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Everything posted by TyrantMikey

  1. Someone call a scrapper. This thread needs to be put out of its misery.
  2. What they need to do is put a new NPC in Paragon Dance Party: Gull the Null. When players talk to him, he explains that his cousin, Null, is hanging out in Pocket D. For a minor fee, he can send them there. Click, whoosh, away they go, teleported to Pocket D.
  3. Ah, yes, back in the days of the Taxi Service. The True Heroes of Paragon.
  4. Oh no you don't. With my luck, a random bush is a Devouring Earth. I don't trust those guys as far as I can throw them.
  5. I think it's Champions that does something like this. If you save a citizen while street sweeping, there's a chance they will give you a lead on a crime being committed. You can then run off and stop the crime in progress. It's kind of nifty.
  6. There are too many destroyed zones. Faultline, the Hollows, Boomtown, Crey's Folly, Eden, and RWZ come to mind right off the top of my head. I'd have them fix some of them up. Restore Faultline. Turn Boomtown into a giant city scape, or something. Turn the Hollows into a giant park. For Rularuu's sake, we're approaching 2 decades. *Some* progress has to have been made.
  7. This is incorrect. Pocket D is definitely in the game. It's where you find Null the Gull.
  8. If it's universally frowned upon for players to spawn camp a hospital, it should absolutely be frowned upon for NPCs to do so.
  9. A tropical island with warring factions of humans and lizard people. Put a volcano or two on it. And, naturally, make it crawling with dinosaurs. The lizard folk would be superstitious and mystical, using that inherent power to control the dinosaurs and enslave the human populace. There are rumors that somewhere deep on the island is a Well that is purported to grant those who drink from it strange abilities. This, of course, has gotten the attention of some unscrupulous individuals who wish to claim that power for themselves.
  10. Earth/Storm Controller. These guys will literally rip the rumbling roots of the earth out and encase you in it, then hurl the thundering sky down upon you. Just when you think it's safe to move, a blizzard descends, a volcano erupts under your feet, and the air is filled with choking gasses. If you can manage to escape that, an 8-foot tall golem with a really bad attitude sets its eyes on you and demands to know what you're going to do about climate change right now, at this very moment. And he won't take no for an answer.
  11. Your avatar takes me way back. *sniffle*
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