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Everything posted by Mikazuki

  1. How did i never see that channel before, youtube has failed me.
  2. And as a side comment to all potential healers: Defenders can now use Pain Dom! And that's nothing short of amazing. The sets are extremely similar, compared to empaths they lose 10-15% in pure numbers healing-wise, their fortitude is a bit weaker and does a resistance buff instead of a defense buff( which may be more or less effective depending on the target being buffed), their AB does +damage instead of +recharge. They drop healing aura for a toggle that heals nearby allies for a small amount periodically(overall very similar). But: They lose recovery aura(which gets pointless at incarnate levels with everyone in your team spamming ageless) and get Anguishing Cry, that is a massive -37.5% defense(that can go up to -60% and higher depending on slotting/sets/incarnate) and -30% resistance debuff AoE So yeah, I'm loving i25 and things like Pain Defenders and /rad masterminds lol. And the tl;dr here is: city of heroes has a lot to offer, look into other builds, you might find amazing things there.
  3. No one ever said heals are bad :v But you can heal -and- at the very least help Debuff with /sonic /rad /dark etc Grab a few powers, slot them, help Debuff, things die faster and in turn things last less. Nothing other than that is being said here lol Sidenote: a well played emp/sonic is one of the best things ever for incarnate content
  4. I'm setting up teams every day for tasks forces, missions, anything. And i'm not picky, i try to take anything and everything and make it work as long as the overall team is properly balanced. My only pet peeve is: The so called "Pure Support Empath" Dont take me wrong, i have no issues with empaths, sensible ones. The ones that irk me are the ones that take NO powers on their secondary power set aside from the lv1 power you are forced to take, and have nothing but empathy, leadership, teleport powers and so on. If this was a roleplay choice i'd be fine with it, non-violent type that only wants to help his team and everything, but somehow certain players have this belief that pure support is the only way to play empath. So my groups that end up with a pure empath tend to go like: No one takes damage because people are doing their jobs and/or regenerate fast enough to cover the minimal damage they take, and the empath just... stares. So an entire slot in the party is reduced to a leadership totem that helps occasionally with fortitude and AB. tl;dr: Please take your secondary powers v:
  5. Most general guides will just tell you to run AE 1-50. Or if you want to solo, get a fire aura brute to lv6 then run AE from 6-50 That is probably the fastest way to level even with halved EXP, but the most boring way as well. But well: the way i find most enjoyable to level is to do all accolade-relevant content plus a few additional task forces to level, Task Force commander TFs, Moonfire for silver bullet/slayer(atlas medallion) Ernesto Hess for fun, Katie Hannon for geas, etc. Then at 40+ just focus on Tina and then on Maria for portal hopper. But well, just one of the many ways to level.
  6. I think this is more of an issue of actual power selection vs archetype. Because honestly, out of all archetypes, masterminds are the least fair ones. I'm sure people who have invested hundreds of millions on their builds can do anything regardless, but talking about your run-of-the-mill player that just got to 50: If you're not playing Bots, Thugs, Demons or (to a lesser extent) mercs, you're going to have a bad time at +4s. And yes most of your things will be crushed by the alpha. Secondary powers also matter a lot, dark is amazing for soloing but when in a party going against +4s when your build is less than perfect, dont expect to do much. MMs can be /rad now, and help your team shower debuffs. that along with time, pain, FF and (to a lesser extent) empath, are great sets that dont require a lot of investment and already provide a ton of assistance to your team. So yeah if you just rolled a Ninja/Traps and is upset that you cant do a thing against +4s, i feel you, but that requires a -LOT- of investment to be any good. ps: I'm assuming group non-AE farms. If you are talking about AE farms, just give up and roll a brute or fire/kin already and call it a day. lol
  7. Hello there, one isse i've been having with homecoming i never had on live: Game runs great, no lag at all, no fps issues, performance couldnt be better. But... i have roughly 15% chance of not loading a zone and being kicked back to the login screen. Not sure what causes that, if it could be something on my end or if it is just something normal for this kind of server, its fine when i'm running TFs but when running regular groups 90% of the time i need to reform whenever i get kicked out like that.
  8. Dont think that's possible. as in city of heroes you're actually named what you select for your character's name. eg: "Burgerman" in CO your name works kinda like an email, with @ your global handle eg: Burgerman@ihatemyjob
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11cLJiSYlfueJheOumRywG8Evip2Mjmu_30Y6ePaetqY/edit
  10. The badge currently has no warnings upon acquisition as far as i have noticed, i've also thought it was a glitch until i browsed my badge list and... there it was.
  11. Actually, no! Earning the Villain Disruptor/Hero Slayer badges will unlock a contact that will freely give you whatever safeguard/mayhem missions you choose. Huh, a nice change, even more lenient than i thought then, great~
  12. Well, relevant missions with rewards(eg: spelunker badge) or that introduce task force contacts(eg: ernesto hess) can be done through ouroboros, so no need to worry too much on that front. Only thing that you will not be able to do later if you are interested in the badges(unless you join a group that is hosting those), are safeguard and mayhem missions, as they require you to be in a certain level range and cannot be started through ouroboros. Cant really think of anything else one might "miss out" on, CoH is pretty lenient nowdays.
  13. its new, from i25. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11cLJiSYlfueJheOumRywG8Evip2Mjmu_30Y6ePaetqY Regardless, really handy~
  14. Wouldnt really classify corruptors as "good for soloing" and while dominators can solo and do quite well at it... they're not my favorite archetype and i cant really recommend one over the other, lol. But if you want to solo whenever you want and still be loved by groups, i'd recommend going controller. both fire/kin and ill/rad are quite awesome at it.
  15. Honestly i wouldnt really say that there is a best archetype for a given power, aside from the cookie cutter farm builds. Brutes work best when there are little to no breaks between fights and they can actively tank at the same time they dish damage, not letting that fury bar drop. Stalkers as compared to scrappers work better in parties(bonus crit rate for each member in the group) and depending on the defensive power set, may lose a relevant skill to gain their hide ability. Scrappers are the vanilliest of vanillas, just a flat crit rate, they work great but dont bother themselves with mechanics. Tankers... deal 25(or was it 30?) less damage since it would be a secondary power set for them. Well, take your pick .
  16. One thousand times sonic, stack that -res. Will make your group love you, twice.
  17. Well if you want heavy feeling powers, energy sets are great. Energy blast really feels impactful, both skill-wise and group-wise as the inherent knockback will make everyone in your team hate you. Still great fun. Energy melee doesnt quite fit the "aoe" prerequisite (and the one AoE it does have feels really meh) but it also feels really heavy and instead of knocking people back like the ranged variant, it stuns.
  18. June 3: The day when most heroes will figure out that crime isnt so bad after all.
  19. Foorls hold up the Wlals so that the Cielng can go on top of them.
  20. Well as far as official stances go the only mention i've seen that might relate to this topic is one of automation, disallowing any sort of software that would automate play. But multiboxing is different, the standard for multiboxing software is to broadcast keys, ie: pressing "1" on the keyboard will activate whatever related to that key in all 5-8+ clients one might be running. As far as legality goes, most retail games are completely fine with multiboxing as long as you're not automating it, there are multiboxing communities in every single mmo. But homecoming is not a retail game, they cant even gather donations for server costs so the "Greedy" term i wouldnt usually associate with multiboxers does apply here.
  21. They wont show up if you select going rogue, epic ATs cant be praetorian.
  22. Veteran rewards are available from an aptly named "P2W Vendor" located near the trainer in the starting locations, it will be marked in the map. Most of the basic "essential" for low levels powers are free while others are available for a sum of influence. As far as "what server to play" it is a pretty hard topic as the servers are pretty new, torchbearer(first server) has the most high leveled people followed by excelsior(second server), with queue loads to match, while the other two are newer and provide XP bonuses.
  23. Not sure if these heroes were ever supposed to actually be canonical, from my perspective they grabbed one male and one female signature heroes and put a lot of other heroes behind them with a "You can be one of us" vibe. But if there is canonical info out there on any of them it would sure be interesting~
  24. Thank you, and actually took me a while to find the seagull. lol
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