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Everything posted by gourdhead

  1. Tried to get Don of the Dead, but of course it was taken 😞 So now I'm considering a necro/nature MM. Frond of the Dead.
  2. You don't mention which shard you play on. but I have "Malfiore" aka Flower of Evil reserved on Excelsior. Since it looks like I'll never get around to building her, I'll gladly throw the name your way.
  3. I have a series of actions I take as soon as a new character zones into Outbreak. One of them is removing the General channel from all tabs.
  4. A year and a half into this, and I just got "Ebony Archer" on Excelsior. Are people even trying? And I've been on a sentinel jag lately, so she might be either defender or corrupter. And yes, her back story is she's Abbiejean Kane-Archer, all grown up and fighting crime 🙂
  5. I'm planning a water/energy build, and wanted to check in on this topic. Any updates? How does it play?
  6. Now I want a swashbuckling set where you can change fencing styles. Rapier and dagger, but the dagger Is a defense buff? TAKE MY MONEY!
  7. Not really the point of your post, but you do know that you can stack 8 double xp powers, right?
  8. If ONE damn person brings up butterscotch pudding, I will burn this thread to the ground.
  9. I hate all you people. Now I want butterscotch pudding.
  10. I've always thought there should be a shit ton of gated content 🙂 AT specific, origin specific, team size specific...the list goes on. But again, that's just me. Also, how about origin specific power pools, that you unlock by doing the origin arcs? There are already Willpower (natural), and Sorcery (magic), and isn't Utility Belt (tech) in the works? This might be pushing it a bit, but since the AT's have inherents, why not origins as well? Small buffs/debuffs, that 1) only come into play against similar origin villain groups, and 2) are stackable, so that teaming with similar origin characters is like the Leadership pool? It always feels a little weird that my natural scrapper is teaming up with someone who glows purple and shoots rays out of their eyes 🙂 "Calling all magic heroes, team forming to stomp on Circle of Thorns". Edited to add-The origin buff/debuff would also aid in the whole "getting your ass kicked by Vahz at level 2" problem 🙂
  11. I STILL do that. Its just reflex. Do the tutorial. zone into Atlas, level, then head into city hall and go see the origin contact. I'm a creature of habit.
  12. If I go that route, it will be my standard DFBx4/DIB/Posi/Synapse/Yin leveling track. Get to the mid 20's fast in groups and see what I think.
  13. Maybe an Ill/Sonic Contoller. Because I absolutely need more alts.
  14. That opens up great big can of worms, that should best be consumed in person over adult beverages 🙂 I've never had an issue with content being gated, because it always annoyed me that 1 character was meant to play all the content, when content could be radically different in tone and playstyle. Of course, I also think badges should be account based not character based, so that's just me 🙂
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Excelsior's newest Nature/DP defender...Yosemite Samantha 🙂 I also locked down "Honkytonk Hero", but beyond making him look like Waylon Jennings, I'm not sure what to do with him.
  16. Late to the game on this, and apologies if its already been dragged through the dirt :). I've always wished, since day 1, that origin MATTERED.
  17. On the "Rescue the Kellermans before Giacomo alters their minds" mission in the "Corporate Culture" story arc, when rescuing Kimberly Kellerman, the mission objective showed 'Lead out Ken Kellerman".
  18. Considering the preponderance of Spines/Fire Brutes, I was stunned to get "Propane Porcupine" this morning 🙂
  19. Absolutely. I just wish there was a way for her to have a mermaid tail while she was flying 🙂
  20. Had an inspiration. Water based, mermaid themed sentinel. Ariel Assault. I was amazed that the name was available 🙂
  21. Why not just add a name? Daredevil Dan/Doug/Dave/Dimitri/Dylan etc? Or just Daredevil Dude 🙂
  22. I have all three names, and have seen two of the three live 🙂
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