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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I've already gotten bored with the Stone/Super Strength tanker, so I thought I'd take another shot at it.  Seeing that I'm allowed to pick the favored of three rolls:


    Claws/Regeneration Stalker.  Pass, the world needs another Wolverine/Sabretooth like I need another hole in my head.

    Dark/Water Defender.  Slightly more interesting, and I could come up with a concept.

    Sonic/Earth Blaster.  Ugh, blasters!  And sonic is terrible and I've never even heard of Earth...


    Wait, didn't they add Earth Manipulation relatively recently?  And didn't they upgrade Sonic relatively recently?  And wait, don't you like stun?  And you can double up Sleep?!?  (I'm just kidding about liking that last part.  I think.)  Oh heck.




    (Name may change.)

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  2. 10 hours ago, Xiddo said:

    @Yomo Kimyata and Snarky... This is to both of you really: I've never played stone armour on a tank before. I've PUG'd with a stone tank and I wasn't overly impressed... However Im wondering if it might've been their 'user error'.  How do the new changes make it? I actually quite like how ugly granite is.


    Sorry, I know this if off-topic.


    For the most part, I don't play tanks at all, and my recent experience with Stone Armor has been with a Savage Melee/Stone scrapper (and it was a good build!)  Based on what I'm seeing, I'm just adding Granite Armor as an "Oh hell!" button, although I'm probably better off spending that one spot on Taunt.

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  3. If I recall correctly, and I think I do, even though there is only a 10% stun chance in Force Bomb, you can still slot stun procs that will go off even if the stun does not activate.  The Absolute Amazement proc comes first to mind.  Razzle Dazzle immob is interesting, and I don't know if that activates before during or after the knockback is activated.  And if you want to double down on knockback, hello Stupefy!

    • Haha 1
  4. On 3/17/2023 at 7:29 PM, hakurr said:

    Have you ever ran a character up to 50 found it does not meet you expectations i me it was doing ok and you just thought well it will get there when i hit 50. well it didn't now you are frustrated and put him on the shelf and either start all over with a new character or take a break from playing all together. this is were a complete do over could save your frustration at least some of it.


    i would like to see a complete do over option this can be a 1 time thing account wide that every one gets or it can be tied to a chain of missions that when completed you get i like the 1 time account wide that way it is a very cautious thing to use but if it was tied to mission ark i guess you would  get a lot of people doing that ark. ok now what the complete do over is just a super respec it would get you the ability in your arch type to choose what primary and secondary pool you get all over so if you was a willpower/staff tanker at level 50 you would have to still be a tanker but you could now be a shield/electric at level 1.  i would also make the requirement that lvl 50 is needed to use this (this way you at least gave it a try to get the character up in levels and enjoy it. 


    Wish granted!

  5. 29 minutes ago, 00Troy00 said:

    I asked because some have told me stalkers were useless on a team (and to be honest,, I don't see them on teams much).


    I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm guessing that has a lot more to do with the people putting the team together than the people making up the team.  I can imagine some teams (like a 4star or Master Of type team) would want to craft their team, but for the most part, we are all a bunch of rikti monkeys mashing buttons, and I suggest to you to be the type of monkey you want to be.  Personally, I don't team much, but when I do I expect to solo it.  Play what you want to play is my advice.

  6. 13 hours ago, 00Troy00 said:

    Is it possible to make a truly effective stalker that's also helpful to a team?


    Your title and your question are two separate issues, in my eyes.


    The answer to your question is:  of course!  If you are on a team as anything except a tanker then you are trying to help defeat enemies before they defeat your team.  Stalkers are great at defeating.


    Your title makes me think about various debuffs available.  Like KM/Rad.  But it's all good.

    • Like 1
  7. Just about all my lvl 50s have one or more *Os at this point, but the added value is rather marginal for the most part.  My thought process usually goes something like this:


    1.  Can I put a boosted purple in there?  A Schedule A power like Accuracy or Damage or Recharge will get me +41.4% to a dual power like A/R.  Costs about 20mm in total.  Purples tend to have good bonuses.  Cons:  can only put one of these in across your entire build.


    2.  Can I put a 53 *O in there?  A 53 Provocation will get me +38.3% to every aspect which is great if you can use all three aspects of it (purple triples max out at +33.1%).  You can put as many in your build as you can afford, but costs are awfully high.  Cons:  no potential set bonuses.


    3.  Can I frankenslot an IO?  A +5 lvl 50 dual gives you +33.1%, which isn't too shabby.  Your costs will be 5mm+ and most of that will be the boosters.  Cons:  no set bonuses will work if you exemplar below 47 unless you are using PVP IOs.


    4.  Can I use two slots and put in two lvl 50 common IOs and boost them to +5?  That's averaging +26.5% per slot to each attribute.  Costs again are basically the cost of the boosters.  Cons:  no bonuses, need an extra slot.


    When you account for the value of bonuses in certain areas, it may shade your choices (I usually use +53 cytoskeletons because I rarely need any of the defense bonuses) and your need for a slot here versus there will also play a role.


    For me, I think I've got a 53 Provocation or two slotted in about one out of ten of my 50s.  And that's mainly because what the hell else am I going to spend my hoarded trillion on?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, tidge said:

    In case it wasn't made obvious: The AH's pooling means that a crafted Enhancement at Level X can be bought as the same enhancement at any other non-attuned level (the enhancement could exist at), not just as an attuned version of the enhancement.... level 25s can become level 50s for example.


    There are many places in my builds where I don't want (or would not otherwise get) a set bonus, so I want the highest level version of the piece (to boost). It's also a good strategy for PVP pieces, since they will scale without needing to be attuned.


    This becomes useful in any number of inf-producing antics.  I will buy lvl 10 recipes and craft them into level 10 IOs, then transform them.  Some I may sell on the market to one of my alts at say, level 41 due to the better odds of converting into what I want, and then transform them again and put them up for sale.  And I may end up buying the same IO for that alt in attuned flavor, partly because they are still levelling, and partly because they are purty.  And at level 50, I may end up selling attuned IOs and buying lvl 50 versions (I'm looking at PvP IOs here) and +5 boosting them.

  9. 18 hours ago, Redzone008 said:

    First, if you have three of the same Inspirations, right click one and you can convert three Inspirations you do not need into an Inspiration you do need. For example, you can convert three accuracy Insps into a greenie and survive that much longer.  I seriously did not know this existed until recently and it has been useful countless times since.


    This works for each of the three standard sizes (small, medium, large, I don't think it works on super).  A trick to make some walking around inf is to put in bids on large inspirations of less desired types, transform them, and put them on the /AH (or use them).  I'll frequently buy oranges, change them to purples, sell them.  It's not a ton of inf, but if you want to be self-sufficient this is one easy way.


    Also, for more quick start-up inf, sell the large green and the large red inspiration you get from the tutorial once you have enough inf for the posting fee.  As an added bonus, once you are rolling in inf, put in bids for large green and large red inspirations to pass it along.

  10. 10 hours ago, ClawsandEffect said:


    RWZ Challenge is pretty much obsolete now, because it's hard to find anything that CAN'T do it. 


    It was more a thing back when purples were insanely expensive, and PVP IOs, Winters, and ATOs didn't even exist yet. 


    But back when it was still relevant, someone doing it on a Regen only using their tier 1 attack was pretty damn impressive. 


    That makes a lot more sense.  Thanks!

  11. 19 hours ago, ClawsandEffect said:

    RWZ Challenge: 


    Take on a group of level 54 Rikti that includes a minimum of 3 bosses. 


    You are not allowed to use temp powers OR inspirations. Only the powers included in your build. 


    It used to be a really good benchmark for how good your character was. The advent of all the additional survival powers and Incarnate abilities kinda trivialized it. 


    Iggy Kamikaze pulled it off on a Claws/Regen scrapper using only Swipe. No other powers. 


    This seems like a pretty low bar nowadays.  I'm also assuming SO build and no incarnates?

  12. 3 minutes ago, SteelRat70 said:

    No.  I mean a lid.  If I'd have meant a crust, I'd have said crust.

    You're just making it more difficult for yourself.  Don't try so hard.


    Lid.  The top bit of a pie.  The bit that makes a pie not a tart.


    You joke, but it is disassociations like this that are ruinous for me.  


    Is the lid the part of the pie that was browned, or is it the part that is made of dough, or is it the top few layers of whatever molecules are on top?

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