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Everything posted by StrykerGaming

  1. Do you have this as a zip file with latest icon's updated like your signature?
  2. CoH was my very first MMO. I started out tanking in this game because I loved the idea behind it. When the doors closed I was already playing SWTOR. Here I learned the nuances of tanking that made my job tanking even better. I learned these nuances from one of the top rated tankers in that game, Gilgamesh. Tanking, no matter what game it is, is nearly universally the same. Tank's number one job: protect the team. This is done via a tank's ability to maintain aggro. Having great situation awareness. Being able to fight while watching out for the rest of team. Taunting every opportunity or when the situation calls for it. Keeping your threat high at all times. Most importantly, being able to respond to the call for help when someone's alpha calls attention to themselves. If you were able to do what you listed as expectations of a tank in WoW, you should not have any issue tanking in this game. Remembering your primary purpose in protecting the team is grabbing and holding aggro. Each attack of a tank taunts everything alive around you. Your AoE's are major taunting inducing madness for the enemy. Abuse it as often as you can. Abuse your taunt power quite often. Make it part of your rotation. Bind your taunt via a macro to 'T.' Make it a rotating taunt too so you can enjoy spouting out some really abusive degrading insults! It's great for entertainment value too. Remember, tanking is one of the most rewarding aspects of doing so. You're not flashy and you don't do mega damage. What you accomplish is keeping your team alive while you are the mega damage sponge allowing them to be flashing and do mega damage. Tanking, in my opinion, is an art form that requires a player to be the ultimate team player. It requires a level of selflessness. Not many aspire to that level to tank as required. If you were a good tank in WoW you'll be a good tank in this game. Because it is a new game to tank in, does not mean you have to throw out what you've learned to tank and start over. Take what you've learned and apply it here. Adjust what needs to be adjusted and grow with the game. New game, new improvements on how, what, and why you tank. Doing this is the sign of a good player and an exceptional tanker. Just do what you know how to do and the rest will fall into place. Judge yourself on your own merits and abilities not by the expectations of others. Your own expectations have to be fulfilled and when you do that, you've done well. When the mission is completed, no one died and/or the team did not wipe, you know you've done your job right and that is the ultimate satisfaction your are rewarded with!
  3. Exactly where do I put this? File folder that is. 😄 NVM, I figured it out. Thanks! 😄
  4. Not really. I was speaking in-general about the state of 'DPS' that is desired, as I see it, the most desired attribute in a game. The lack of it makes certain powers and abilities less desirable as it does certain classes in group setting or soloing. As you stated in your OP and reiterated here how Dark Armor was itself, changed for the Stalker. Each AT that has access to DA has changes for them. This is evident on all powers that the Stalker has access to. They had to accommodate these powers to fit the Stalker's motif. Just like they do for the Tanker or Scrapper/Brute. I applaud the developers for having the foresight not to shoehorn ATs into these powers at the cost of their primary abilities. This is, in my opinion, what separates CoH from the other games I've played over the years. In this, the AT is the focus for the powers to build upon not the other way around (if that makes any sense to you). Again, changing Cloak of Darkness over to Shadow Dweller was to accommodate the abilities of the Stalker and become synergistic to the power Hide as well as the others. Otherwise, it may well have become far to powerful of a defense coupled with Hide and the other abilities that come along as you level up. Right now, I'm sitting at 33% def (IIRC with lvl 15 DOs) on my lvl 12 stalker. Resistance is low double digits too. That's pretty stout for this level. I can imagine what it will be like when its at 30 to 40. BTW, after all these years, this is my very first Stalker. I don't know why I never played one before; however, I'm considering a re-roll on one toon that I played on live as my scrapper main. Stalker AT fits better to that character's reason for being what they are. 😄
  5. I believe the problem is, and it's not just with this game, has to do with DPS reigning as king and is sexy that everyone must have it. If damage isn't being done, a said ability or power nearly useless or unusable. For example, tanking. Thank goodness here in this game, tanking is able to do decent to good damage, yet still fulfills its role as a damage sponge in defense of the team. However, in other games, tanking doesn't appeal to players so much because it lacks the monstrous damage players desire. So what do they do about it? Well, in SWTOR, (before the egregious changes to the gearing system), they'd load up with all DPS mods/enhancements/relics/implants/ear pieces/main hand/off hand (shield) while retaining the tank armorings (that had the tank set bonus) and play as "tanks" doing 7 to 8k (sometimes more) DPS, AKA Skank Tanks. While the pure tank's output was 2.5k DPS on average. Damage is the name of the game, I know and get it. However, when dealing with defense & Resistance powers...damage is secondary, sometimes tertiary, defense and resistance...damage mitigation is primary. If one cannot mitigate damage one does not survive long enough to matter how much DPS they are capable of. For a stalker, its best mitigation is its ability to remain hidden and drop devastating attacks from stealth. When you have two defensive powers that give you defense, that is a boon in my book. Especially when you can align that with tough & weave & maneuvers. The higher one can get their defense near hard cap, the better their survivability and longevity to maximize their DPS capability. My suggestion is if anyone is looking for maximum and constant damage output, a Stalker is not the way to go. Blasters, Corrupters, Sentinels, Brutes, and Scrappers are. This does not mean the other unmentioned ATs aren't either. Stalker has specific set of skills that, in my opinion, are more finesse than they are raw power that the other ATs offer. Especially so when they are used from stealth. A stealth AT requires a mindset of knowing when and where to attack during any engagement. This applies to all games that have stealth capable classes.
  6. Having a damage aura would defeat the purpose of a Stalker and it's Hide power. Stalker is about stealth and ambush attacks, this above all else is the most important aspect of this AT. Anything that gives out automatic damage like an aura while NOT in combat is counter-intuitive to the AT. I'm using a Dark/Dark Stalker. I'm thankful I don't have anything that would give away my position because of some random attack from an aura. Especially when I'm less than a foot behind them getting ready to give them some surprise loving. 😉
  7. I would probably say...no. 😎
  8. Since it's hanging here, I'll bit and ask. Can y'all share any update on how these talks are proceeding? My viewers and I would love an update if possible.
  9. Wow...a great movie. I'd love to see it if it was full-length movie.
  10. There is a stark difference between 'publicly available' and 'passing it on to Homecoming.' Doing the latter gives them the choice of taking over the project or not. If they do not want to do so, the former would apply.
  11. What I do not understand is instead of abandoning this project and letting it die, crytilis and crew give this project to @Cipher and Homecoming so they can have this tool for the game and player base. That would be a logical step and contribution to the game.
  12. ...that should be in the game. What is you ask? Glide and Running vertically and horizontally on buildings/walls. There are Heroes in Marvel and DC universe that are capable of gliding to the ground. Moon Knight and Batman for instance. For some characters I've built, I take Flight; however, its not really what I need that makes up these toons abilities to get around. I'd love to be able to have super jump and leap to a tall building then glide down to some point in a zone. Likewise, with super speed, like Flash, have the ability to run up a wall/building to the top or nearest horizontal platform. I'd love to see these introduced into the game if at all possible. Thanks. 😄
  13. Currently, I am running my Electric Blast/WP Sentinel at lvl 42 now. I'm amazed at what she can do against the likes of Fake Nemesis or Crey's "Paragon wannabe heroes Defenders." Drain all their endurance, keep them sucking win and burn them down before either of them can activate their "Oh Crap" invulnerability power in less than two full rotations. Mobs? Like cutting down weeds with a weed-wacker! However, the alpha strike capability is lackluster compared to Blasters and Corrupters IMHO. I believe Thunderous Blast could be buffed to do a bit more damage than its doing since it is this set's major attack. And maybe tweak the endurance usage a bit on EB that either lower end usage or buff the end absorbing abilities. However, Sentinel is my preferred AT choice over the Blaster or Corrupter. The latter, maybe not so much for the Corrupter, aren't very good at soloing. At least not in the lower levels up to the mid-twenties. I've started a Fire/Fire Sentinel...wow...this one is going to be interesting at least! 😎
  14. In some instances, an AOE attack can hit them; however, not a direct attack I've found.
  15. I was talking with my gaming partner who runs his brute with Savage Melee. He read this thread then checked on his toon. He confirmed the OP's post as accurate as to exactly what it does IAW this post.
  16. In the first mission for Laura Lockhart, Part One: Net Victory; there is a clickable secondary objective a player can click to complete. However, this is no longer works. It still shows up as a mission objective after mission completion. I don't know when this stopped. I don't know if the mission was changed or it stopped working from some prior update. I've included a screenshot showing the notification in chat.
  17. You really need to read and understand what I'm saying, not what you want it to say to fit a narrative that defies logic and reality. You still believe something I have stated 3 times, now four times to the contrary of your premise in your diatribe. Is this clear enough for you? Or do you still wanna believe otherwise? Yes? Good, moving on.
  18. You believe so because it requires a truthful answer regarding your position on whether or not you believe none of them need improvement. I understand, you don't want to on record supporting something you feel should stay the same and not addressed or even looked at to improve.
  19. Really? I suggest you re-read those posts prior to mine where this came up. I'll wait. Oh, never mind. You'll not do it because your mind is set and made up already. BTW, if you've read anything, as stated, from me, you'll KNOW I no longer desire or want to change AD or PB to a toggle; however, that has escaped your attention because you must believe no one is capable of altering their opinions.
  20. So your saying that I much "change my way of thinking, disregard my beliefs in improvement processes, and follow the crowd here. In other words, 1984's "correct way of thinking" must be applied. Meaning of Paradigm Shift: an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. Now, your suggesting that I rewire myself to be part of the crowd that believes there is nothing wrong, all is well and it is as it should be an never changed or improved. This is correct, yes? The fact that I'm using a paradigm shift here to counter "the currently belief and thinking of nothing wrong, it is as intended, it does not need improvement" and you are unwilling to even look at the possibility for that to be tried? And you use a straw-man argument to substantiate your post? You might want to take your own advice you tried to give me. Citation: Paradigm Shift
  21. Understood. You do not desire any changes.
  22. Process of improvement is modified to meet the requirements of said product, in this case, power sets. Yes, that can be applied to in this game. Improvement Overviews: - Improving Balance in relation to other powers - Improving Balance in relation to PVE/PVP - Improving performance of said power based on the observation and actions of the two aforementioned improvement overviews - Improving balance of said power with improved performance - Implement changes to reduce any spikes or lows that degrade performance - Repeat the process until the desired optimal performance is obtained and maintained. That's how process improvement works. You just don't take say, "this power has this minimum performance and maximum performance specifications. The purpose of the improvement process is to reduce these specifications where said powers (similar types) perform at the optimal specification that is desired. The continuation of improvement will raise the minimum until such time that the difference between the maximum and minimum performance values will be at the smallest tolerance producing the optimal quality performance wanted from that power. This is exactly how it is done in manufacturing and business. You just don't set the goal to be between these specifications where all the deviations of highs and lows far out preform optimal performance values. It can be done; however, it takes full commitment from those in-charge to make it work. You cannot do this half-heartedly. That will lead to failure and degrade performance. Process improvement comes when the specifications and tolerances are so small that the results produce the highest quality performance and the results exceed expectations. This results in the highest quality product and will continue that way by monitoring it with the Improvement Process. I address this above; however, the highlighted sentence I will address. No, you don't have to homogenize anything. That's a false assumption to improve anything, even powers. You are basing this on the perception that I want to change it to a toggle. I've given up on that because that's not going to happen. Let me reiterate this: I do not desire for it to be a toggle because no one will change it because no one will accept any suggestion or argument to change it. Therefore, I have given up on that. I did; however, offer a suggestion in this below, not once, but twice. I'll refine this even further. Lowering the cooldown to 30 seconds from level 6/10 to level 20. Level 21 to 30 increase it by 7.5 to 3:07:5. From 31 to 40 increase it 7.5 to 3:15, from 41 to 46 increase it by 7.5 to 3:22.5 and from 47+ return it to its full value of 3:30 where theory crafting and min-maxing can be employed to reduce it as it is currently done. This is the base suggestion. The improvement process can refine these settings to obtain maximum optimal performance and characteristics. Since Active Defense and Practice Brawler have such a long cooldown it does hurt the performance of those using these powers. This is agreed by many posting here that it does promote an issue. You can only carrying so many break frees/emerges/escapes without sacrificing other needed inspirations. This can work using the inverse of the degradation of SO/DOs reduction of efficiency and effectiveness. Will it be easy? No, probably not. Will it take extensive testing? To be sure. Will it improve play-ability for lower level toons? At this point, a strong maybe, it cannot be confirmed until such time this change and tested. Will it cause an imbalance? That cannot be answered until metrics are reviewed for the performance results. However, the latter can be easily identified and it can be refined even more. That's the brilliance of TQM process, it identifies issues and can offer necessary suggestions to resolve these issues. The point is, you asked below; "Regarding Active Defense, is there something that appears to suggest it performs poorly in the context of providing Shield Defense with status protection compared to every other defensive powerset?" The answer to that is yes, with a caveat. It does perform poorly compared to the others because it has a high cooldown. Currently, On my 19lvl Elec Melee/SD Brute, I have one slotted DO with 19.2% Recharge enhancement. My current cooldown is 2:51seconds. That leaves 51 seconds of no protection from mezzes whatsoever. PB has the exact same thing. The others using toggles have no such issue. That alone indicates there's a performance issue. Note, when I hit 21, I will put 2 more slots into this power. However, I have to do this in order to use AD effectively to improve its performance while foregoing improvement of other abilities that may be required. You really need to look into the ISO program. TQM has morphed into an international process improvement program accepted by nearly every industrial nation with a manufacturing and business based economy. So, no, it is universally accepted and implemented by the majority of nations desiring produce quality products, this is especially true for the Oceania and Asian areas of this world. I answered this above. Now, you and everyone else can continue to say, "there's nothing wrong, this has always been like this, no one will like it, no one will accept it, and we will not bother looking at improving anything because the Improvement Process only works in selected areas and cannot be applied here. Those that do that fear changes, fear trying, and are happy to let things go as they are. I give you SWTOR as the epitome of such thinking. The game has more issues than countable and the developers refuse to look at and fix anything from the original content for fear of causing major issues with the new content. I know they were approached on how to improve and they gave this answer; "We're using an Alpha version of the Hero engine that has gone through so many changes that not one current developer/programmer is capable or comfortable enough to make any changes that will cause issue with the current content." Because of the use of EA's go to standard engine, Frostbite, Anthem is an abysmal failure because they were forced to use an engine not designed for games like Anthem, SWTOR, or other Multiplayer MMOs of that nature. Why do I mentioned this? TQL/ISO process would've identified these issues and allowed them to resolve them and improve their products. That can be done here. Far too many companies from Japan, Korea, United States, and other nations proves that notion as a straw-man argument "that it isn't universally accepted and only works in certain areas." The only way to see how to improve any ability or power is to try and and analyze the metric data on how it performs. I'll state this again about SD current iteration: If one of the developers could chime in on this view, I'd appreciate it. I'd finished this earlier; however, we just had a very big earthquake hit near here. 😮
  23. With replies such as I highlighted, your name fits you. Did you ever read what I wrote? Or did you just ASSUME (you know what that word really means?)? Let me show you what I said that you conveniently ignored: What part of "Active Armor can be improved without changing the way it works (manually activated)," do you not understand?
  24. Everyone is now worried about Endurance issues making Active Defense a toggle or lowering the cool down? Pfft! You should run a Stone Armor or Electric Armor toon. I've conquered the "Endurance" issue for my toons. Specifically, on my SA/SS Tank. I run around with Mudpots on all the time. I'm Endurance Positive with my build. Mudpots and Lightning Field are the two highest endurance usage powers in the game with Mudpots the highest at .78%/sec, Lightning Field is a close second. I run with ALL toggles (Leadership (Maneuvers, Assault, and Tactics) and Energy Master's Focus) with Mudpots & Granite Armor and Rooted when required. I have no endurance issues. You believe that I'll have it if I make Active Defenses a "perma-on" power? Oh all ye of little faith. Endurance usage is minor inconvenience under level 47. Yet there are ways to overcome that still. Hint: IO Sets and Enhancement Catalysts are your friends. As for Active Defenses, I get it. Y'all don't want it changed. You believe changing it is unnecessary and it does not need improvement. I'll leave you with this statement: Everything in this game is involved in some type of improvement. The process of improvement is not a one-and-done action. Example: These 14 points of Improving Quality isn't limited to manufacturing or businesses. It is process that can literally be used in everyone's own lives. Most assuredly, it can and should be used in game development at all levels. How does this relate to Active Armor? Active Armor can be improved without "changing the way it works (manually activated)," but by improving how it works. By saying "nothing needs to be done to improve it" ignores the truth. All things can be improved. If you want to debate me on this, I'll enjoy doing so. I teach this very topic as an Associate Professor. I've lived these 14-points as part of the Navy's Total Quality Leadership/Management program. I am intimately familiar with these and how to apply it to whatever I'm doing. How do you think Japan became the manufacturing powerhouse during the 80s/90s while US manufacturing quality declined during the same time-period? Japan embraced TQM while US manufacturers scoffed and turned it down. All it takes is for those in the position with the ability to make changes to look at everything in this game and asking "how can we improve this?" Process/Quality improvement is and should be a continual process. Now, after reading Point #5, who here still believes that none of these defensive sets need no improvement?
  25. How about this then. There are 11 defensive sets. Of those, 2 do not have knockback protection (Dark and Fire). Of the other nine, 2 have manual activation (Super Reflexes and Shield Defense). The remaining 7, excluding Electric Armor, have toggled protection against mezz/knockback. Only Electric Armor has "Auto protection with 'Grounded.' My assertion is, "... that this important defensive power has to manually activated either before or after you've been mezzed." When 6 of the 11 do not as they are toggled on, Electric Armor doesn't count in that since it is an automatic power. We have 2 defensive sets that offer no knockback protection whatsoever (Fire and Dark Armor). Ice Armor has it and mezz/knockback protection with 'Wet Ice.' This isn't about "I personally don't like active mitigation abilities," it's about a vitally important ability on two defensive sets that require manual activation while 7(9) of them do not. The 3:30 cooldown is painful, especially at low levels where you have to invest 2 or more slots into it just to make it manageable. That still leaves a window open for being vulnerable. For a tank player that is painful and can cause a party to wipe at the most inopportune time if they are mezzed or knockback or controlled in some form or fashion and not able to break it for whatever reason. Changing it from manual click to a toggle does not change the play style, it would enhance play allowing the player(s) to concentrate more on the role and doing their bit. 7(9) powers have this ability (really 6(8) if you don't count Electric Armor). Again, 2 have NO knockback protection at all. That means 63.63% of the defensive power sets are toggled mezz/knockback, 18.18% are manually activated, and 18.18% have no knockback protection yet they have the toggled mezz protection. That means 81.81% of the defensive abilities all have toggled mezz protection while 2 do not. I find it troubling that people have to use 3 IO recharges plus whatever else they can get from LOTG Global Recharge +7.5% enhancement to get it down where they have it overlapping for 30 seconds. This takes away from a true min/maxed build when they have to allocate 2 or more slots into a power that cannot slot an enhancement set to achieve this or more as mentioned previously. What it comes down to is 7(9) of these abilities toggled for mezz and/or knockback protection, 2 are manual. That means those 9 have a clear advantage over Super Reflexes and Shield Defense in regards to a defensive ability that requires no manual activation (click) as they are toggled on. That is the glaring truth of this. Toggled protection is an advantage over manual activation. You want to have a reason for changing it to a toggle OR lowering the cooldown, parity between these defensive sets or the lack thereof. Until such time, I will Frankenstein my 'Active Defense' for my Electric Melee/Shield Defense Brute to having this power on all the time. From my experience as a developer, I have to believe that this is a situation the original developers did not intend for players to do.
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