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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. Looks like a well thought out and presented proposal but i wouldnt change it to a +def +res set.


    We have some heavy healing sets with empathy and pain.


    We have heal/debuff with dark and radiation.


    We have defense and resist with thermal and cold.  Maybe sonic too,  i never used it, it might be just resist.


    So we have defense bubbles with resist already but they are fire or ice.  Giving it that defense debuff resistance along with absorb with some of your proposed changes would go a long way in making the set unique and useful.  Basically i like the changes that make it different and not the ones that make it the same as other sets. 

  2. Is the vanguard jetpack costume option an actual jetpack anywhere?  Probably slap that in the vanguard merit vendor.


    And for those that want jetpacks available sooner in RWZ i say join vanguard if you want vanguard to offer you a jetpack.


    And nobody had to refresh their 2x experience.  They chose to leave the zone at the risk of losing their spot.  Experience booster isnt required to raid the ship.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I miss shadow maul on the skulls.  Maybe a few individual mobs are overtuned but since SOs were made available at level 2 its making it difficult for me to support most of the nerf low level mob requests.  I only have trouble when i get attuned enhancements really early since their values are so low or when i dont slot enhancements at all.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, tidge said:

    Last night I was playing with a "not good" AT. I realized it was because I didn't spend enough Inf on my Enhancements. All my existing enhancements were trashed and I put in all new bids for replacement Enhancements at 10x market prices, and now I have over 300 Alphas! The mistake I made was not spending MOAR on PRIMO Enhancements.


    -This message brought to you by the Guild of EbilTM Marketeers. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Spokesmen may have been compensated for their endorsements.


    Now i understand why someone would buy a lvl 53 cytoskeleton for 600 million.  They are more powerful and i am more richer.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. 3 hours ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    I believe the root of the issue is less with the content existing, but rather its targeted nature, @TheZag.


    I have an example to give, but with the rules on these forums I'm unsure if it will be deemed acceptable.

    So . . . next best thing (maybe), an analogy:  

    Imagine if you* select a particular costume piece that you personally like.  It's the sort of costume piece that makes you feel good about yourself.

    And while you're playing, you come across a Contact in the game which is flagged to give you different dialogue while your character has that costume piece on.

    This dialogue is technically still within the ESRB rating criteria from over ten years ago, but it goes in to detail about how much you suck for being incapable of wanting to wear something else.  --- Specifically using words which real-life people have used to insult you personally in the past. --- (This is the key part.)

    Every other player gets a version of dialogue from this Contact which feeds in to a healthy, encouraging power-fantasy for them.


    How would that make you feel?

    Would you consider it fair?


    (* this is the "Any You," not anyone specifically)


    I try to not sound cold and i do get your example and that nothing was aimed at me.


    But for me when a NPC says something,  its to my character,  not me.  They throw out all the insults and degrading comments (pretty much not this game) and i dont get personally offended because they arent real.  A player behind a keyboard does the same thing and thats totally different.


    There are others who feel differently or we wouldnt be having this conversation.  And then i try to not sound uncaring when i say we shouldnt make changes because a few were offended over the 15 years of city of villians.  We could probably find someone that is offended by almost anything.  A player may have had a crime against a family member or themself and a mission reminds them of it.  I feel it would be detrimental to the game if a change were made each time an individual were offended.

    • Like 5
  6. The game was rated teen during its retail run.  Taken from the ESRB website the 'Teen' rating "May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language"


    Im gonna have to be a no on this one.  Even though we are on private servers and the ESRB doesnt have a current rating on the game,  the content and dialogue still falls well within the teen rating in my opinion.  The login screen still has the teen rating with suggestive themes/violence.  We know what we ate getting every time we log in.


    Edit: i should clarify before this goes sideways since we are on fragile ground.  Im a no on changing the contacts dialogue.  The suggestion of tossing a disclaimer to the start is fine with me.  Let the players know what they are about to get and make their own decision to proceed or avoid.

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  7. Im just not getting the feeling that an all powerful gull would be available at the players whim.  He sits on the truck in Pocket D because he chooses to.


    He does offer some great functionality and shortcuts in alignment changes but he didnt exist on the retail servers.  We used to be happy walking but then they gave us a bicycle and now we want a car instead.

    • Like 1
  8. The thread to ticket rate is terrible even if i dont plan to use it.  


    The ticket cap i believe was in place to deter farming them back on the retail servers,  in addidion to many of the other anti-farming things that the original game devs did.  AE wasnt even supposed to give any xp.


    Many of those actions are behind us now and im not sure the ticket cap per mission was ever considered.  If its still in place for some reason then i guess thats fine.  But if its a relic of the past that has been overlooked and negatively imbalanced then perhaps its time to consider its adjustment or removal.

  9. When you dont finish an in progress arc the contact stays active even if you are between missions.  The active arc even counts towards your mission total when you are between missions.  Occasionally in help chat someone will ask why wont their contact give missions and the first thing i ask is 'do you have a bunch (7 i think) of uncompleted story arcs from old contacts?'  The answer tends to be yes and completing a -15 arc gets the missions flowing from new contacts.


    @Erinyx it may be worth checking if that character has 1 less mission slot after you finish praetoria

  10. Without consideration that the costume pieces and many animations would all need rework.  


    -overweight people

    -dwarf people (actual short arms/legs/torso,  not a tiny character model)

    -average build people.  Not all my heroes hit the gym or buffet for 12 hours a day.

    -4 arms.  I need a gun, a sword, a wand, and a fist all hitting the enemy at the same time.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, Herah said:

    @TheZag You can't say that you haven't run it by now.


    I like to run this one for fun and to farm for the Volcanic badge for folks. Before you'd have to run it at least 4 times to get them all so I am more than happy with everyone being able to get the badge on one run.


    Not sure if or when this alteration to the mob spawns changed but when I did a few runs on Monday we did eventually exhaust the spawns at some point. And then the last kill gave most folks that last one for the badge. 


    And yeah, I know, I'm terrible at reading patch notes. I like it to be a surprise, like the weather. But I LUV the mini map now being available. Did Zag tell ya? I told him to. 😁


    The spawn was changed this last patch and i hadnt ran it this page till that run with you 2 days ago.  And i got the badge about 2/3 through the run.  There were plenty of bosses.

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