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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. 16 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    It might have been in one of Avernal's excellent bind guides that were published early this year. I think this guide is where it is discussed the most. It's not the exact same implementation, but pretty close.


    Thats the one.  I knew i read someone actually mentioning the functionality.


    Still all props to those that found it on their own.  Binds and macros would be better served if there was an ingame list of all the valid commands.  Then useful commands like this wouldnt go relatively unknown for such a long period of time.

  2. I wanted to bring some visualization to the interior layout so i made a minimap of what it could possibly look like.  this layout is actually meant to work with mostly existing rooms that would get their objects swapped out but mostly be in the correct layout.  the profile is intended to roughly follow the shape of the actual mothership in game.  please forgive my artistic skills,  i didnt have time to build it to scale or to paint it. (i made a nicer one,  its still not to scale or painted 😄)


    room 1 is recycled from the reactor room from the terra volta power plant.  the circle around room 1 is the hallway that leads to the reactor room but continued to make a full circle

    room 1 is meant to be the command room and the entrances are locked until several security terminals are overridden,  possibly in each of room 2

    room 2 is the entrance room from the terra volta power plant.  the majority of the map is 3 terra volta respec maps rotated to make the circle hallway continuous with a single reactor room in the center.

    room 3 is a custom room that i couldnt find a good substitute for in game part of the curved tunnel section from the praetorian undergroundthere are 6 of them so its really only 1 new room that is mirrored for each side. these are the rooms where each of the objectives would be.  hallways could be blocked and added to connect them together for a larger objective or deny access from a particular 'room 2'.  




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  3. 4 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    and that you crater your reward potential.


    In the instanced version you get vanguard merits no matter your distance or team so you dont miss out on merits while you are away pulling.


    7 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    (very slowly)


    Yes they are slow as molasses in the snow.  Somebody give them swift or sprint please =D

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  4. 49 minutes ago, wjrasmussen said:

    I am throwing hand grenades and folding space!

    But seriously, pulling can be fun.


    I just wish someone would do a clarion on the last pylon as I am tried of seeing people in the raid dying when setting the bombs.


    @Apparition says wait after pylon 1 is down for buffs and 1/2 of the raid flies off anyway

  5. 1 hour ago, Tiger Shadow said:

    All of you who think an MSR is just clicking heals and AoE's need to roll a tanker/brute and come do some pulling.


    i was gonna reply that i usually bring a tank so i have more to do


    30 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    So they bring a Brute or Tanker


    talking about me right there

  6. 13 minutes ago, Jiro Ito said:

    Would love to see it and run it.  Successful completion triggers a Rikti invasion event?


    The rikti do get pissed enough to invade when u blow up their portal thats under the ship.  I wouldnt say that its necessary as the current MSR doesnt trigger one but if it did you would already have a league in place to deal with it.


    Plus i would first add an AV or GM to the rikti invasion after enough elite bosses are defeated and add a badge for that monster and 1 more badge.


    Insult to Injury - defeat the rikti invasion GM within (however long an invasion lasts) minutes of triggering one through the MSR Trial.   Basically meaning go to the invasion that is triggered and kill the GM/AV.  Not some weird speed thing,  more of a clean up your mess thing 🙂

  7. 1 hour ago, BZRKR said:

    Cool idea with cool badges!


    One question, in your vision of this expansion, what happens if the bowl collapses? Does part of the league need to "hold the beachhead" or can everyone run hyena style through the ship? 


       -the short answer-

    My intent was for this to be an optional add-on for players.  That would mean everyone could ignore the interior or all go in with no penalty for abandoning the bowl.


       -the long answer-

    Would probably need to split the MSR into 'MSR Classic' and 'MSR Trial' for this answer.


    If i was going with a full blown trial then there would need to be several changes to make it flow better.  It still wouldnt require leaving anyone in the bowl.  I would reduce the number of pylons or reduce their HP,  remove the timer,  and have the interior open when the GM is defeated.  Or at most 5 minutes in the bowl,  similar to 5 minutes inside Mot in the DD trial.  At that point the exterior is 'secure'. 


    Each objective inside the ship would would have some sort of boss guarding it and the entire area would receive buffs depending on what hasnt been destroyed.


    Armory - enemies do more damage

    Barracks - steady stream of reinforcements

    Supply room - players get a temp power that helps.  Perhaps psionic resist or something to use against the commander

    Engine/generator - enemies take less damage until their portable shield unit loses its wireless power source.  Also the main lights would turn off and you get to battle night time glowing rikti.


    The final boss would be 'The Really Hard Way' hard if you skip all the objectives and leave his buffs in place.  He would also have additional abilities that are removed if objectives are bombed.  No ammo for his ultimate attack for example.  Skipped bosses should also come to their commanders aid during the final fight.  This is the Path to Destruction badge after all.


    A full change into a trial would also require some changes to the badges because i kept them in the theme of the existing badges that take 10 raids to earn. For now ill leave that alone but add these to an actual trial.


    Home Warming - defeat all the sub bosses simultaneously in their respective rooms (within a few seconds of each other). 


    Death Wish - Skip all objectives and defeat the commander before defeating the sub bosses that came to aid him. (They still have all buffs since no objectives were destroyed and you dont have the temp power that makes it easier)


    Edit:  All these extra bosses wouldnt be part of the smaller MSR expansion.  That was just meant for a total trial revamp.  Just bombing the objectives and battling the commander are meant for the initial post i made.



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  8. 9 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Maybe for the instanced raid.


    I didnt mention it,  but i did feel this would probably just be for the instanced version.  The zone doesnt need more stuff to lag it out even more.  Also that it would still be totally fine to ignore the interior even on an instanced run.

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  9. Edit: i ended up doing a trial revamp post as well.  Scroll down to my next huge post to check that out.


      The mothership raid is really fun.  Nothing says welcome to earth better than boarding the alien ship and killing its defenders for 30 minutes.


    But thats all there is.  Killing aliens on the roof of their ship for 30 minutes (yes there is the drop ship too).


    We get to see a portion of the underside of the ship at the end of the Lady Grey Taskforce but we never get to go inside.  I know there is some alien tech just begging to get blown up in there.


    My suggestion is to add a chance to assault the ship interior.  Perhaps once a certain amount of rikti are defeated or an amount of time has elapsed that a teleport to the inside becomes active.  The entrance should be away from the 'bowl' so raids can stay topside if they choose.


    Im thinking that the engine room/generator,  supply room,  armory,  barracks,  and command deck could be potential targets.  The halls and rooms of the ship would be guarded by the toughest rikti.  Perhaps some terra volta revenge by taking out their generator.  Bombing several key points would open access to the command area where another GM awaits.  On defeat the GM would need to teleport away Captain Castillo style to fight another day.  Perhaps rooms could be skipped as well but the boss receives buffs for each area that wasnt hit.


    Badges,  i have to suggest some but if there werent any thats fine.  I just want to blow up their stuff.  These would be league wide for credit.


    Set Up Us The Bomb - bomb the genetator room X times

    All Your Base - bomb all objectives in one run

    Chance to Survive - the command room leader escapes on defeat X times

    Make Your Time - finish the interior portion of the ship in less than X minutes

    Path to Destruction - skip all objectives that remove buffs from the commander and defeat the commander

    Master of Mothership Raid - complete all other badges.



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  10. 3 hours ago, Troo said:


    Makes sense.

    Do you know for sure that's the case here? I don't. If someone was able to point to the answer that would be great.


    If folks thought a thing should work and it didn't, it would make sense to ask, wouldn't it?


    There are a number of fixes related to the latest changes that we'll see down the road.. 




    I dont know for sure why.  But i do know that it takes more code to do more things and that means more chances for things to get broken.


    Reminds me of a problem with a actual medical radiation device.  Somewhere in its program there was an extra 's'.  The machine worked fine for quite awhile but 1 time it gave a major overdose of radiation.  Turns out that single extra character caused it.

  11. Sometimes everything cant be awarded retroactively.  Adding a bunch of checks for old badges in addition to the actual targets to award new badges.  Thats where all the spaghetti code the devs have to fight with comes from.


    Its like thanks for the new stuff but i dont want to do it,  just give me the reward.

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