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Everything posted by Spectre7878

  1. It would be awesome if they would add more powers to both Ancillary and Patron Pools. Give players more options to round out there characters. Also make more pools. Yes we have fire, Ice, dark etc. would be cool to add ancillary pools like rad, sonic, water and what have you. Plus with ancillary pools. the powers are already in the game. I would think they be that hard to add and expand. I just like throwing out ideas. I wish i could code for the game. hehe
  2. I have always liked the Martial Assault set in Dominators. It would be awesome to have a blaster version of this set. It could be very east to port over to blasters. Make other throwing type weapons on top of shurikens. Not sure whats next on the list of new sets if any but this would be the one i would want.
  3. I open tequila and the update started but stalled and has moved. Should I close and restart?
  4. What aggravates me about name hoarding is that. I have a few 50s that I want to move from a quiet server to excelsior. That being said. All my character names are take. If people are playing the characters. Great. They have the right to keep the name. If the player is not playing the character and or not even playing the game. Then the name should be released. People should not be sitting on names if they are not playing the game anymore. Accounts should get flagged if they are not being played anymore so that players can use names.
  5. It’s not a statement on how champions game play was. It’s about how there name policy was managed. People could get the name that wanted and we wouldn’t have accounts that may or may not been active that are sitting on names that no one will be able to use ever. So the community has the right to talk about how they feel about this subject.
  6. I wanted to move some of my 50s to excelsior. But literally all my names are taken. I wish they could do what champions did and use are global name so character names weren’t a issue like this. 😕
  7. It would be amazing if we could have npc of our own characters to put in the base.
  8. Hey Can we please lower the recharge time for some of trick arrows. I feel that some of them are just to long for the pace of the game. Glue, Oil, and Emp are way to long IMO. It’s just a thought I had and hope that could be changed or fixed to make the set more usable.
  9. Can we please make thorny assault better. I love it with my plant toon but I find it kind of slow on the animations thanks
  10. Can other players hear the music
  11. I wish they would fix this power already.
  12. lower recharge on all aoe controls Merger mass confusion into confusion as one power and make it work like seeds change telekinesis into a mass lift damage and mag 3 disorient make terrify do more damage fear and immobilize if we were to get a pet. Make it a like a psionic fear monster with mind control powers and lift thats what I would kind of hope for
  13. Thanks
  14. Is there any way to us ceiling items like lights outside of base?
  15. I hope your right. As of right now it seems indomitable has numbers to still do raids itrials etc. Just still worries me.
  16. Also any chance having glass floor a front and back or make one that has both?
  17. Man. I wish there was a copy paste feature to base building. Putting items down one at a time plus rotation can be quite mind numbing. I love to base build. Just need some more tools to do them IMO.
  18. If they were to merge. It would be a huge mess. People would more the. Like lose their character names. That would be my only worry.
  19. This has me a bit worried too. Indomitable is my home to all my characters. I would hate to try and move them. So many names are gone. I like the ones I have. Plus my bases I made. I hope they keep indomitable open.
  20. Here's what I'd do with Mind: t1: Mesmerize - leave as is t2: Dominate - leave as is t3: Confuse -leave as is t4: Levitate - leave as is t5: Mass Hypnosis - lower the recharge and endurance so it can be used often. t6: Telekinesis - leave as is but no knock back, lower endurance cost and recharge time. Boom it’s like and immobilized. Or Change to Mass Levitate (targeted AoE knock up damage. t7: Total Domination - Leave as is t8: Terrify - would be nice to have them go back into fear after being attacked. t9: Mass Confusion - mind does not have a pet. I think I am ok with that. That being said. There is a few things that could go here. Make this power like world of confusion only. Lower endurance use, confusion only mag 3, larger radius. Or. Just lower the recharge to 2 minutes and call it a day.
  21. I love the ideas being put on the table. Here is a few of my thoughts for force fields 1. Personal Force Field - I feel this power is pretty good at what it does. I love standing in a mobs and not getting hit. Not sure I would really change this power. 2. Deflection Shield - I love the idea of making this a PBAoE self and ally buff. Keep the duration and recharge close together and it’s golden. 3. Force Bolt - I always thought this power should do more damage and maybe splash damage. Knockdown if possible. 4. Insulation Shield - Same as Deflection Shield. 5. Detention Field - I like detention field. Just make it so the caster can turn it off. Also lower recharge. Like how dimensional shift works. 6. Dispersion Bubble - Toggle defense and and all forms of mez protection. 7. Repulsion Field - make repulsion and force bubble one power. Small radius maybe same as dispersion field. Flat endurance. No per target endurance. Higher knockback. 8. Repulsion Bomb - Lower endurance faster animantion and recharge. More damage. 9. Implosion Field - Targeted AoE. Places a bubble around target and any foe’s inside the bubbles will get crushed as the bubble starts to shrink. Immobilized, damage.
  22. Hello All So I would like to talk about location AoE. Some ATs have one while others have five. In this game and the era we are in. Things go much faster. I can understand certain powers using this function, while others not so much. Trick Arrow has I think four that probably don’t need to be location. Same with controller pets. Does the game really need this many location AoE powers and should they be changed to target AoE instead. I wanted to see how others felt about these types of powers. Should they be changed. Should they stay the same. I feel some of the powers should be switched out of location AoE.
  23. I say just lower the animation. This power is painful slow
  24. I do hope they update these pools. I like force of will. I really just want the animation short.
  25. Any thoughts on getting updates on force of will and fighting pool. Sorcery recent updates made this pool outshine compared to the of other power pool abilities. I would really love to see some updates to these pools. The damage, recharge and or animation times need to be adjusted. fighting -more damage force of will -faster animation -more damage -recharge reduction experimentation
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