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Everything posted by Spectre7878

  1. So I got my gampad set up. But what is driving me nuts is when use my right analog to look around it keeps on bringing up dismiss pets bubble and I hate it. What can I do to stop that
  2. Ok that makes sense. Are defenders trick arrows better then corrupters?
  3. So not trying to sound dumb. But were the changes only for defenders. Because I looked my corruptor flash arrow and it’s not anywhere close
  4. So I have a love hate relationship with these types of power. Sometimes they make sense and other times not so much. Powers like Freezing Rain, Rain of Fire, Ice Storm I think should just be a targeted AoE. Things like master mind pets I get could be target location. Overall I would prefer that they would make some of the powers into targeted powers instead of location. I am not a huge fan of constantly clicking power and then clicking the area. It’s starts to hurt my hands using the mouse like that. One of my main toons is a Electric-Storm controller and she has a lot of location powers. 😞
  5. My question is what do you for characters that are heavy in ranged locations powers like freezing rain tornado static field. They seem be hard to use on the battle field. I have a controller Electric Storm build and a game pad doesn’t want to work that great
  6. I would love to see this power looked at. I prefer it just to be a confuse like how entangling vines is on nature Affinity. This power lacks so much
  7. Thanks for the information. I like to hear everyone’s thoughts and how they play the class. Again I just thought blasters were more than f a ranged class then an overall damage class. I figured melee classes are melee and ranged classes were ranged
  8. I have come to love blasters. I use to always play dominators and controllers because well I am a control freak hehe. The one thing I never understood about blasters is their secondary power set and some of their T9 powers. A blaster in my opinion should always want to that range. They make no sense going in melee since we have very little defense until IO sets. That being said. I wish all blasters T9 powers were ranged. Secondary sets can be melee if need be but I personally don’t like getting in melee to do my nova power. Wish they could give us a choice or change T9. That’s just my wish
  9. I must say. Putting some damage procs into weaker powers like jolting chain and gale make a huge difference. This build is quiet fun imo
  10. As a Electric Storm controller. I have no clue what to take for Destiny. Ageless Barrier and clarion all sound good
  11. Would damage procs work in tornado
  12. Also. How does one not get mezzed so much as a controller
  13. Thanks for the information. It helped a lot
  14. So I have been playing with mids to build my character and I wanted to go for procs in my powers. I just don’t want to waste time and influence if they don’t work. So my question is will the procs below work effectively in said power. Tesla Cage - devastation mag 2 hold and lockdown mag 2 hold. Will this give my single target good a chance at a higher mag hold if it goes off? Snow Storm - impeded swiftness Chance for damage. Will this go off constantly as it’s on or just at start? Freezing Tain - impeded swiftness Chance for damage. Again will this go off multiple times or just at the starts? I guess what I am getting at, is it worth putting damage procs or any procs for that matter in toggles snow storm/hurricane , targeted location AoE freezing rain/static field, or pets like tornado/lightning storm? its all a bit confusing and I don’t want to waste time and influence for nothing. Also Is there a way to keep T9 troller pets alive. Nothing is worse then summoning them just to die right away.
  15. Would Force Feedback chance for recharge And or Exlosive Strike chance for smashing damage work in hurricane
  16. Give pets more custom looks. Like gremlins for example. I would like just balls of Electric. Make pets a bit less squishy. Especially for controller since it is our only damage output. I would like to see pets come earlier in our careers since it would give us a little solo play when we want to
  17. Thanks
  18. Hello So I made a Electric storm controller and as you know slotting can be very difficult. I am trying to figure out what to put into storm. Should I go with procs, sets, hamios. Any help would be great
  19. Can we please get some more options in the current ancillary patron sets. I like how fire and primal give a couple attacks for controllers. I wish the other sets would also give some attacks for controllers. For example Mu master only gives one. Couldn’t you add some more attacks. I would love lightning bolt add to the set so I had a few attacks. Here is hoping
  20. Probably not the right place to post, but what I would love to see are more options in each power pool, ancilllary, and patron pools. More choice equals more creativity. Also new ancillary pools to round out character themes would be lovely too
  21. So one thing that really frustrates me with archetypes like controllers , dominators etc. Is the fact that they get some toggle powers in there set, but you know your going to get held in some way shape or form. Now I have no problem with a toggle not working while held. What I don’t like is the constant turning it off and having to keep turning it on. It’s a pain in the butt if you ask me. Can we make it so toggles while held are suppressed but don’t toggle off. Three characters I have one with conductive aura, entangling vines, and venomous gas. All are nice powers. Just don’t like getting mezed and having to turn it on over and over again. I hope that there will be a fix for this. thanks
  22. What I would love to see would be lots of Ancillary Power Pool choices across the board for all sets. I generally love to make theme characters and sometimes I don't like the options I have right now. I would love to see new powers added but also more options in each set as well. Controllers Dark Mastery Dark Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage (Negative), Foe - To Hit Night Fall - Ranged (cone), Moderate DoT (negative), Foe - To hit Dark Embrace - Self +Res (Smashing, Lethal, Negative, and Toxic) Soul Transfer - Self Rez, Special Touch of the Beyond - Fear, Foe -To Hit, Self +Regeneration, +Recovery Thorn Mastery Thorny Dart - Ranged, Moderate Damage (lethal), For - Def Fling Thorns - Close (cone), Moderate Damage (lethal), DoT (toxic), Foe - Def Thorntrops - Ranged (location AoE), Minor DoT (toxic), Foe - Speed, - Jump Nature Armor - Toggle: Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal, Energy), +Resistance (Toxic) Nature Aura - Toggle: Self +Acc, +Perception, +Recovery, +Regeneration, +Special Dominators Spore Cloud - Toggle (targeted AoE), Foe -Dam (All), -To hit, - Reg Nature Armor - Toggle: Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal, Energy), +Resistance (Toxic) Entangling Aura - Toggle, For Hold Envenom - Ranged (targeted AoE), For -Def (all), -Res (all), -Reg, -Heal Nature Aura - Toggle: Self +Acc, +Perception, +Recovery, +Regeneration, +Special
  23. I know this may sound dumb or trivial but I wish they could remove spirit tree and add something like entangling vines or thorn drops to the set. Maybe something else that fits the controller build. Spirit tree fits more nature affinity set. I also wish creepers had a lower recharge time. This will probably fall on deaf ears but one can dream, right. I love my plant toons but I wish I could just mash up my plant nature thorny troller dominator into one toon hehe
  24. Thanks for All the info.
  25. I been trying it out but worry how much I am gonna use it. I am not in melee distance nor can I survive. Should I stick with it or chose another
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