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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. I would enjoy an option for a real meyhem/safeguard mission with players on both sides.  Some of it looks like it would depend on people being online for the arch enemy thing to work though.  And just dumping players on both sides wont work for the current versions of the missions,  it would need some amount of rebalancing.


    Base pvp on the other hand doesnt work anymore.  Not that they want it or dont,  it actually doesnt work anymore.  The pathing beacons were a huge source of base lag and were removed from super bases so they could become more then just a few square rooms with hardly any design elements.  Pets cant path find in super bases anymore.  Summon a pet on your MM, controller or dominator and they just stand around.  They wont follow you.  And more then just those 3 types have pets.  Storm summoning tornado,  voltaic sentinel,  lore pets,  patron pets - all cant path find.  Base pvp will probably never come back for current super bases.


    Your best bet for base pvp is to convince the devs to implement a second base for SGs that is built with pvp compliant rules and contain pathing beacons.  They would be ye olde thyme designs with square rooms and the bare essentials in design.

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  2. 18 hours ago, BrandX said:


    When was that originally intended?  I don't recall reading that on live, when they put Ms Liberty there.  Though, I'm surprised they didn't just replace that TF, like they did Sister Psyche's TF, when they killed off Statesman.


    Would take some major digging to find some record of it.  Not so much that he was intended for it but he was the first pick.  And ms liberty was ultimately chosen for her connections to statesman and recluse.


    I wouldnt mind him in boomtown either but the zone needs a few contacts and missions to give players a reason to be there.  Maybe construction crews uncovered items of importance in the rubble and villian groups from all over converge on the zone to claim them as their own. 

  3. Dont log in because you think you have to.  Sometimes i would be about to play some other game and logged in to CoH first to make sure i wasnt missing anything.  Then i stand around for 20 minutes to make sure i dont miss a friend logging on.  And in reality i just missed what i was going to do originally.


    Ive worked on actually doing other stuff when i want to do other stuff and not logging in to stand around for 20 minutes.  Ive managed a playthrough of dark cloud 2 and i fired up rogue galaxy now on my PS2.


    For sure take a break if you need a break.  If you just come for the mothership raid,  we will see you there.  If its an extended break then say wassup when you get back.  If its a permanent break then we had some good times and you would be missed.  But i would recommend trying some of the advice so far in this thread before making a permanent decision.

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  4. They have this on world of tanks,  its not my favorite feature.  And even with only positive choices,  people will use no selection as their negative option.  Combine that with others who just close it right away and you will have people wondering what they did wrong to receive no up votes.


    It doesnt solve anything and has potential to cause a few problems so im not on board with this one.  But with that said,  i wish it could work but it just never does.

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  5. file it under a typo.  the set still properly gives the stats of an orange set and i dont think anyone has the ability to ever have 2 sniper powers.  so in reality it is only possible to ever slot just 1 of these enhancement sets.  i could be wrong on nobody can get 2 sniper powers though

  6. Im just thinking you would have an increased likelyhood of success by advocating for changes with systems that already exist in game.  Sure repel exists,  but not repel that only repels if the target was first in range of a repel that didnt repel but instead added a different flag that allows you to be repelled by future repels.   But im not a programmer so maybe thats easier then having the menu behave the same way as the red side ferries.

  7. I think a repel field will get more complaints then a clogged portal.  People that load slow may get repelled as soon as they gain control of their character.  Someone may have been just inside the repel radius and when they move to click the portal they get pushed away.  If the window is already open does it still repel you?  Would a bunch of afk people with open windows just continue to clog the portal anyway?


    Its also worth mentioning that this is kinda a server specific problem.  We rarely form itrials in ouro anymore.  Our server forms up in pocket D or dark astoria most of the time.


    For 1 more potential solution in addition to the blue side tram version and the red side ferry version is to have a second exit portal.  Everyone can zone in at 1 portal and the exit menu pops up immediately for those that want to leave right away.  Moving away closes the menu.  And for all those afk and itrial members that cant be bothered to move a few feet,  there is a second exit for players to use.

  8. I used to have a similar issue with windows moving around.  Putting the windows in their correct place and then using save and then load windows in options worked for me.


    Just hitting save windows didnt seem to do the trick.  I had to save and then load windows before they stopped moving around.

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  9. Back on live i had 2 level 50 characters at the time of the regen nerf.  It was a spines/regen scrapper.  I tried for about a week and then deleted the character.  A level 50 was a big deal for me at the time but he sucked so bad after the nerf.


    I know some people have found ways to make regen work but its not for me.  Im working on a /willpower brute now and rise to the challenge looks promising.  At least its a toggle for regen.

  10. The fix for players getting locked out of a MSR was already implemented.  You might not like the fix or use the fix but its there.  Drop from an instanced MSR,  go turn off group fly and get reinvited.  You dont even have leave pocket-D to get invited,  it teleports you back.  Even better,  long range teleport to pocket-D from inside the instanced MSR,  talk to null and get invited will teleport you back. 


    Thats literally less than 1 minute.  I cant support adding null to everywhere because players refuse to use systems already in place.  And the instanced MSR is amazing compared to the zone version.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, Greycat said:


    I'm ... reasonably sure it is. I've tried to rez someone and had the power not go off, because someone else has already tried. (Edit - just tried right then, that is.)  (Then had it work and not rez because that timer expired and they're still afk or dc'd.)


    Im generally on the receiving end of rezzes since i mostly play melee.  The first person rezzes me and before i can accept another person does as well.  But all i can say for sure is that the second animation plays.  I dont know if it goes on cooldown.  I always assumed that it did though and the rez was wasted.

  12. You should still be able to purchase training origin from the auction house and supergroup base enhancement vendors.  Possibly from some normal vendors as well if you turn on show all enhancements for sale.


    I still have my manual but i may have to dig a bit to find it again.  I put away my game boxes.

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