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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. On 6/8/2022 at 9:08 AM, Erratic1 said:


    I look forward to what you find.


    Ok, I'm at level 40 and just started on the Madeline Casey arc.  I am indeed occasionally getting held (multiple illusionists hitting at once, I guess) through 9.2 hold protection.  About once per mission so far.

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  2. I can imagine a scenario that we may have hit a tipping point in terms of some sort of capacity.  I'm not saying that's the case, but I can imagine the scenario.


    If I have 100 alts with 100 market slots each (and that's conservative, and there could be hundreds more people like that), that's 10,000 market slots that I may or may not be doing stuff with.  On Live, I don't remember how many total market slots an account could end up with, but it was a small fraction of 10k.  We have a markedly smaller population, but a vastly larger ability to put stress on a database (the /AH) that is made out of baling wire and cork.


    Over 175k Winter Packs have been bought *since they last reseeded*.  250k Hero packs and 200k Rogue packs (assuming they have not been reseeded at any point).  I left Live before they came on the scene, so I don't know how many packs were bought or opened during Live.


    Just a thought.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Troo said:


    Earning a couple thousand (minus market fees and effort). That's 50,000 transactions to get to 100M.. whoopie


    A player could be better off vendoring items received playing the game.


    Well, it's a couple of hundred thousand in short order, then plow that into converters, get to 100mm in a few tens of minutes.  No one's getting rich from 50k transactions to get to 100mm.  At least I'm not!

  4. Greetings!


    I've been all scrappers all the time for a bit now, but I have yet to find *THE ONE* that makes me want to play it as my main forever.  Maybe it doesn't exist.  Or maybe I will find it with your help!


    Over the next few months, I will test out eight new scrappers.  Eight different primaries.  Eight different secondaries.  There will be a bracket but only one will win.  And that one may or may not become *THE ONE* for me.  But some of you will earn yourselves some inf along the way if you so choose.


    I foresee a many-step process:  choose eight primaries; choose eight secondaries; create a balanced set of eight characters; create a balanced bracket; level each one to 50; eliminate four; T4 each to alpha; eliminate 2; T4 each to all incarnates; choose a winner.


    In this thread (part 1A), I ask you for your input on scrapper primaries.  Vote for (up to) eight of (in your opinion) your best scrapper primaries.  In return for your input, if you list your global name in the thread, I will send you an email with 50mm inf, no strings attached.  Here's your chance to lobby for your favorites!  Please note that there are only 20 choices available in a poll, so I did us all a favor by eliminating Kinetic Melee.


    What am *I* looking for? 


    I would like a scrapper that can run +3/x8 content solo at level 49 and +4/x8 at 50, not necessarily at zerg speeds, but not one that has to skip certain enemy groups or downgrade difficulty ratings.  I think that's probably a reasonable assumption with just about any scrapper.


    I like having a good set of attacks, both single target and AoE.


    I am not a fan of elemental weapon animations, but I can work past that.  


    I am not a fan of attacks that have a flip in the animation, but I can work past that.


    I would like to be able to reasonably take out any AVs I see by level 50 at the latest.


    I am not concerned with *top* DPS chains or fastest pylon speeds.  Good enough is good enough.  


    I'm a sucker for "non-traditional" things.  I like using mitigation techniques.  I like putting in untraditional procs that aren't all about damage all the time.


    Most importantly, I want to have animations (and sounds, although I usually play muted) that I can stand to play to 50 and beyond.


    Thank you for your input and thank you for voting.  If you want to vote and don't want inf, great!  If you want inf and don't want to vote, terrible!  But remember, this is not a cheerocracy.  I'm not necessarily going to pick the eight popular winners.  I will close this poll in a month, and I will post a poll for the secondaries soon(tm).


    Happy hunting!


    EDIT:  Here is where I'm keeping the global list for payouts.  If you are not on it and you want to be, let me know!

    @TungstenShark, @Lady Grams, @Errants, @obsinious, @veloice, @valnara1, @nemu, (PAID)


  5. 2 hours ago, Golden Azrael said:



    I haven't got the hang of 'flipping' yet.  Anyone got a practical example (whilst ofc not plundering all your trade secrets...)



    I think you will get a different definition of flipping depending on who you talk to.  To me, it means buying something (usually passively) and selling the same item at a higher price.  Some people consider it to be actively buying all of an item and then relisting at a higher price (which I would probably term a pump and dump or something similar).


    An example that I used to use was yellow salvage on new characters.  You could buy lots of it at under 1,000 and then I would list it at a few thousand and would usually at least triple my admittedly small stake (hey, they started with zero!) when someone wanted to buy it nao.  Right now, there doesn't seem to be a profit in it.


    For the most part, with converters you are generally better off buying (or making) something that isn't in high demand and transforming it into something that is.  Pure flipping is rarely going to make you 100% profits, but there are spots.  But I doubt you are going to make 1bn a day (or even a week) on pure flipping.

    • Thanks 2
  6. I can tell roughly how long ago I made an alt by whether or not they have a travel power at all or not.


    Nowadays, I start out with Athletic Run and a 5k inf flight pack from the P2W vendor, and with Sprint and (probably) Combat Jumping I'm good to go!


    Exceptions:  Thematic characters, challenge builds, anything requiring two early picks from Sorcery or Force of Will power pools.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. From a mostly solo standpoint:


    - you cannot combine the duals or the teams, and having them activated you can easily end up with a full rack of comparatively useless items.  I’ll keep team ones activated on MMS.


    - team inspirations are weaker than regular ones.  Makes sense, but if you are expecting one bonus and get a smaller one, it could be an unpleasant surprise.


    -  if you open a lot of hero or winter packs, you’ll end up with lots of them in your Character Items window.  Lately, it’s been a real bear to claim items.

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  8. Interesting!  I'd look for a lot of +to hit buffs, +damage buffs, and as much mitigation as you could find.  My first thought is a Plant/Rad controller.  Four available non-damaging powers in the primary, of which three provide mitigation.  Seven great debuffs in the secondary, of which many (all?) are auto-hit.

  9. If you are going to use AE for a farm, switch your rewards to tickets.  Then spend your tickets on recipe rolls.  You can specify the level at which you roll, but you might not get the level you expect.  Example:  if you farm with a lvl 50 and are spending tickets on recipes at level 20, it will give you a recipe that is available at that level, but will be given to you at either the max level of the set or your level.  If the random roll gets you a Call to Arms, you'll get it at 30.  If a Kinetic Combat, 35.  If a Cleaving Blow, 50.

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  10. Accuracy -- enough to consistently hit your target.  Lots of people target 95% chance to hit; anything above that is wasted enhancement (unless you get debuffed)

    Damage -- as much as possible.  Once all your other needs are met, pile it here.

    Endurance -- enough to enable you to keep fighting at a consistent pace

    Recharge -- enough to keep your attack chain up as close to seamlessly

    Other -- very much depends


    When I am playing a character with SOs, I will usually slot an attack (in order) with accuracy, damage, damage, endurance reduction, recharge, damage.

  11. On 6/16/2022 at 2:21 AM, Myrmidon said:

    There are some Epic powers if you want reliable immobilize.



    100,000,000 please.

    The only real candidate is Dark Mastery (I’d like AoE that can stop basses).  Tenebrous Tentacles with supe Frozen Blast proc.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. Listen, I don't really know exactly what is going on here.  And frankly, it's not very important to me other than as an intellectual exercise.


    BUT, if someone or someones *is* making a market 10k bid // 20k offer (which will certainly make money), the way to stop it is not to buy out all the supply under 100k.  All that does is raise the price for people who are "buying it now" from 20k to 100k.  


    I would cut their margins until it becomes unprofitable.  One way to do that is to raise the bid level, (which maybe was the intent of buying out all the supply?)  But that raises prices even further.  I'd lower the offer, and that's what I've been doing personally with my drops.  Undercut them by posting your salvage at 19,999, or 10,001, or whatever level keeps it from instantly transacting to the floor.  


    There's literally an infinite amount of yellow salvage in this game that drops from the sky (or the pockets of Carnies, but I digress) but that comes over time.  I'll be perfectly honest, I've *always* been buying lots of yellow salvage for crafting and the price I've been using recently is 11,115.  That is not an instabuy, and I'm fine with that.  I've also been selling the yellow salvage I get as drops at a slightly higher price (certainly under 20k), and that is not an instasell.  But either way I make all my purchases and sales in pretty short order -- certainly within a day.


    Dumping yellow salvage at 5 inf for an instasell is probably not going to help anything.


    As always, YMMV




  13. On 6/14/2022 at 8:59 PM, Tenebrose said:

    That's odd. A buddy and I have been opening packs by the dozens daily for at least 6 months. I think I started around October last year. I don't recall having any issues before May. Definitely nothing like what is happening now.


    We're on Torchbearer. I think the belief is that the issues on Excelsior may be causing the queue to get "stuck" for all the servers. As I understand, there's one email and auction house system shared between the servers. If one server is causing havoc with it, that could be felt on all the servers.


    I echo this on just about every level.  I suspect the problem is a little bit server side and a little bit client side.  This may be observer bias, but my issues started with the inability to access my "global" Character Items, but only on Excelsior.  It was fine on other shards.  Then the problem migrated to other shards.  I even started using Reunion to try to access the Character Items but my record is spotty at best.


    My "whistling to scare away tigers" method (which assumes the problem is client side) is to run ccleaner, shut down every program I have running on my computer except CoH, sacrifice a goat, delete as many emails as I can (I currently have about 30) and try to access the Character Items menu *WHILE THE /AH IS NOT OPEN (this anecdotally helps a lot)*.  It sometimes even works.  But not always.


    I wonder too if my problem is simply that I have too much stuff in my CI menu.  The irony is that I'm unable to get rid of that stuff since I cannot consistently access it.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Troo said:


    thats what it took to get it below 10,000,000 sales


    This is a basic accounting issue.  If the seeding price is 100,000 (which the devs have repeatedly told us), then you should never have needed to pay more than 100,000 to get supply down to the 10mm level.  Is the seeding price higher than 100k?  I'd be surprised at that.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Troo said:


    there was a number of them, maybe 200 priced over the seed price (not just under).


    Ok, I admit I don't understand how you could know this?


    If there are 10 million listed at 100,000, and 200 listed at 125,000, your 125k bids would come out of the ones seeded at 100k.  Unless there is something that I am missing?

  16. 8 hours ago, Troo said:




    I just want everyone to know that part of Troo's joke is that they were overpaying by 25k to dip into the dev's 100k ceiling...


    There's still 9,999,900 to go before the devs offer another 10mm there!


    • Thumbs Up 2
  17. 8 minutes ago, tidge said:


    I appreciate this, but one thing I considered was the 2xRecharge... but even boosted, the net difference between using 2 boosted 50+5 as opposed to a Purple set with (boosted) /recharge was ultimately quite minimal. The short duration (non -Resistance) %debuffs seemed somewhat marginal: There is already -ToHit from the rest of the primary) , see also -Recharge (I can note that I'm also tossing Fearsome Stare to slow down enemy actions). I don't mind the knock-about, but for this defender it felt like more (soft) control than was really needed, whereas the %damage is helping clear speeds.



    Yup, it's overkill on a defender that already has lots of these debuffs, but this is the kind of thing I find fun to look at.  Imagine this power on a scrapper!

  18. What about a high-frequency debuff tool?


    I'm just spitballing here, but:


    2x lvl 50+5 recharge IO

    Annihilation proc

    Ragnorak proc

    Absolute Amazement proc

    Pacing of the Turtle proc


    With a goodly amount of global recharge, you should have this up every 40-50 seconds and proc rates should still be maxed out.  So every 40-50 seconds in addition to the power's effects you (90% for each) get:  knockdown, -12.5% damage resist on all foes for 10 seconds, -20% recharge on all foes for 20 seconds, -7.5% to hit on all foes for 15 seconds.  I don't believe any of those require hidden accuracy checks.


    Or, just put the Stupefy proc in there and send everyone flying!


  19. I can see a lot of ways to approach this (some of which apparently I have been subconsciously following).


    One way (which is not the way I've been going) is to pick the "best" secondary for each primary (or "best" primary for each secondary) and then spend some thought on how to mix and match your non-pairing sets.  This way you'll end up with a few fantastic matchups and a few complete stinkers.


    Another way is to look at primaries and secondaries in ways that they can complement each other.  Some examples that come to mind:


    Attack sets with a +def power (like katana) matched with defense sets that are light on defense.


    Endurance-light offensive sets (like claws) with endurance-heavy defense sets (like dark armor) or vice versa


    Click protection sets (like super reflexes) with knockback-heavy sets (like battle axe).  This one works for me in two ways:  1. KB is a good mitigation tool that buys you activation time; 2. I don't like having both Hasten and a click protection set since I'm only going to put one on auto-fire.  I know there are ways around this, but I don't care enough about using macros extensively.

  20. 11 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:




    Because I am not a big fan of spending my time on the market I took to only putting Rare salvage on the market long, long ago.  Everything else is dumped as vendor trash.  My real time is far more valuable to me than Fake Money Units.


    Of course as of a few minutes ago there were over 10 million pieces of Uncommon Salvage on the market.  So this Nefarious Market Manipulation theory is asserting that someone committed themselves to 1 million transactions of 10 pieces per at some amount of Fake Money Units greater than 1000 each in order to gobble it all up for the purposes of making more Fake Money Units?




    1 million repetitions of click and drag or whatever macro/pop-menu trick they've come up with.


    1 million times.


    If it can be done in 10 seconds each we're still talking about 10 million seconds, which works out to about 115 days of in-game time just buying up Uncommon Salvage to corner the market.


    Even if it could be done in 1 second/transaction, the buy-up is still 11 days of in-game time.


    And that is just the buy-up.  Then they've got to repeat the process to re-list everything.  1 million times.  Then add in the wait time between bid and sale on all those buy-up transactions.


    Sorry, but I'm just not seeing it. Convince me this could be done several orders of magnitude more quickly - I'm willing to be wrong here. 😄


    Of the 10mm+ on offer, approximately 10mm are posted by the devs at a price of 100,000.  That’s been true since HC launched.

    • Like 2
  21. On 6/2/2022 at 10:23 PM, Ukase said:

    Granted, I know this is temporary, but it still irks me. 

    Oh - well let me back up a bit. 

    Someone in my SG tried to buy a booster, and was upset because he bid 1.3M and it wouldn't sell him one. 

    So, I got my marketer, and I tried to see what the lowest price actually was. 

    Not 2M. 
    Not 3M. 

    I actually stopped, thinking that the bored marketer that did this probably bought them all at about 1.2M and then tried to double their inf plus some for fees & time, and tried to relist them at 3.6M. 


    5M is what it took. Yeah, I pissed away 3.75M, cuz I resold it at 1.25M. 

    Look, if it's one of you folks - you got me for that 3.75M. Big deal. But you are hurting your fellow players who aren't as market savvy/wealthy as we are. Think about who you team with. That tank may die because they couldn't afford those boosters - and then you might suffer an ignominious defeat. 
    Shame on you. 

    Really. You should be ashamed, and I am hopeful that our fellow marketers will see this as an opportunity to flush the market with more boosters leaving you with too much invested, and you have to pull them out and relist them at a more reasonable price, like 2m or so. 

    Just disgraceful. We do what we do to get a profit, sure. But we aim to just wet our beaks a little, not take a full bird bath. Shame on you, whomever you are. 


    Two weeks later I look in and see most (not all) of my offerings have been lifted.  It looks like even "sell it nao" prices are better profit per merit than converters.  Put more of these on the market, folks!


    On 6/6/2022 at 9:37 AM, Tankshock said:

    I tried to undercut it, but the claim item bug stopped me.



    This has been a huge thorn in my side for many many weeks now.  I cannot reliably claim more than a few items at a time, even pulling off one booster at a time from Character Items.  I don't know about anyone else, but the inability to take things off my Character Items has seriously altered how I'm involved in the /AH nowadays.  I'm not the type of entity who is going to exchange merits for enhancement boosters and sell them (I exchange them for converters and use them), but I certainly would be willing to sell some of the boosters I have in C.I. if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to get them off there and into my real inventory.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  22. 24 minutes ago, High_Beam said:

    Right now Wentworth's looks like a Walmart just before the Hurricane arrives in Florida.


    This is actually something I've noticed for quite some time.  There seems to be a lot less supply for offer on most things, both finished goods (like yummy crafted PvP IOs) and raw materials (like random yellow recipes).


    I suspect that's in part due to the fact that chronic marketers like myself are producing a lot less supply.  Personally I've been doing that because, frankly, I don't really have enough time in my day as it is and the profit motive isn't enough to encourage me to keep the shelves stocked like I used to.

  23. 31 minutes ago, BazookaTwo said:

    50,000 from Inner inspiration drops sounds like a tall tale.


    In my experience, purples, reds, and greens almost always pay 5 digits when you insta-sell (with purples usually the highest and greens usually the lowest).  Maybe not always 50k, but at least 10k in my recent experience.  50k is not unheard of, but if you are going to list it at 5, expect to get a lot lower.


    But your mileage may vary.  Generally in the inspiration market people are either buying it nao or selling it nao so you can drive a truck through the bid-offer spread.

  24. 46 minutes ago, Thrones said:

    Hello, I too am new-ish and having amassed several hundred million influence using beginners guides, I am wondering how people get the big bucks, billions. Is it just fire-farm for 100m per/hour for 10 hours, or is there something less "brute" oriented as I am a humble dominator of plants and all things ninja star. I've sunk a few hundred millions into Winter packs, and the chance at getting two temp powers instead of two 22m enhancements is just high enough to make it net loss. I guess there is the nightly Hami raid I could join in and sell HOs, but the timing does not align to my hours of operation. 




    I'm not being the least bit sarcastic when I tell you that the way to make billions is to do the same things you do to make millions, but do it a thousand times more.

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