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  1. Sexy walk used to get rid of it. I don’t know if that still works.
  2. Is it possible to add a “Last On” date to the global friends?
  3. I love when that happens. Log out and back in.
  4. Back on live I made Art Deco doors by overlapping backward facing whiteboards.
  5. Base designed as an editing tool. Displays EVERY base item in current menu order. Homed on Torchbearer.
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  6. It would be fun if a rainbow randomly appeared, one zone at a time, with a (Blinky) “Pot o’ Gold” at the end, that granted a prize to whomever touched it first. Maybe 1x an hour. After they touch it the rainbow fades away. Should post in the chat as zone event like GM hunts. Bit of a scavenger hunt, bit of a race. It could be anchored to pre-existing Christmas package location. Same mechanics but a Pot of Gold instead of a box. The shooting rainbow would be the only big difference. I posted this on the Discord under Rebirth and there are more thoughts added from other players there.
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  7. This is my cheat sheet for Invention Badges. It lists the number of each type of enhancement you need to craft to achieve each groups badge. The Badge name is along the left side. Don’t judge. I am old fashioned and I like paper.
  8. So many ways to go with this. First how many names are so popular that it’s is really necessary? I have, maybe, tried 1 name that was taken. (Willy Nilly) Great name hope it’s a fun toon for you. My kids are frequently deployed for months to years at a time, so there is a good chance they will loose several of their toons. I know another player. Hasn’t been on since the first month it was back, has well over 100 50’s with great names, and someday when his kids are grown, and he gets back on, his toons will be there. I regularly shut off my xp at all different levels, some as low as 10. I also have a few “Seasonal” toons. Marion Bright is a Krampus so she is largely in hiding during the summer months. Isn’t there a better way to weed out the accounts of people who have lost interest, died, or moved on?
  9. Wish I had know that before I spent a day and 10,829,429 infl on 56 recipes that will sell for a whopping 1 to 150,00 infl each. Majority of which are looking to be about 5.
  10. Several Inventions are not crediting towards the Badges. Lvl 45-50 all but 2. Lvl 25-30 Rch/Inturrupt 35-40 Dmg/KB Lvl 15-20 Travel/Range
  11. The Echo DA Accolade is labeled as DA and does not appear until you have both zones exploration badges completed. The descriptions are different for both but both are labeled as “...every exploration badge in Dark Astoria”
  12. Thank you so much. I had popped out of the Abandoned Sewers to short cut the map and when I popped back in I had forgotten I was in the regular sewers. Spent an hour looking for access in the wrong zone. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  13. I have been to this section of the map. It is a closed off sewer line.
  14. Why was the Living Dark badge removed from the Abandoned Sewers. There are 8 exploration badges in EVERY zone except Pocket D, Kalisti, and Oroborus. When will you be putting it back and making the lab it’s own badge, like it is in bank missions? I am sorry if this is the wrong place for this.
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