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Everything posted by CloudMouse

  1. Yup - discord shows automated dev notifications triggered. hope all is ok.
  2. If an Arch/ blaster isn't doing it for you - an arch/kin corr will give you the dps you might be looking for. Archery seems to have the fastest activation times across the board so coupled with all that +recharge means you are throwing out heavy hitting lethal attacks super fast. Coupled with scourge? Super fun to play, not at all undercut but lethal resists.
  3. My farmers is at like 1950 vet levels. I've not crafted everything, because well, not interested. But I have crafted well beyond one power for each slot on that character. Mostly wanted to see what each T4 Destiny, Interface and Hybrid was like. Unless you have a TON of alts grinding constantly, and run incarnate content constantly, the lack of empyreans gets to you. I think that may be more a factor of the incarnate system UX being exhausting.
  4. Have wanted an arcane/magic/mystic etc powerset with its own mechanic since live. Co-signed!
  5. Agreed on Kin/Water as a great damage/support set, and Kin/Rad is - once slotted - incredible on end-game content. One of my favourite toons to play is a Kin/Arch Corr - scourge hits on archery are v e r y satisfying, with ranged/lethal damage doing BIG numbers and also its just friggin fast. I believe Archery has one of the fastest cast times across all sets and you once you start getting in siphon speed/power/etc you are FLYING through a very strong attack chain.
  6. Arcane (using all the mystical/magical assets already in game) - with a secondary effect of -dmg, possibly. CM
  7. Those indicate the slot, not the key bind (it's not an overlay), but is the reference item for the keybinding assignment. Interesting UX idea though...
  8. how does obliteration do this? I have a spines farmer without any oblit slotted and this 'double stack' tends to show up when on full farm maps on large teams. There is no proc/secondary effect on Oblit that produces a 'double stack' of a toggle. CM
  9. Delighted to have this problem - the Ouro portal *in* Ouro can be difficult to use during high population times. In the past this was a much rarer but still noticeable issue. Now that player numbers are consistently high it's getting hard to to move in/out of Ouro. Is it possible to change the player spawn location in the Ouro base? Could be the pool of water? Or the hosp respawners behind the main building? Or even....random player spawn assignments to one of the floating islands with a launch vent/worm hole/ice-fire crystal click port to the main ouro base? Happy to hear other thoughts on this. -CM
  10. It definitely is useful, even as a blaster epic with limited slotting and stats. That said, definitely believe it's worth revisiting allowing rest during PFF. Totally fine with it's high def numbers locking out attacks/ally buffs, imo.
  11. CloudMouse

    Newbie Help

    Dark/Dark is a great tank at high levels and once built out, completely sponge. But unless you see it past 50 with enhancement sets and incarnates, it can be tricky to manage it's endurance consumptions as its protections are toggles. I have a 50 Dark/Dark/Dark Patron - it's pretty untouchable, can jump into anything and hold aggro, or play offensively and help - but not lead - team damage. HC tanks hit a lot but they aren't *really* the high damage dealers. Brutes can get up there, damage wise, but they come with a trade off (not as survivable as tanks generally speaking). Rad/Rad can be a very good tank build. Honestly the key to trying anything out in COH is to have inspirations ready to eat, that way any stat holes the ATs create can be smoothed over a bit in combat, help you get a sense for what the build can do.
  12. If you feel like sharing, would love to know your insights on the build through DM. Thx!
  13. Anyone have thoughts on building a KM/Bio brute specifically to stack +dam self/-dam foes?
  14. on a full stack team of these it would be fantastic
  15. That's insane, sorry to hear you have been dealing with that. You are a volunteer dev and there is literally no 'blame' to place upon you. Anyone playing this game, donating or not, getting antsy about not production is being completely inappropriate. Take care of yourself first. Hope the time soon comes when you are on the other side of such insanity.
  16. As for Corr vs Def - base damage of attacks is only part of it. Corr scourge is powerful in certain situations, and mostly satisfying most of the time. Defenders on their own are only ok. But stacked together they are the only real way we get tank-mages in the game, but that is rare unless players are coordinating for that. A team of 8 emp defenders can out kill/survive anything else. But defenders are still geared for team play, and corrs benefit from team play. If you want a low level blaster that won't take dirt naps, don't play it at low levels. Even with a full stack of defense/break frees, the AT is made to be a glass cannon on it's own.
  17. Not hyperbole. The most recent changes made sents solid hitters.
  18. The ATs really do have playstyles. If you want to play without worrying too much about managing baddies, roll a tank or brute. Sure, you like ranged, but it sounds like an AT that lends itself towards putting time into learning the game systems would be helpful. If you've never taken a char all the way to 50, worked on enhancement sets, respecs and incarnates then I get your anxiety - there is A LOT to learn. But it can be learned. And, use the help/general channel in game. Player base is still mostly helpful and good natured. If you definitely want a sent, my suggestion is ice blast + regen/ninjitsu/will/invuln. Ice gives you a mix of damage/control and each of those secondaries has somethign going for it on survival. Other than regen, you've got some defense built into the powersets and at lower levels, accuracy/defense makes the most noticeable difference. But most of all, don't discount inspirations, especially defense/break frees/health. I have hundreds of chars, one of every AT maxed out on enhancement sets and incarnates, and a fine tuned fire farmer - and I still use inspirations for everything. The only time I find myself forgetting about inspirations is on a solid team. Eat the insps BEFORE you engage to stay on top, especially before you have a fully built char (even with level 50 IOs in every power and no enhancement sets). It takes time to craft a character that can play exactly like you want. Hope you'll have fun experimenting and seeing whats in the game.
  19. in the past the devs have published AT/powerset use stats, haven't seen that in a while though. I believe they have said they use that as part of their planning for which sets to adjust/proliferate.
  20. Ran a 4-star ITF last night - really tough, required lots of communication and team focus (the hostless nictus mechanic is great) and took forever, but was very fun and challenging.
  21. unless you are using /AR just for some mix of set bonuses, ATO bonuses and lite CC - which might be useful if your defender is not trying to be a blaster.
  22. Thinking about a project making builds specifically to 5/6 slot all rare enhancement sets and the two ATOs. Has anyone else tried this? Any experience? Curious what people think. CM
  23. Saw Gen Chat today that made a good point about the utility/costs of the medicine power pool, especially now that incarnates are in play. Would love to hear more ideas on how this power pool could be revamped for current game build. Medicine: Aid Other (ally heal) Injection (ally mez res/buff or foe debuff) Aid Self (self heal/buff) Field Medic (heal/activation buffs) Resuscitate (ally rez) Suggested Medicine Regeneration Beacon (aoe team +regen/+heal) Clarity Beacon (aoe team +mez clear/res) Field Medic (aoe team +absorb, self +maxhp, ally+ res) Recovery Beacon (aoe team +recov/+end) Resuscitate (ally rez) Hope to hear more suggestions. CM
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