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  1. You got a build for a katana/rad scrapper?
  2. Which would deal more dmg, water corr or water blaster?
  3. I wanted to try rad out either on blasters or corrs..but I have no idea on which AT it works best
  4. How does rad do compared other fire/ice?
  5. Rolled a katana/rad scrapper in the end
  6. Any kind soul willing to help? Please?
  7. Any builds you could shade for that water/temp?? I have one that needs a build to compare..if you are ok with sharing
  8. Sadly I didn't find anything worth my tastes..i wanted to include in my build Meltdown and Ground zero..i tried to make a build but i end up with only 40%melee, 26 ranged and 23% aoe defense..not sure if it's good anyway or not x.x
  9. Any updates on katana/rad build? Any final version?
  10. You got a build for that you could share?
  11. Any builds for that water/storm corr?? I am interested in both powers!!
  12. Makes me want to build one
  13. And what can one do with that combo?
  14. Sorry guys im new to the fire/kin club..anyone care to explain which among the mentioned builds is best for endgame only content? Possibly fire farms too?? Thanks do much!
  15. How is the dmg of DP on sentinels compared to the dmg on blasters/corrs?
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