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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. My two inf:


    Regeneration is one of the harder sets to play at a high level, and that has less to do with the thought that it is a bad set and more to do with the fact that recent sets have been overtuned.  Radiation Armor and Bio are great, super-powerful sets (and should probably be nerfed a little).  They are, in my opinion, the top top tier and what I do NOT want is for Regen to get buffed to that level or higher.


    A reason that Regen is actually a great defense is that many of its powers are, actually, skippable!  This means a good builder can dip deeply into pools and epics and create some real masterpieces that you may not be able to do, for example, on Bio (since I might skip one power in Bio armor).


    Regeneration could use some more debuff resistances, simply because it has almost none.  I cannot recall ever fighting a group of enemies and getting destroyed because my regeneration was debuffed, so I don't worry too much about that.  Getting 100% slow resistance is easy enough with a strong building knowledge and a bunch of superior winter-os, but an extra 20% might be nice.  I'd actually like to see some recovery debuff resistance, and maybe a little something else for flavor.


    Fast Healing -- Ironically a better power now that you don't have to take it at origin.  Skippable in my opinion, although I generally like to add it in as one of my last power picks.

    Reconstruction -- Core part of the set.  Looking good.

    Quick Recovery -- IMO absolutely skippable with all the endurance tools in this set and available through builds.  Should have some bells and whistles and debuff resistances added to make it more relevant.

    Dull Pain -- Core part of the set.  Looking good.

    Integration --  Core part of the set.  Looking good but I wouldn't mind making it more interesting.  Maybe take away a little of the regeneration and add a little defense, like 3-5%?

    Resilience -- Core part of the set.  Looking good.

    Instant Healing -- I like this power since it's a thinking person's oh shit button.  I rarely use it in play though, and skippable if you have enough other oh sit buttons.  You should be able to survive easily while it is active, so long as you activate it before you need it.  I think putting it back to a toggle would be the equivalent of making Shadow Meld a toggle -- a constant I Win button.

    Revive -- Skippable, although I think giving it the Rise of the Phoenix treatment from Fiery Aura would be appropriate.

    Moment of Glory -- Core part of the set.  Looking good.


    If you want a walk-away-from-the-keyboard-and-farm build, this isn't for you.  You are definitely rewarded for build knowledge and having enough funds to equip the build.  


    Having said that, I fully expect the HC team to buff the hell out of it, make it top tier, give it to tanks, and then sit back as people start to complain that Willpower now isn't strong enough for their AFK farmers.

  2. Follow up query, I assume the "using base resistance" works the other way as well?


    So if you had 50% smashing resistance and you had 50% smashing resistance from external sources (orange insp, sonic defender, etc.) and got hit with a resistible 30% debuff, would your smashing resistance be:


    A.  100%, since you are a rockstar.

    B.  85%, since your base resisted half of the 30% debuff making your "core" resistance 35%, but you've still got an additional 50% buff.

    C.  0%, since while you were reading this you got ambushed by a sapper and died.

    D.  Other

    • Haha 1
  3. I have a few questions for you gurus out there.  As we (mostly?) know, characters and mobs may have resistance to various debuffs.  If you have a 20% resist slow debuff (from say, slotting a Winters Gift proc), if you get hit by a resistible slow debuff, only 80% of it will apply to you (amount of debuff, not length of debuff, I think).  That makes sense (and a good reason to get 100% slow resistance to be able to dance over caltrops).


    Damage resistance debuffs are a bit different.  If you get hit with a resistible damage resistance debuff for 20%, your character will resist some of that debuff based on how much damage resistance you have in each category.  So if you had 100% smashing resistance, 50% energy resistance, 0% psionic resistance, you would resist 100% of the smashing debuff (leaving you with 100% smashing resistance), 50% of the energy debuff (leaving you with 50% - (50%*20) = 40% energy resistance), and none of the psionic debuff (leaving you at -20% psionic resistance).  The debuffs also work off your base value, so if you got DR debuffed by two different mobs, it would work off your base value and not your currently debuffed values.  It's covered in the wiki here:




    Also, there are some powers that are flagged as unresistible.  For example, Enervating Field is flagged as unresistible for radiation Paragon protectors, but it is not flagged as resistible for defenders.  Boo!


    Some of my questions for you technical lads and lasses and huges:


    1.  Let's say my scrapper has 90% smashing resistance, which is capped at 75% because she is a scrapper.  Which number is used to calculate your resistance to resistance debuffs?  In other words are you going to take 10% of the debuff, or 25%?


    2.  In City of Data (all hail Uberguy) you can find the unresistible icon (which looks like unresistable.png(only smaller) on various powers.  I was presuming that if that icon didn't show up, then it is resistible.  However, when talking to a Rikti pylon (with 20% resistance across the board, I noticed that things didn't add up.  Then I just realized that even though the debuffs were listed at 100%, they were actually applied:




    So I guess I answered my own question, since the total resistance seems to be correct.


    So I guess I'm only asking about the first one.  Thanks!


    • Like 1
  4. I keep coming back to my DM/Regen scrapper every few months, and come up with a better build each time.


    It's really interesting to me that there are a lot of redundancies, so you can explore other things in terms of slotting or pool/epic powers.  Endurance?  It's coming out your ears.  You can easily skip Quick Recovery, and no need to slot Dark Consumption for endurance either.  Healing?  All over the place.  Nowadays you can skip Fast Healing (and I usually do) and you probably won't even miss the 75% regeneration or even the regeneration debuff resistance (look out for those radiation enemies!).  No need to slot Siphon Life for heal.


    Ask yourself how many oh @#$# buttons you want.  Instant Healing counts as one, although not as much as some would want, and that really only needs mainly recharge.  Moment of Glory, sure.  Also really only needs recharge.  People like Shadow Meld.  I'm a big fan nowadays of Unleash Potential from the Force of Will pool.  As a bonus, you get a half oh @#$% button in Takeoff, which is an autohit knockdown for up to ten targets when Mighty Leap is active.  I also like Hibernate as a patron pool power, but not on this character.  Also, throw a knockdown proc in some of your long term AoEs:  Overwhelming Force or Avalanche work wonders in Dark Consumption or Soul Drain.


    Do your best to get as much slow resistance as possible.  That's a real weakness of any Regeneration Build.  At least 2-3 pieces of any superior Winter O.  Winters Gift IO proc is a must have.  You can also 3-slot Synapse's Shock in any power that takes end mod.  to hit debuff resistance is also nice, but I think you're only going to get it from Focused Accuracy or Targeting Drone in the epic pools.


    If you are teaming, remember your -to hit from Dark Melee is the rough equivalent of +defense to your whole team.  I wouldn't bother slotting for to hit debuff, but I would make sure your accuracy is high enough to consistently hit enemies in AoE.  Shadow Maul does so little damage thanks to the wider arc, but it debuffs just the same.  You could even double up by taking the Darkness Mastery epic pool.

  5. 4 hours ago, Luminara said:


    Yes, there are some outliers in what HC has created, but in honesty, no more than what Cryptic or Paragon created.  At least HC is making an effort to minimize the difference between the high end and the low end, something Cryptic/Paragon only did at a rate that made continental drift seem rapid.  It's also worth reminding you, and everyone else, that the HC team raised the baseline, from 3 +0 minions to 3 +3 minions.  The underperformers have to be brought up, and new ones have to meet that minimum.  That's the overarching goal, make everything playable at the new baseline, and with hundreds of sets and thousands of powers, a very small team working in their spare time (and, like everyone else, they have less of that in the post-quarantine era) to fix bugs, create new content, revise old content, create new powers and sets and revisit old powers and sets isn't going to accomplish anything overnight.  Those outliers, those exploitative uses of powers, will be addressed, once the groundwork is complete.  There are a lot more sets and powers in need of attention to bring them up to par than there are newly created powers in need of a bump downward, and if they spend all of their time trying to deal with imperfections on the ceiling, they'll never get around to completing the floor.


    I hear you Lumi.  I think you responded less to my point that power creep (which I detest) was both a function of Live and SCORE and HC, and more to that current admins are better.  They're pretty good, as I say early and often.  But they are not addressing balance like I would want them to.  That's cool.  You want a tank mage?  Go ahead, I'm frankly just happy to be able to log on to a public server that the SCORE and HC people kept secret for many years.


    To the point I bolded and embiggened, take ten numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


    Underperformers have to be brought up!  One way to go is :  5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5.  Or even:  5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.  But power creep, which is not specific to this game or any game leads to people complaining that their 5 is not as good as the 10.  There's no sense of balance or tradeoff.  I can have a higher strength but a lower intelligence?  Heck no, as long as there is a high intelligence out there, I *deserve* that and I want it the way I want it, and frankly, that better effing be right now.


    @Luminara, I'm gonna get you that green dress, by hook or by crook!  Probably by hook, since I'm too pretty to go to prison.

  6. 20 hours ago, Luminara said:


    It's probably "stuck".  It happens from time to time, something listed just doesn't move, no matter how long it's there.  I've had LotG IOs get "stuck" for months, even with prices well below the standard.  Take it out, mail it to an alt and stick it back in.


    Oh, don't forget to jiggle it.


    Try a little WD-40.  If that's not available, use goose fat.

  7. On 1/17/2023 at 2:54 PM, Luminara said:

    Most of what people refer to as power creep is, in actuality, more accurately summarized as the ease of set IO acquisition.  Amplifiers exist, yes, and they're no longer gated behind real money, but they're also entirely optional.  Not a single character created since these servers were started has had even one amplifier automatically applied to it, it's always the player's choice to use them.  Same with the 2xp buff, it's not mandatory, it's not forcibly activated, it's something people opt into.


    Nor has the HC team been buffing power sets or powers left and right, they've only been addressing under-performers and bringing them up to par.  They haven't bumped up archetype modifiers and scalar values across the board, they've made some adjustments here and there, always targeted and never for the sake of making something overwhelmingly powerful.  Incarnate abilities are still restricted to 45+ content, so they're not impacting the game below 45 any more than they were on the original servers.  There's no more power creep in these aspects than in amplifiers.  No, the accusing finger is leveled at set IOs when people say there's power creep.


    But stop and consider what that really means.  The "problem" is that no-one has to grind for six to twelve months to afford a build with full IO sets, or beg to get them, or rely on luck; that anyone and everyone can use set IOs, benefit from IO set bonuses, and plan and play around the expectation of having them.  That's what people refer to as power creep, which is ironic because the crafting system and resulting enhancements were specifically added to the game to make our characters more powerful, to give us lateral progression in lieu of raising the level cap.  And the only thing keeping that in check on the original servers was an economy that failed spectacularly.  That wasn't planned, it wasn't part of the design drafts or development philosophy, neither Cryptic nor Paragon held a meeting and discussed ways to tank the economy so thoroughly that it would restrict most players from accessing set IOs, it was a fuck-up of monumental proportions that couldn't be fixed by any means short of a hard reset, the total shutdown and wipe of everything and starting over from square one.


    Yeah, the game is "easy" when you're not hindered by a broken economy... but that broken economy was never intended to be a limiting factor.  Set IOs were created to be used.  Not dreamt about or wished for, or looked at on paper and forgotten about because they were forever out of reach, but to be used.  And not used only by the incredibly lucky, the wealthy elite or the players belonging to the largest and most generous supergroups, but by everyone.  And that's not power creep, it's the way Cryptic and Paragon imagined the game.  In making it possible to actually do that, Homecoming has brought the game closer to the original visions of Cryptic and Paragon than it ever could have been on the original servers, or, from what I've seen, any of the other servers.


    A broken economy isn't a valid control over power creep, in any game, and what we have now, on the HC servers, is the way it should have been when I9 went live, and would have been if the economy hadn't so poorly planned and completely ignored prior to that.


    Power creep was not just an element of SCORE and HC.  I hear what you are saying about the availability of IOs (and frankly I've probably sold a sizeable percentage of them).  But my problem has been a consistent cycle of "Let's introduce a new powerset, and let's not bother to see how people will exploit it."  "Hey, this new powerset has one power in it that is *better* than the similar power in my power set!"  "Well, the people have spoken, we need to upgrade this power set.  Let's surprise them and make it the best power in the current meta!"  I understand why they did that in a pay game, but I guess I hoped that some voice of reason would understand balance in the free game.


    This goes back to my observation that this is not, in any way, shape, or form, a strategy game.  And I find that odd, and frankly unappealing in many ways.  I guess that's why I spend so much time on the "minigames" of the AH and builds.  But twevs.

  8. Well...


    Of course it depends on what kind of game you want to play.  Right now, HC is doing a good job of hosting a "I'm the greatest superhero ever!".  Personally, I like strategy games.  And resource games.  So for engine building, as in figuring out a strategy to accumulating your resources and progressing, HC is terrible.  It gives you everything you want from the get go.  Or it gives you a strategy system that is so simplistic that you can get everything you want from the get go.  


    That's fine if you want to be Superman, and they've done a great job of letting everyone who plays be the strongest character ever.  That's my biggest complaint.  Because when we all can solo anything +4/x8 on almost anything from the very beginning, what's fun about that?  For me, strategy is a critical part of the enjoyment, whether it be "Take out that one first" or "slot the -kb first" or whatever.  But this is a child's version of the game now, in my opinion.  Your mileage, as always, may vary.


    On the other hand, they have done great things in terms of stability and fixing broken things.  I have a presence on other servers, and maybe it's just my settings, but HC feels crisper and cleaner.  


    If I had to pick my ideal situation, it would be HC's system of pooling (salvage, recipes, enhancements) but with a more parsimonious distribution of converters.  

    • Thumbs Down 1
  9. On 1/16/2023 at 5:18 AM, BazookaTwo said:

    I want to point out something I had an "aha!" moment with today. Combat Teleport gives you +to hit, and you can use it like 5 times before the cool down hits right? 


    Ever Combat Teleport part way to the mob and make Savage Leap your next hop? 


    It's a Whammy effect I hadn't thought of, I might even move the Gaussian proc to it, just to add insult to injury, but does it proc well I'm CT?


    I've been running a macro of "powexeclocation 0:2 Combat Teleport" which essentially casts at your location ("0:2" has less tendency to spin you around than "me").  Pop that a few times before attacking a shielded Rikti drone!

    • Like 2
  10. While leveling, every little bit helps.  But by the time I get to 50+, there are usually one of two scenarios:  you're capped at 95% to hit, or debuffers gang up on you.  Nothing like a handful of Agony Mages or whoever to knock your to hit back to single digits.  


    Lately, I've been looking more at epic pool choices just for the -to hit debuff resistance, like Focused Accuracy and just slot them with endurance reduction.

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  11. How about a slower ramp then?  People are complaining how hard it is to get to 100% fury, but it seems trivial to get to 80%.  If they raised the "fury cap" from 200 to 250 or 300, but made it harder to build, then wouldn't the existing ATO have good value?  I don't really have a horse in this fight.

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