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Everything posted by Vindicator

  1. You could try this, but it will also hide almost all FX -
  2. It really doesn't. Now, stop being overly sensitive and looking for things to be offended about.
  3. Incorrect. See below. Correct. The billboard is not outdated, nor will it ever be because there will always be anti-alien sentiment amongst some of the population.
  4. The billboards are written in context to anti-alien sentiment caused by the Rikti invasion, and are therefore fine as they are. As stated, the billboards tie into the story and are not "amazingly out of date and out of sync with the game as it is now". Also as stated, Paragon City is in a fictional United States so there should be nothing "jarring" about seeing an American flag on a billboard. Now, stop being overly sensitive and looking for things to be offended about.
  5. Hi Zed, It works perfectly on the enhancement screen, and the SG registration page. THANK YOU 🙂 As for the description in CoH Modder (pasted below), I haven't been able to get it working in character creation or the costume editor yet... but having my gold enhancement screen back is already AWESOME! Mod Name: Praetorian background UI Mod Author: Zed Mod Version: 2 Mod Description: Gives the praetorial yellow background no matter your alignment. Applies to character creation and costume editor.
  6. Hi Zed, Yes, that's correct... I'm looking for a gold-colored background regardless of alignment. Thank you 🙂
  7. Bump! Still looking for a way to get gold instead of red, blue, or purple. Thanks.
  8. Bump! Still looking for a way to get gold instead of red, blue, or purple. Thanks.
  9. Hi. Could we, as players, have a way to spawn this event? If not, can the devs schedule one and post it in the Events section of the forums so we know when it's coming? Thank you.
  10. Bump! Still looking for a way to get gold instead of red, blue, or purple. Thanks.
  11. You're welcome. I'm glad it helps. Also, you will have to /suppressclosefxdist 0 when you go to the tailor 🙂
  12. Hmmm... I'm certain I've seen something like this before.
  13. Hi PK. I know where these are 🙂 The problem was they referenced something that they misnamed, which caused a lot of confusion not only for myself but also for other posters in this thread. Instead of "Sound tab" it should be referenced as "Graphics and Audio tab", and instead of "Music channel" and "Effects channel" they should be referenced as "Sound FX Volume slider" and "Music Volume slider". When I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, I did an ingame search for the "Music channel" in the Channel Search, and there IS a "Music channel". Obviously joining it didn't help 😄
  14. What "Sound tab" and what "Options"? I see neither in the game menu (just like your screenshot), nor can I find a "Sound tab" in the base editor. This thread references "Music channel" several times. Where is it?
  15. That worked for the first one! Thank you 🙂 Where would I find a list of incarnate sounds?
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