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TheZag last won the day on June 21 2023

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  1. Im aware that the individual kill xp and inf in AE are less than their regular mission counterparts but AE xp and inf -->per hour<-- exceeds city mission play by a fair amount. AE has large maps with lots of mobs that are tailored to be weak against a singular defense and resist stat. It lets players overtune their damage at the expense of unneeded defenses and replay missions with no city travel time. You also always get a 'good' map for farming instead of any of the maze-like cave and office maps that leave a few enemies hiding in some corner. It isnt likely that the devs would make the fastest way to aquire xp and inf even more so.
  2. Here is some leaked beta footage of dual carp and titan carp.
  3. I posted a few EoE for 30 million each with this bug. They still havent sold.
  4. I think he means the enhancement that was already in that slot got destroyed.
  5. I know that story too. The guy reported the bug that all his slots can be put into 1 power in squid form. The devs gave him 2 billion influence and basically said 'go nuts'. Then he 1 shotted hami and the devs fixed the bug.
  6. Its been fixed in my experience. I managed to get my full villain into skyway city several months ago and it immediately booted me to mercy island. Unless the bug was getting around that alignment check, that is. Another fun but patched bug was when players went to a pvp zone and used confuse powers on each other. Upon returning to atlas, they were still confused and kept casting confuse on themselves and their friends. They coordinated this effort with a costume contest and slaughtered everyone in atlas park since they were under the confuse effect. It was hotfix patched that same day where changing zones will remove your debuffs.
  7. So you want a power that does absolutely nothing except slot enhancements so you can avoid choosing a power that is used for absolutely nothing except for slotting enhancements ?
  8. The other primaries got updated (buffed) to bring them closer to the performance level that beasts, demons and thugs already had. That doesnt mean these 3 will never be updated, but i wouldnt expect anything soon and have them skyrocket past the performance of bots, ninjas, mercs, and necro again.
  9. Its because the cone starts as the literal point of a triangle at your character and grows from there. If it were possible for the origin of the cone to start at 2 feet wide on your character and end at its current range, it would make hitting those 3 close targets more consistent and less frustrating while adding very little square footage to the overall size of the cone. Having to take 2 steps back to get enemies in range isnt the best design if the cone shapes can be adjusted (im not sure if they can be changed).
  10. Players that can solo +4x8 should be the exception, not the rule. When a single player can solo the hardest setting it makes the other 7 people on a team pointless. Having teams be pointless is bad design for a team game. And im saying this as a player who builds almost all of my characters to be nearly unkillable. Players are certainly welcome to solo but shouldnt expect to do well when difficulty is set to more than default. The fact that so many of us can and do solo at maximum settings contributes to the idea that everyone should be able to. This leads to +4×8 being the standard setting and each lower setting being easier and easier mode with some people getting frustrated when they struggle on anything less than maximum settings. Unfortunately, the balance changes that would need to occur to prevent players from soloing max difficulty would be rather significant. Hard mode TFs have made an attempt at preventing players from soloing the hardest difficulty and have been mostly successful in that regard in my opinion. But the problem still remains how to balance around a 3k hp, defense and resist capped tank and 900 hp MM both on the same team fighting the same enemies where it is a challenge for both without 1 shotting the MM every few seconds or making the tank quite literally unkillable.
  11. Merit rewards are already based on the fastest clear times of a task force or trial. Just take a look at cavern of transcendence and its paltry reward when most teams took over 30 minutes and speed runners were finishing in less than 6 minutes. I dont know how much clear time data the team collects but it isnt none. One of the GMs even mentioned how many attempts and successes there were of the original Master of LRSF on torchbearer (in game) the day it came out (its not clear times but still data collection). Getting data released is probably the most difficult hurdle. Im pretty confident that there would be spikes at speedrun, kill all and 'regular' teams even with the differences in team composition, gear and skill spread throughout.
  12. I liked my bots better before their revamp. I also didnt consider them bad.
  13. The MM primaries that got a rework received them because of how bad they were performing. Im not saying beasts, demons and thugs will never be reworked, but they were far ahead of ninjas, mercs, necro and bots before their updates.
  14. I have a dominator. I hate the rainbow effect. I do not play my dominator.
  15. I agree with the reasons for the original implementation of NoPhase, but its highly debatable that the tiny buff icons are a usable indicator for when a power is usable again. Buff icons dont have a time remaining number or change in size as their duration completes. They can start flashing when about to expire but that is unreliable at best as buff icons bounce around constantly in combat. We have timed toggles now so NoPhase isnt needed to drop an individual toggle but it may still be needed to prevent the activation of a second phase power. Having a recharged ability but with remaining cooldown through the lockout period of a temporary power that is granted and then later revoked and doesnt display that cooldown period in a way consistent with every other power in the game is kinda janky. (And if that sentence was word salad, I'd say it represents the current state of implementation accurately). Yes, hibernate isnt that critical most of the time, but we are playing a game where cooldowns are king. Have the icon grow at the speed of the NoPhase timer or slap its timer on the icon but dont leave a recharged power that isnt 'recharged' with a hardly usable indicator for when its ready.
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