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Everything posted by tatmia

  1. One of my first friends from Live was on the secret server. He wasn't part of the original forum cartel that was invited, but had a real-life friend that brought him along. He was able to find a few additional friends so he had fun, but you're correct, he's much happier now. I'm still tickled that we both showed up for a PUG Posi on our mains from live and found each other as we had lost contact when the game shut down. I'm grinning just typing this.
  2. In addition, there were promises of collaboration between various development groups trying to bring servers back online and some of us watched it that fall apart in real time. While a lot of the discord fights were in private channels, there's enough breadcrumbs in April 2019 OuroDev Discord and Rebirth Discord (the original Discord before servers split off to make their own) if people wanted to genuinely understand the conflicts. I'm not a dev (my sad attempt at standing up a personal server in 2019 proves that), but I can understand why a few of them are still a bit prickly.
  3. You do both. I use a movement macro that tries to activate both everytime I move. Use the same concept with practice brawler + hasten when it was a click, active defense + hasten, etc
  4. That's a great starting point. I'm much more familiar with slotting Hot Feet. Thank you everyone.
  5. Agreed. I keep MEANING to troubleshoot an issue I have with my private server, but then I go back to playing on Homecoming. I just need a few days to ensure that I can ask for any final help.
  6. I'm not good at number crunching for powers for optimum slotting. I currently have Chilling Embrace slotted with the Impeded Swiftness proc and an end reduc on my earth/Icy dom. Is there a better basic slotting I should be aiming for? I've always used Chilling Embrace even when it was underpowered as my playstyle does have me in melee on any dom and I used it to keep the groups in range for my melee AOEs.
  7. I'm not seeing it in the notes, but did this patch increase the price of all the rocket packs for the P2W vendor? I don't remember them being 50K
  8. I have it on my schedule, but it's also during Tennant's panel. Granted, I usually opt out of celebrity panels after looking at the line. I remember back in 2007 or so we had a fan panel and then interest died down. In 2010 my family learned about the shutdown when a friend called me to let me know. I can still see the line I was in outside the Marriott as I tried to grapple with what he was saying. It would be nice to replace that memory with a happy one.
  9. I don't see it in the patch notes, but some my enhancement icons are much brighter and defined? Adjusted targeting is gorgeous now and I can actually see that there's a target. About to be away from the computer for a week (Yay DragonCon) but I can't wait to try out all the dom changes.
  10. Can confirm. My level 41 Bots/Storm MM is nicely IO'd and this morning I had to admit that I needed to lower my difficulty settings if I'm going to run through Madeleine Casey's arc.
  11. OP was wondering if she was asking about his ill/kin build. (Your response came in while I was typing up mine)
  12. I mean, did you figure out a way to make flash a good power?
  13. This is a pretty hostile reply to a suggestion. It’s one thing to disagree, another for you to respond like this.
  14. You need to grab Pines updated version of Mids. It has the I24 sets. https://mega.nz/?fbclid=IwAR0AlGyVbfejioQvgB8E28izGncWrrkMZR712eOxw-mg-tGWGMQu6VlYXg8#!qFEFTCLQ!XkqDAVafa_48bl7xYa0WFkqGNBVDXApSnpm6Keie3e8\
  15. Sonic resonance had to be toned down because the graphics were causing problems for some players. It’s a great set. You’re protecting your teammates while helping them do more damage, but your team won’t always know why things are going so much better. My only gripe is that clarity comes too late, especially as a secondary. I haven’t played it as a controller yet but my defender and corruptor both made it to 50 and my MM was on her way before shutdown. Once I have a concept, I’ll make another. Even though you can’t shield your phantom army, they will benefit from the -res you bring. I hope you go for it.
  16. Do you have any links to threads about this? Thanks. I don’t thing the forums mods want us linking - but the OuroDev discord is where you can read about all the other servers development and get help for your own servers. The web portal has its own thread? (I’m not Discord literate, lol).
  17. Fun to see a new person’s enthusiasm. Try to remember to turn it off out of a mission. People standing around Ms Liberty don’t need healing and the sound can be quite loud when it hits the crowd.
  18. A). Forgot there was one in pocket D. B) That’s great information. I just Ssumed they all didn’t work after I tried the Atlas Park vendor.
  19. Rebirth has forums? I’m only aware of their Discord. If you could PM me a link, that would be appreciated. Personally, I’m on 3 out of 4 of the servers (never touching coxg). I played on amost all of the live servers and have no problems spreading the love. I like some of the i25 changes and the server population and the very helpful admins. I like how Pleiades gives me basically the same experience that I had at shutdown and the admins have been very friendly. Rebirth gave many of us our own private servers and the leaders are constantly helping those of us who aren’t as tech savvy continue to keep them running. My personal hope is that at some point the leaders of all of them set aside their differences and egos and find ways to ensure that all servers survive rather than continue to divide the player base. (The players should also stop fanboying and/or throwing hate toward any individual server group. Fallible humans are leading them and deifying or demonizing them doesn’t help anything) Here’s an example on how that could benefit all. One of the developers has an import/export tool created. I believe she’s mitigated the dbquery issues referenced earlier in this thread (need to read her latest notes). Now the discussions are on how this tool can be fairly used to allow people to a) save their characters to alleviate worries about a rapid shutdown. b) move characters for different experiences. Want to level up on Homecoming but want the incarnate experience of Rebirth? This would allow it. Obviously there are many things things to work through, including how to handle sets and ATs and power differences so it would take all the leaders working together.
  20. It worked for TFs on live. I’d queue up the ones I needed and then street sweep or Wentworths. When I was forming TFs on Triumph, we’d often pick up someone from the queue. It’s not working now because of what jack_nomind outlined. I’m hoping they fix it on the next patch. (Was actually searching for an update)
  21. My game time was very limited this weekend, but had a chance to jump on a TF and try out the -knockup changes with my earth/icy dom. I have always loved the BOOM!! of stone cages - and being able to spam them on top of my earthquake was giggle worthy. I’m almost tempted to give ice control a go again. My ice/kin was parked next to my grav/emp as “glad I made it to 50, but never playing this again”. Might recreate my ice/ice/ice tank (another glad I made it but ...) as either a controller or a dom. Outstanding change not getting the attention it deserves.
  22. Let's change that to "unless they have in their status 'don't accept invites", and they aren't actively in a map mission . . .send them a tell to see if they'd like to join your team." Blind invites are annoying to many of us and most people will reject them (I sent my share when I was brand new and didn't know why I couldn't form a team). A simple "Talos team running radio missions, would you like to join?" is much better than a blind invite.
  23. -KB for storm didn’t change. What changed was how immob powers interact with knockdown/up/back. Most immob (tentacles being one exception) already stopped the Knockback. What this change does - instead of stopping the Knockback, it now allows it but changes it to knockdown (the part I missed originally). This is a very good thing but will have no impact on storm defenders/MM/controllers unless they use an immob. Ah, thank you Tatmia. I read that in the patch notes and against my best intensions I overreacted and was all like..."Oh noez. Mah Stormz, lmao." I thank you for your kindness and clarity. :D While I wasn’t upset, I also misunderstood it at first until someone else clarified it for me. CoX community helping each other out.
  24. -KB for storm didn’t change. What changed was how immob powers interact with knockdown/up/back. Most immob (tentacles being one exception) already stopped the Knockback. What this change does - instead of stopping the Knockback, it now allows it but changes it to knockdown (the part I missed originally). This is a very good thing but will have no impact on storm defenders/MM/controllers unless they use an immob.
  25. /storm controllers (or fire tollers that took bonfire) are probably the only controllers not happy with the change. Still, it will fix so much of the frustration with AOE immob, especially in the hands of new controllers. As someone who’s still learning the basics on my private server, I’m amazed at all of these updates. Why would Stormies hate this change? Hurricane will still Repel, even if they won't go flying as much, which should be more precise than before, and it's a huge buff to Tornado's CC effects if they get knocked down in place rather than either scatter or stand unaffected. And Fire Control never had -KB in the first place, so Bonfire is unaffected. <sigh> serves me right for reading too quickly. I missed the second sentence and now all of my characters are happy. Although, I did check and fire cages do -knockup. Was fairly certain my fire/storm would spam cages whenever tornado was out Need to try her out tonight to be reminded how I used bonfire. Thank you for correcting my statement
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