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  1. While I'm not motivated by any bias, I'm very much in agreement with Shocker in general. I try very much to stay away from any of the existing comic/manga literature in terms of my toons in looks, name, and story tag both because it's a rule so that the legal beagles stay away from the game and out of simple respect for the IP of the originators. That said however, the genre being what it is, there is always going to be some toon somewhere that will be similar enough in design and concept that comparisons to said IP protected characters is simply unavoidable and can fall victim to the overzealous rules-lawyer-types running around without their chill pills. 😉 lol It's fine to be a fan of a comic/manga character...but it's always better for the game to be as original as possible with your own and avoid visits and/or nasty-grams from the LIB (Lawyers in Black). 😄
  2. For me it's Warrant. Beat cop trying to make good only to get his ticket punched by a guy who's ego is as big as the inferiority complex he overcompensates for. That particular NPC I seriously despise and tend to take the kill option out of simple principle.
  3. Or the V's that are pronounced as W's. Via is Wee-ah or Vita being Wee-tah for example. 😉
  4. Or the V's that are pronounced as W's. Via is Wee-ah or Vita being Wee-tah for example. 😉
  5. Or the V's that are pronounced as W's. Via is Wee-ah or Vita being Wee-tah for example. 😉
  6. Potato Potatoe Tomato Tomatoe... lol
  7. Your best bet likely would be to talk to one of the already established video game type Cons that host games/game rooms and see about working CoH into their event schedule or venue space. Having ran a Con for two years out of pocket with just my game group as staff I can honestly say that the hours are long, the work needed to keep it all going smoothly is exhausting, and it is really easy to over-extend beyond your budgeted finances. We rented several buildings at our county fairgrounds for around 400$ for the weekend with on-site camping & RV hook-ups in '92 & '93. 1st year was a bust but second year we managed to recoup our losses from the 1st barely. Too much work so my group opted not to continue it. Looked into maybe organizing a local Con here last year the available venues want a couple thousand per day plus a 1 million $ damage insurance policy for up to space only able to handle up to 350 people. And as mentioned, cost to attend is a nightmare anymore for most Cons. One I attended 18 yrs ago for 25$ plus airfare, hotel, and car rental is now at a couple hundred just to get in the event door plus extra for any games you want to register for which to me is simply robbery since it's just to make extra bank beyond costs.
  8. Given how futuristic Kallisti looks...maybe a good fit would be based off Scully and Mulder from X-files. Dealing with super cryptids is just another Tuesday for them. lol Or Francisco and Sikes from Alien Nation...especially fits given the presence of the Rikti and other alien types.
  9. Funny... I had thought that Fish and Miller from the Barney Miller series I watched back in 1975 based in a NYC PD station on East 6th St in Greenwich Village. Hal Linden as Barney Miller and Abe Vigoda as Phil Fish. I recognized Freitag as Joe Friday (Jack Webb) from Dragnet...only the original 1954 black and white version / 1967 color re-make I remember watching rather than the '87 comedy. Guess that explains why I couldn't place Becktree... lol
  10. Well...if it's an alignment talk/comparison it's fairly easy. Hero = Lawful Good Vigilante = Chaotic Good verging Neutral Rogue = Chaotic Neutral verging Evil Villain = Neutral/Chaotic Evil or Hero : Upholding all laws while doing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people Vigilante : Doing good knowing that sometimes the law and some people will suffer for it Rogue : Doing whatever for their own 'good' unconcerned by the small things like collateral damage/casualties. Villain : Gaining the most riches & power possible and/or burning the world to the ground while being the only one left standing.
  11. Janitor closet + Super Power Hang out = MASSIVE Bio-hazard! Probably something even worse than Hami-Prime & Hami-Praetoria combined. :P lol
  12. I'm in the same line of thought as Bio. While there is evidence of baseline humans having something of a 6th sense relative to heightened perception and intuition actionable or manifesting psychic powers outside of that would be considered abnormal by the majority of the baseline human population and therefore labeled as a mutation or freak to the more petty sorts. That said, there is a plausible possibility (theoretically speaking) that with the right sort of intense training the inherent 6th sense type abilities could be trained up to a more actionable level...though at best you'd see more of a form of telekinesis, empathic reading, and mental shielding than those showcased in the game's powerset. End of the day it really depends on your preferred narrative because in theory it could be either.
  13. Isn't Perez already a zoo being essentially closed off with all the animals (mobs) running amuk? lol
  14. Well...Mr. G is a former assassin turned information broker back in Praetoria. While he doesn't have the same level of contacts in Primal that he had back there it would only be a matter of time...and facilitating your exploits would go a long way as an introduction to those sort of contacts. So he's using you just as much, if not more, than you're using him. The only good thing about him is that he does have a sense of loyalty or you'd be royally hosed. Splice...a former member of the resistance if I recall. Prime hacker...but if not for Mr. G watching over her she could be all sorts of trouble. Bobcat may be de-powered but she's still a CQC specialist and while lazy as sin, is a decent (and expendable) base security member. Transmuter is the detective and Mr. G's errand boy. While he has no powers anymore, he's intelligent and knows his way around the streets otherwise Power Division would've cut him loose or 'retired' him with prejudice long ago. He's also a combat veteran of the Praetoria Hami Wars so there is some combat capability there as well as a small unit tactics & strategy resource that Mr. G isn't really suited for. General Alito, like Transmuter, is a combat vet with extensive tactics and strategy value. He probably also likely has an in with various 'hardware' sources and has the rep to be credible with 'temporary' assets and their management. Piloting is likely only one skill. I'd imagine he'd have others involving AV operation and demolition as well. Subjugator 5...yes. An unknown element that, while very useful, is very risky to have around given that you know nothing of their goals, plans, or motivations. Having an independent sniper, preferably with an AMR, keeping S-5 in their sites 24-7 whenever and wherever possible would be minimal insurance. A remotely detonated bomb belt with triple redundant detonators would be better in the event that they do decide to betray you. In either event, they are known factors from your home reality and intrinsically more reliable than the Primal scum you're typically dealing with...and they are more than aware of your reputation from back home thereby likely less inclined to try to pull a fast one. You busting them out is just a bonus in keeping them owing you.
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