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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Energy Absorption really does nicely with an Energy Manipulator stun proc in there.  No to-hit check, and it effectively neuters all minions (or higher if you have other sources of stun) for 8 seconds.  

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  2. 2 minutes ago, biostem said:

    You coach your OP with wishy-washy terms like "I assume" and "probably".  If you had interacted with their various threads on the Beta forum, then just point to their direct comments on the matter.  instead, you portray a series of leading and/or hypothetical statements, trying to spin this as some contemplative exercise.  Don't speak for the devs - just point to what they say/said...


    I have no idea what in the holy hell is up your craw, but the post was not intended in any way to detract from devs.  It was to remind everyone that they are (probably) players just like us. 


    If you are one, put on your hat and respond.  Otherwise either be inflammatory enough to get this thread locked or just let it die.  

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  3. 3 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Have you thought about engaging with them on the various focused feedback threads?  Seems kind of counter-productive to do your naval-gazing here well after the fact...


    Well, I have.  My intention with this thread, which has apparently gone awry, was rather to remind everyone that the devs have reasons for doing things, and their intention is *probably* *intended* for the greater good.


    This is a perfect example that on the interwebz people are going to see what they want/expect to see!

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Faultline said:

    Some collected responses, not going to bother quoting invididual posts:

    • @El D is correct in that this mode was approved because PVP is seen as a separate minigame that shouldn't require a lot of PVE effort to get into. The closest simile is base building; originally it also required players to farm Prestige in order to build anything interesting, but we decided that this is just a pointless hurdle that prevents players from getting into the base building minigame, so Prestige was removed.


    I'm all for this, but please be careful to completely separate PVE from PVP.  Like completely different servers separate.  I, for one, am not willing to give up one iota from my PvE experience to try and encourage a few dozen or hundred people to try PvP, and then find they are using it as a backdoor to affect markets or power levelling.  In my life's experience, when there is an exploitative loophole, people will find it and people will use it.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    They want real Chicago-style deep dish pizza.  Supreme.  Dripping with cheese.  Some parmesan sprinkled on top.  2" thick garlic-buttered crust.


    They also want it delivered to me.


    Oh, I know what YOU want.  Just peace in the woods with your animals and an occasional wanderer who you can skin and make into a fancy hat.

  6. When we enter transition times, like when a new issue is a-coming, I think it's healthy to ask who or what these mythological "devs" are and what their objectives are.


    Here's what I assume:


    - Many/most/all of the devs are current or former players.  They are probably going to want to influence the game towards a direction where they continue to enjoy playing the game themselves.  With that assumption, I'm frequently going to ask myself who the decision makers are and how do they like to play.


    - No one is getting paid.  The intention is not to encourage pay-per-anything or keep hours/days/years of retention.  An additional corollary might be that devs might be inclined to not work dozens of hours a week to change stuff.


    - *The incentive is to keep (and attract) as many players as possible for the longest period of time.  Well, at least, that is what I would do.  If you like teaming, why not have as big a pool as possible?


    My point, if I have one, is to try to understand why changes are made.  It's probably because there is an intention behind it.  Maybe it's an economic intention; maybe it's a moral one.  But unless you, yes you, I see you there, have pissed off one or more devs to get them to make rules against you, maybe we should accept that they are aimed at making this experience a better place for all of us?


    Crazy thought, right?


    Happy hunting!


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  7. 13 hours ago, Gamlain said:

    I was going to suggest a Archery/Empathy corrupter or Empathy/archery defender but now I sort of wanna try it.


    This is a worrying sign, isn't it.



    I got an Archery/Pain corruptor into the mid 30s and just had to stop.

  8. 34 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:


    What's the harm?

    No one is using those zones anyway.


    Are you seeing some population in the PVP areas on a server that I'm not seeing?





    No, but there are people who do use the PvP zones for non-PvP purposes:  badges, shivans, etc.  Now I am 100% on board with the idea that you are taking a chance every time you enter a PvP zone.  I can just see this potentially leading to gank fests.


    24 minutes ago, High_Beam said:

    On this one I disagree, PvP zones are for PvP so there should be no restrictions there.  If its good for the goose to keep PvP out of PvE zones and keep their powers separated then its good for the gander to require PvE players who want to step in and PvP to abide by the same structure.  They too can always create a PvP zone character using the same mechanism or take their chances going in zone with what they have.  I mean I didn't see anywhere that said the auto exemplar mechanism of the PvP zones was done away with so there aren't going to be Level 50 Double Plus good PvP builds ganking "noobs" in Siren's Call; correct me if I am wrong WRT that mechanism but I assume that is why they start in RV.



    Good point on the exemplar mechanism, although I think you have a much more sanguine view on human nature than I do!


    On further thought, this change would potentially lead to a lot of people making new characters and equipping them, which would be good for the overall economy.  I'm willing to sacrifice a small amount of personal utility for that.  Carry on.

  9. So, like threads, emp merits will become essentially useless after you have achieved your incarnate goals?  I don't assign value to super inspirations, personally, but they will certainly be cheap as heck.


    I guess I'm fine with that, but then please enable an option to stop emp merits and threads from dropping.  And/or enable an option to receive something else instead of emp merits or threads.


    If the intention was to keep players from farming emp merits and converting them, your first solution was significantly better, in my opinion.  The new solution adversely affects people who want to play their 50s in a non-exploitative way.

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  10. Howdy folks:


    We are ready for the next step in the process!  I'm so excited!


    We have chosen 8 scrapper primaries (and 4 also-ran) and 8 scrapper secondaries (and 4 also-ran).  Now it is time to match primaries and secondaries and to set up the competition  brackets to see which will win my eternal affection as my Forever Scrapper(tm).


    Here's my objective for this round.  I am going to ask you your opinions on how you would match up these powers for the most *balanced* set of eight scrappers (and if you so choose, the most balanced set of four also ran scrappers).  Then we will set up a competition bracket and I will eliminate choices at three points:  leveling to 50; T4-ing Alpha; T4-ing all incarnates.  By the end of it all I will have experienced or re-experienced most of the sets and I will hopefully have an idea of what I want to play forever and hopefully you will have been entertained and made some inf on the way.


    Here are the eight primaries:



    Dark Melee

    Energy Melee

    Katana or Broadsword

    War Mace

    Martial Arts

    Staff Fighting

    Dual Blades


    Here are the eight secondaries:


    Bio Armor

    Energy Aura

    Shield Defense

    Super Reflexes

    Radiation Armor



    Dark Armor


    The also-ran primaries and secondaries:


    Stone Melee

    Savage Melee

    Radiation Melee

    Street Justice


    Stone Armor

    Electric Armor

    Ice Armor

    Fiery Aura


    Each of you who gives me your opinions on full matchups for the first 8 gets 100mm inf if you leave your global name in the comments, and an extra 50mm inf if you provide matchups for the also-ran as well.  Bonus rewards at my discretion.  Again, I'm not looking for the one best matchup and seven meh; I'm hoping for 8 solid contenders.  I'll settle for just matchups, but would appreciate any color or additional ideas.


    Here's an example, of what I mean, straight up now with no lines to read between: (This is just for the also rans)


    Stone Melee/Electric Armor -- The heaviest endurance user matched with a big endurance recovery defense.  The weaker resistance-based secondary set has its survival helped with the great mitigation tools (knockdown) from the primary.


    Street Justice/Stone Armor -- StJ seems a pretty vanilla offense (I don't know it well so I may be wrong) and let's pair it with (what I think of as) the overall strongest defensive set of the group. 


    Radiation Melee/Ice Armor -- Two damage auras!  Slow attacks but Chilling Embrace helps keep enemies in range for them.  Don't need much button pressing from the secondary.


    Savage Melee/Fiery Aura -- Consume takes a long time to come up, so a low endurance primary is nice.  Savage Leap (w/ a knockdown proc) then Burn would be a nice 1-2 punch.



    Thanks for your attention.  I'll probably keep this open until the beginning of August.




    To be paid:  @Skylancer, @TungstenShark, @Thermostata, @Without Pause, @Nemu, @Scarlett Angel, @Xmurrder, ALL PAID


  11. On 7/12/2022 at 11:16 PM, Ukase said:

    The new currency...well, my only question is why? Seems rather...well, not really a good idea to introduce yet another currency in the game. Why not use a currency we already have? 
    It's interesting that you're going to make this currency available on the AH...which is unlike any other currency in game. (unless you count converters or catalysts as a currency) Will these be seeded, or player dependent like Hamis and D-syncs? 

    I read what this new polysyllabic currency will be for, but I would think any reward merits/emp/astrals could work for that. 


    I agree completely.  Is the point to add new costumes?  Then just put them in the costume creator.  Is the point to serve as an influence/time sink?  I'm not sure why one would institute such a sink in a free-to-play game.  Is the point to give players something to work towards?  Why not make it something individual like a personalized badge or title?


    I'm not going to be impressed by a player with a new costume, because it is far from unique.  I would be impressed (or possibly appalled) if they had a badge "Killed Rommy 10,000 times!"

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