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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Every time the game needs a random number the devs call me up and i pull one out of a hat and tell them.  I cut 95 through 100 from a bigger piece of paper so they get pulled more often.


    But RNG can be broken more easily then you think.  Final Fantasy 10 on PS2 has 32 million random seeds that determine how much damage each weapon swing does and what monsters attack and drops and all things random (obviously).  The HD re-release of FFX only has 256 random seeds.  The game still feels just as random as the original but you only get 1 of 256 pre determined games when you fire up a new file.


    I doubt that is the case with city of heroes RNG and there has been plenty of testing so we can be reasonably confident that our 95% accuracy is as close to an actual random 95% as possible.

  2. Chatting with a GM once and while he didnt say specifically that out of bounds would be left in,  he did say they are probably low priority if players arent exploiting anything.  Like the one in the hive got closed up when someone was using incan out of bounds during a hami fight.

  3. There is a few holes and some of them dont work.  If your teleport circle is red inside the hole then it doesnt work.  Should be a different hole that has the teleport circle white but without fly you cant really get anywhere since most of the area outside is invalid for teleport.

  4. I dont think hasten is supposed to affect rune of protection so that may be a bug.  But you arent being penalized when hasten expires.  The remaining cooldown shows as if your current buffs last the whole time so its showing the buffed cooldown.  When hasten expires it returns to the original cooldown time minus whatever hasten saved during the time it was active.  All powers that hasten effects on cooldown have their recharge 'increase' because your character just lost 70% recharge speed.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Diantane said:

    Another question about AE Farms. I have double checked on my character to not solo bosses, yet there are always bosses on the farm. They slow it down. If there some way to eliminate them?


    If you have no bosses and no AV turned on then that map probably has elite bosses as part of it.  No bosses turns boss rank mobs into LTs and turns elite bosses into boss rank.  You will have to choose a different map with no elite bosses in the spawns.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Diantane said:

    Before making this Spines/fire brute I never had the drive to go much further than around 40. But now that I have done what I'm been doing the last couple days by jumping into a large mob (like 20 of them) without being a dedicated alpha tank, and within 20 seconds most of them being dead, I'm pretty fired up and looking forward to see just what else this AT is capable of. Not just looking at 50 being a goal, but what lurks beyond this point.


    Now I had looted many yellow and orange recipes, but have no idea if any are keepers or not. (as I have never used one before).  Didn't want to sell any to a vendor so when they filled up my available space, I switched over to tickets (no idea what they are for yet, but there must be a reason they are there).


    When you reach 50 my guess is that the x2 xp buffs I'm using become worthless or are they still used for gaining something else? You say at 50 I would be rolling in influence. Can't figure out how. It couldn't be the little influence you get from killing mobs is it? Remember on LIVE the trouble I was having being able to afford SO's from the low influence you received as loot. Had the same trouble when I first came to Homecoming, but someone told me about selling enhancement boosters. Course that only helps to buy up to level 40 SO's with some extra change.


    Have little experience doing task forces. Did Positron 1 & 2 one morning, but don't remember what the reward was (except maybe a badge). But now that I have a character that impresses me this much, I will look into doing more after I get to 50 in a few days.


    How do you attune an enhancement?


    When you get to 50 the 2x automatically turns off and you start earning influence.  Influence from mobs starts to add up very quickly.  Farmers will measure influence earned in terms of millions per map or millions per hour.  LvL 50 white recipie drops sell to the vendor for 70-100k if you dont need to craft them.  Selling white recipies on the AH is usually less profitable then vendoring them.  Orange salvage is valuable as well,  prices fluctuate but a sale for 500k is easy.  A purple recipe will sell for 15 million easily.


    My personal recommendation is to put the yellow and orange recipies on the AH to earn some inf now and buy set enhancements later once you get some income generation.  Even if you just stick them in the AH for 'storage' and dont sell them so you can get new recipe drops.


    You only attune set enhancements with enhancement catalysts and it is done by slotting the enhancement into a power and then clicking that power to go to the combine screen.  Then click that enhancement and choose catalyst from the top left.  They are available from the merit vendor or AH.  You can also purchase attuned enhancements directly from the AH,  their prices are shared with the non-attuned versions.

  7. 9 hours ago, SuggestorK said:

    Pocket D upper area for sure counts as such (it has a bartender), if Pocket D counts as "in" Paragon City is debateable though 😉 .


    Pocket D is inside the globe that atlas is holding.  And inside the globe in warburg.  And inside the middle reactor in neutropolis.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Diantane said:


    Well right before you posted this info I upgraded my SO's to level 40 😞 Should I make common 45 IO's at 42 or wait until the 50's. No way can I afford sets (even level 50 recipes might be out of my reach, but I can do some of them and work up to the rest).


    On a budget you could slot lvl 35 and wait till you have enough money to upgrade to lvl 50 common IOs.  You can still slot any crafted IO even if you are more then 3 levels above.  As glacier peak suggested,  if you never sent yomo kimyata an ingame email for starter cash then you can do that and get 20 million.  I think his ingame global is @yomo.  


    Sometimes its more expensive to craft common IOs.  There are people working on crafting badges that make them and dump them on the AH for a loss in order to get badges.  If you put up some reasonable bids you can probably get several at a good discount after a few hours.


    Also 2 lvl 50 common IOs are as good as 3 SOs so dont over purchase level 50s or you get hit with diminishing returns.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. Past road bumps aside,  this thread seems genuine with information being given and received.


    Back to common IOs as shown in the pictures above from ukase,  the level 25 ones are just barely weaker then SOs.  The level 30 ones are just barely better then SOs and the lvl 35 ones are clearly better if you arent going +3 of your level. The level 40 ones are always better then a SO.


    Buying common IO recipies and crafting them yourself could potentially be cheaper than upgrading your SOs.  Even buying already crafted lvl 35 or 40 common IOs is probably cheaper then upgrading SOs twice.  IO bonuses dont diminish when you outlevel them so the savings are huge after the initial purchase.

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  10. He has more than 1 account.  I cant say for sure now but he did monitor that one while he was playing on torch and send tells.   Their chat channel was 'sovereign' it probably still is and i think you can join the channel without an invite.  When i was new and settled on a powerset and made a mids build he gave me inf to fund the build.  They left torch for the higher population excel but i stayed behind with my other friends.

  11. I wonder if its possible for a npc to use the player version of follow.  Talking to an escorted npc could switch them from AI pathing mode to the run towards the follow target and ignore everything else mode that players have.  Then it could be possible to 'force' them down or up the stairs.  Even if it reverted to AI pathing after 10 or 20 seconds it would save loads of frustration on more than just this mission.

  12. Are u a rogue perhaps?  I need to wait till i get home to check if mine is wrong too but i thought it was still correct this last patch.


    Not that it should be messed up if u were a rogue,  just that if we can narrow it down then its easier for the devs if they have time to address it.

  13. 5 hours ago, Akisan said:

    Would definitely be fun to have a toon with 2 different pom-pom colors (and use them alternately).  While we're on that subject though - left-/right-/random- (ambidextrous) handed options for a lot of the weapon / one-handed attacks would be great to have.  You can sort of fake being left-handed with certain sets (like dual blades, just put the big sword on the left), but most (all?) attacks have right-handed animations/stances. 


    I wonder if its possible to mirror a character to create left handedness.  Some chest emblems and emotes with text would need to be excluded from mirroring so they arent backwards though.  Of course im thinking something like mirror mode in mario kart or how the wii version of the legend of zelda: twilight princess were mirrored.  But that flips the entire game and not just specifically flagged characters.  If it were possible then a version of ambidextrous would be possible as well by swapping costumes.

    • Like 1
  14. I saw u mention it but generally the first thing i say for a bug report with mods running is to disable mods and verify.  I updated the map mod once while the game was running and that caused some markers to disappear.  Took me a bit to figure out what i did.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. 18 minutes ago, Linea said:

    Try duoing 801 +4x8 at 801.7 or above,


    I forget which one it was that we tried to duo.  We killed 1 of the elite bosses and that was it,  i died every time after that without killing another.  I maybe could have done better if i built specifically for it but his builds are hami tank, aoe damage, and general tanking.

  16. To clarify the reason for this project a bit - i already have some tanks and brutes that are uber leetsauce pwnzor omgbbq never die, never need heals.  And my friend that likes to heal and says its boring when im tanking.  So im trying this to see if i can allow a little chaos into the tanking to add a bit of excitement to the groups.  It may end up being too chaotic but using a scrapper instead will probably be too easy.

    • Haha 1
  17. I dont think it was on that mids build but the plan is to take the melee hybrid with taunt aura,  the 120 second duration barrier destiny and the interface with -5% damage or -5% to hit,  whichever i feel is performing better after trying both out.


    The defenses will be over 45% but not by much and the resists dont really kick in till 40% hp so its mainly evading almost every attack and healing up when i do get hit.  There are several power transfer: chance to heal in addition to the slotting that i usually do in health and stamina.

  18. Im only aware of it being against the rules if the shard has 1500 accounts logged in.  Then multibox accounts need to be logged off.  Assuming of course that a player is using multiple accounts to begin with in order to leave one sitting around all the time.

  19. Freeing up 10 slots would make it almost trivial to make a extremely powerful toon.  I dont think the fix for super reflexes softcapping by level 20 is to make it possible by lvl 14.  Yes this is an exaggeration.


    If sets are being reworked to have less useless powers and new sets are having less skippable powers then the player should be more powerful from those good powers and not need 6 piece bonuses combined down into 4 or 5.


    Im pretty sure almost every set has powers that can be skipped and still have enough to make a continuous attack chain.  I dont really need my small blast, medium blast, big blast,  cone, ranged aoe, pbaoe, the other big blast and the snipe to make an attack chain.  I could take all those powers and slot them all and maybe they are all good and i dont want to skip any.  But when i want an extra power pick or more slots then its time to choose what i dont really need in order to get something else.  If it becomes possible for every character to have all the things then there arent many choices left on how to build a character,  just if the money was spent to max them out or not. 

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