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Jitsurei last won the day on July 5 2021

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  1. Please, can we have a minimal FX or even just 'no puff' options for Blazing and Cauterizing Aura? I'm sure many players would enjoy a less blinding fire experience overall, but I've run out of ways to manage this specific power. For as long as Blazing Aura has existed, the constant puffs of smoke have bothered my eyes. The issue is due to the repetitive, flashing nature rather than the brightness, so using dark or subtle colors has not helped. Most of the time I have had to just avoid playing /fire blasters or /fire armor, and even avoid looking too long at nearby characters using Blazing or Cauterizing Aura. However, these power sets are often in high demand so it's hard to avoid. I tried to modify the visual using Titanman's excellent mod (below) and while it fixes the fire auras for me, the relevant particle is simply "smoke". Because a common particle is attached to the aura, modifying it also removes the visual FX from other powers, which are not repetitive in nature and don't cause me visual issues.
  2. Darn, nothing new to spend Aether on.
  3. The point was that the design of the badge is unfriendly to melee. Not that the players recruiting for it are excluding melee. We all know that badgers can be any archetype and sometimes they just aren’t going to be the best for a thing they need, so usually groups will be inclusive.
  4. I actually love the more action game-like mechanics that require movement. However the titan doesn’t have a warning cue like anti matters nuclear blast, or battle maidens blue circles, or marauders ground slam. If it did I’d be 100% in favor of the foot stomp being absolutely brutal. Enemy ai is pretty hard to predict without a cue.
  5. Yep. It’s all that’s needed because “fly and shoot” is what the strategy boils down to. Super lame.
  6. What probably happened here was the tank was flying and taunting, so the titan ignored you and never used the auto hit irresistible foot stomp that would have killed you with the damage over time. Just a guess.
  7. Master of Eden LFM. Must have 1 ranged attack, and a few hundred thousand inf for a jet pack and Ambrosia.
  8. I think you’re confusing “need” with “have”. Needing 4 colds and having 4 colds are different.
  9. Doable though it may be, “everyone fly and spam range” isn’t engaging or fun. Awfully lame mechanic for an entire badge/trial/fight to boil down to.
  10. A suggestion: make in-set stealth powers at least have the 55 rating that Stealth does. Why should the pool power be better than a hero’s (or villain’s) primary and secondary abilities? This wouldn’t fix the fact that we can’t get as high of stealth as we already have, but it would at least mitigate the fact that people who already had stealth in their sets now have to take additional steps just to get back what they already had access to.
  11. As you said yourself, you always needed another power. I was taking super speed into consideration when I said that because I am already accustomed to running it because, again, it has always been compatible with all of these powers.
  12. I think we can all agree Stealth is a great power and a good choice for many builds. My primary concern is that a travel power is being lumped in with a bunch of non travel powers for a change that it didn’t need to begin with because it was always compatible with everything on this list. *maybe not infiltration? but that was already a special case
  13. Stealth is not a travel power. Not a 1-to-1 change.
  14. Are you… suggesting I stop taking a travel power pool and put stealth on every char instead? You can take whatever pools you want. And if super speed gets nerfed, it gets nerfed. But let’s not pretend this is a quality of life improvement. I was going to take it because I enjoy the max run speed, which is useful and enjoyable outside of stealth.
  15. Just checked in game. 55 ft stealth radius is by no means maxed out or even enough. Most aim for 65 and hard mode mobs have even higher perception. Stealth power pool is not always an option and I would hate to feel like I have to take it over an equivalent power in my primary or secondary set.
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