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Everything posted by Ravenwulfe

  1. Yea. Felt like Mid's had symphony within a day or two of page 4 but now yea. My Ill/Fiery I have ideas, but I just don't know how to implement them the best way and of course not being able to figure out the modding at a glance is a long process as well. I have an idea and of course one of the things I think I will be doing is dropping the phantom because he's too damn squishy compared to even the umbral beast. I think I can easily perma dom the ill dom to but yea I need to be able to look at the data stuff.
  2. I am probably going to get rid of the phantasm. I got some other things I could slot in instead and save actual slotting for more things as much as the phantasm could get me a few things I can fix it with the phantom army honestly which would be more reliable anyways. I found my shadow wolf more reliable and sturdy sadly.
  3. My illusionist is aggressive, the reverse of how it felt playing as a controller and I love it.
  4. Not really what many are saying at least what I am saying. I am saying it doesn't fix the problem just move it around, when the problem is there shouldn't be power picks that are considered ignorable or useless just because they are.
  5. My theme was already a ringmaster so that was set. But I went with fiery I loved the set on live so ill/fiery for HC.
  6. While I understand the ideal, it doesn't fix the problem. It just shifts where it is. So instead of earlier levels it's later levels you will have dead levels forced to pick a pool instead. Honestly, to fix this problem might help to actually fix a lot of the powers and the "lame duck" powers that are easily skippable because of poor design or just underperforming. An actual choice instead of people going to mids and pointing out what powers are just not worth taking at all or are only taken as mule powers. Like how universally every tier 1 power, especially now, is now considered skip at this point.
  7. Most development open beta is mostly for testing final numbers and making sure there are no egregious bugs.
  8. Cherry and chocolate marble cheesecake.
  9. I personally don't have an opinion on this. I generally don't use confuse auras but I know they can be strong when used well. The proc and magnitude on cognitive seems to be low so I am not sure it would be a reliable power. At best 20% proc chance at the cost of the psi damage proc chance otherwise only 12% chance. So I would say go for something else?
  10. Interesting it's saying live now... But I am definitely anxious for Illusion Control Dominators. I have always wanted one since Issue 6. And they should have because illusion control has always been a staple villain power you know like Mysterio and Scarecrow.
  11. Considering how many hours I put into leveling up each VEAT and then into the Imperious SF hehe, yea it did seem like a good idea at the time.
  12. So you want to make Shazam?
  13. Yea another thing I m considering is the option of a secondary proc master power to go with Gleam. Mud pots sticks out to me, of course but thematically the stone stuff just won't work. I can imagine psi, but again doubling up on psi will be a slog against psi resistant enemies that especially appear in late game. Whirling Hands in energy is a joke so not even a consideration, even with procs, though I have looked at radioactive assaults AoE attack... problem is the rest of the set leaves a lot to be desired from my understanding. Fiery I loved on live because it was a great jousting set, but that was back when dominator damage was low until they were in domination. I can see making use of combustion as a proc master power but again not sure. I am fairly certain I am going to be taking fire mastery though just for rain of fire and melt armor for sure just to make the deal even more devastating. I will have to figure something out though, eventually.
  14. Holy crap. Seeing this I was able to find a few of my old guides including the guides I wrote for the SoA and Imperious Strike force from yonks ago. Need to see if I can find the other guides I wrote because I know I wrote a few. Hehe memory lane. Went by Silverspar but changed that forum handle to Lounegrou at one point. Don't know why. For the horrible curious my old SoA guide; https://cityofheroes.dev/liveforumarchive/topic.php?threadnumber=123905&page_no=1 and Imperious SF guide: https://cityofheroes.dev/liveforumarchive/topic.php?threadnumber=123952#comment-671338 These guides are obviously horribly out of date now, but yea it was fun creating them back in the day.
  15. Yea, starting to lean more towards fiery myself at this point. Since we won't have a need to take the tier 1 anymore that opens up better options for picks going down the line, of course. And going that route I might go with the fire epic pool for rain of fire and of course melt armor to. If Earth had the ability to make the stone mallet look like the carnie mallet I would have easily gone that route but I don't think, thematically, I can make it work with either the lava or crystal. Just not into knockback from energy pom poms. And I don't want to double up on psi damage since well the enemies that are resistant to psi are really resistant to it. I would do savage but I already have a dark/savage dom. Dark sounds interesting but I dunno. I had fiery on live and I know I liked that set a lot. So my question, how does combustion work for proc damage? I know in heart of darkness that turns that into a mini nuke which is my plan for gleam as a targeted mini nuke, so just curious if combustion would work similarly?
  16. I think you can get there from Pocket D but the other way is through the TIme Tunnels (aka Boom Tubes) which again is something only people that explore would know about. And I still say the look of the place doesn't really say it's for anyone but endgame players. Appearance can say a lot of things to people, and can dissuade others from it.
  17. While it has the sense of a gathering zone or a place to hold events or costume contests, I will have to admit there is very little reason to go there and it isn't exactly advertised as such. It's design screams and feels like a place meant for elite endgame content despite it's a completely safe zone, and most non-vet players wouldn't even know it exists outside of accidentally going there and discovering it and again the vibe screaming it's meant for people that are at the endgame not any level. I mean a destroyed world isn't exactly inviting for newbs, and there really isn't any documentation in game that says what the place is about.
  18. I guess I could do savage again. I have really liked it as a set as a whole. And with our power to skip the bees in this next update I will have better options, probably.
  19. It had actually taken me a few tries. On Virtue my original intent was to make I believe a fire control/electric assault dominator named Heat Lightning since back then red side effects were always colored red because villains and such. Unfortunately the name was taken as well as several variants and I just lost interest. I later tried a plant/thorn dom but it just didn't click with me despite I know it was a good combo. Eventually though I finally made a mind/fiery assault dominator and it was quite powerful. This was before we could naturally perma dom and needed the help of kins to get there. I found the combo quite strong and brutal, and when able to get it perma dommed of course back then was a nice chunk of DPS. Also was fun in PvP before the changes in issue 13. A series of events going on for the past year and leading up to Issue 13 basically put me in my final straw moment and I ended up leaving. Now here on Everlasting, I have made a dark/savage dominator I love. I am waiting for Illusion Control to come out because, of all the sets, that should have been on a villain character as either a dominator power set or even a mastermind set. Can't wait to play it, since the big illusionists in comics are villains.
  20. City of's architecture is based on TARDIS technology considering how gigantic warehouses will be inside, or office spaces with bizarre layouts, or the fact we can find sewers, caves, and other such areas in places they don't belong. Sometimes it would be nice to have logic in some things.
  21. I like savage assault, but my dark control dominator is already that. Conceptually a vampire. So wanting to try something different with the Ill Control.
  22. I know, the set is still only in beta right now but I am theorycrafting on what I want to build, but I have always wanted illusion dominator ever since dominators came out and never understood why this set wasn't apart of dominators since the most prolific illusionists in comic books were villains (like Mysterio and Scarecrow). Currently I think I pretty much have the primary in lockdown on powers I want, but the problem is the secondary. Originally I thought sonic assault but after playing for a bit I found sonic really grates on my nerves after a while, much like Symphony, sadly. So I was considering Dark Assault, but not sure on that, and my other option I am considering is Radiation Assault. And I think something can be said for fiery assault and maybe even energy assault so looking for some advice on that. To help out, the concept of the character is basically a Ringmaster, hence original plans for Sonic Assault, but I think something that is flashy could work. I don't really want to do psi assault since I want the offset to avoid enemy types (like robots) that are resistant to psi (aka emotional) damage.
  23. Looking forward to seeing this up and running soon.
  24. I see Gleam as a targeted AoE heart of darkness; aka a power to put a lot of procs in for damage.
  25. It has been taken down. As of this moment it is not coming back, and no idea if someone else will be taking over.
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