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Everything posted by Vindicator

  1. This. The whole "but, but, muh cottage rule" needs to evolve.
  2. If there has to be anything at all, this would be good. An option to hide any and all text would also be nice.
  3. >issue a cease and desist to private servers Go be a lawyer somewhere else, Benny.
  4. Again, an excellent suggestion. Jab and Punch need this help, with more damage and longer recharge accordingly. As for the thread in general, we're talking about perma triple-stacked Rage now? Really? In my opinion Rage should be a toggle. Do you want your character to "rage"? No problem, click the toggle. Don't feel like "raging" right now? No problem, unclick the toggle. No more stacking. No more penalties. Just a simple "yes or no". If necessary, increase the damage of other powers to compensate for the lack of stackability. For the recharge junkies, a Rage toggle would not penalize you. Your Foot Stomp, Knockout Blow, and other powers still benefit from your recharge bonuses. Just replace your Rage recharge reduction enhancements with endurance reduction. People that already have an IO set in Rage should be fine. Finally, the "cottage rule" was superceded on other occasions for the sake of game evolution; I see no reason to cling to it in this case.
  5. This. This, so much. Also, I wouldn't mind it being a toggle.
  6. The primary complaint of the thread WAS the defense crash. This thread has obviously evolved. Go play lawyer somewhere else, Benny 🙂
  7. Expressing your opinion is fine, but "insist"? You don't get to make demands here. Way to disregard the several posters in this thread that have stated it's an issue. No. Not just no, HELL no. The damage crash IS a problem. Reference? Reread the damn thread!
  8. It's not a bad suggestion 🙂 I just want the "no fun time-out" damage crash to go away.
  9. Just in case this was missed earlier - Maybe it's time to make Rage a toggle. Then remove the damage and defense debuff since you won't be able to stack Rage anymore.  Making Rage a toggle would also allow you to put Hasten or another power on auto instead of Rage.  And just to reiterate, the damage debuff should NEVER exist. At no point in time should anyone with "Super Strength" be hitting for SINGLE DIGIT NUMBERS outside of a starting zone. The damage debuff is a liability to yourself, your teammates, and a disgrace to the powerset name.
  10. Your "solution" is a non-solution. Reference: 99% of this thread.
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