heck. They rarely ever wait for everyone to even get into the mission first before starting, so you still end up missing a good portion of it.
  7. The T9 on my Human/Squid Peacebringer is mandatory for her, because with it and all her shields active, she can become a giant version of her blue wisp pet. My Human only PB will be taking it as well, for the exact same reason.
  8. Or like what happened to me a week or two ago (thankfully I wan't in a TF or league or anything, just chatting with some new friends in Pocket D...) Lights flicker, and suddenly go out due to some big incident outside of town that took out the city's power for an hour or two. Nothing I could do to get back in and let everyone know I won't be back for a while.
  9. If you aren't inside the mission when it finishes, you don't get any of the end of mission rewards.
  10. Who else discovered back in the Time Before(tm), when all the HW salvage was good for was unlocking the slot or selling on the AH; that if you had multiple sets and you clicked fast enough when turning the salvage in that you could unlock more of the slots? Got pretty good at doubles, and even managed a triple a time or two...
  11. I have a metric buttload of salvage racked up in storage and on characters from over the years. Come to think of it, I also have an impreial buttload of Lords of Winter packs I loaded up on the year they had the big fixed price sale on them as well...
  12. I do the halloween salvage, then both Level 20 missions, and the redside level 30 mission (quickest and easiest to do). Never have had to touch the blue 30 or the 40s. Both sides' tailors will talk to Rogues, but Facemaker snubs Vigilantes.
  13. All of my most recent characters have been able to open that costume slot with Halloween Salvage at level 1. And my most recent character was made just yesterday.. Are you certain you had not already used the Halloween salvage on that articular character?
  14. And that is why we will likely never get tailfeathers here to go with the feathery wings, or the wasp tail?
  15. Who do I need to contact to finally get that huge bug in the costume creator fixed so when we load a costume, it will also load our weapons customization without switching to the default and charging us to change it back? Example, with my Robots MM... How her weapon should be... (Rune Soldier Rifle) And when I go to reload the saved costume I get "Failed to load. Could not find a match for Parts (13, Right Weapon) Costume Creator may not have access to costume parts" Really? It's right freaking there... Can't screen shot this either, since screen shots never work in the costume creator. And when I Fix it, yeah, it goes back to whatever the default rifle was. Is this just a problem with my install, or is it game wide?
  16. I have: Thrash-Panda, Claws/NIN Scrapper Barely Eagle, DP/MAR Blaster...Lovely feathered wings...and due to a lack of a certain .50 cal in weapons customization, she had to go with pistols that are barely Eagles... I. Ron Butterfly, DA/TW Tanker (base of operations is somewhere in Eden of course) Magical Girl Boy, TM/Psi Defender Johnny Faster (obviously a speedster); Staff/Regen Scrapper Roc Dove, AR/TMP BLaster Little Red Caboose (Conductor of the Pain Train), Thugs/Electric MM Polecat Dancer, Synphony/Electric Controller Deja Thorax, Rad/Rad Brute Also, here is Roc Bottom, Earth/Thermal Controller over on Excelsior. Her Everlasting counterpart is Hawt Roc The pun continues into her bio, where it is revealed her civilian name is Plymouth... And last but not least, we have this gal on Everlasting who I came up with on a walk home from post office and bill paying as this awesome Airwolf remix came on on my playlist... Behold: Marewolf (Beam Rifle/Pain Corruptor) This gal has been sitting parked at L16 for close to 5 years. I mean, the power combo is potentially fun to play, but solo, wow; just a total yawnfest. If I do get back to her, she is going to be teaming only.
  17. You know, I do recall there was a name release once back on live. Wouldn't call it a purge, since if no one logged in on long idle characters, they still had their names, but were no longer subject to yoinking. I also seem to remember it was a pretty successful event and don't even remember any major butthurt and raging on the forums over it either. I was pleased to finally be able to drop the hyphen from Twilight-Vixen at last (one of my oldest characters) and make her properly Twilight Vixen. I did consider changing Honey Bree to Honeybee (which had been taken at the time I made Bree, but Honeybree had grown on me and she kept the name.
  18. A wise man once said... Do, or do not. There is no spoon, only Zuul.
  19. I would love to see someone make a SG which could perhaps be Called The Isekin; and every character in the group has an origin of being from an Earth where City of Heroes and other MMOs are just that...MMOs...
  20. Ferroforce is awesome. And it passes what I call the newspaper test. :)
  21. I prefer King's Row myself, and really just one corner. Discovered I don't need to patrol the whole zone.
  22. Ah. That explains it. Only Brandon Lee film I ever saw was Dragon.
  23. I don't do that myself, but since they operate like the presents in the holiday event, they despawn automatically when it is time to respawn. I noticed plenty times dueing the Winter Event, I will start to approach an abandoned spawn, and they vanished and got replaced by a present before I could get to them.
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