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Posts posted by SwitchFade

  1. 1 minute ago, UltraAlt said:


    I was just told in another thread - that something I replied to seriously - was apparently meant as a joke that I didn't consider to be a joke based on how it was written.

    There could have very well been something you said that someone else felt to be funny for whatever reason.



    I think you are taking it a bit hard. 

    I have one player that still stalks me and down votes whatever I post if they run into it ... even though I have them on ignore.



    When I first joined Homecoming, I'm pretty sure it was just the "like" and "thanks". I'm not sure when the laugh, sad, and confused were added. Then the thumbs-up and thumbs-down were added. There was a discussion at that point.


    Personally, I feel like the thumbs-down is just a /jranger without the post.

    But it remained and people have been using it to express their disagreement with something.

    Each person shouldn't always have to post a detailed response if they are against something. It isn't a personal attack against you when they disagree with you ... until it turns into a personal attack ... and then I suggest putting them on ignore.

    I currently have far more players on ignore than I ever did on the CoH forums before the Sunset. That being said - I have rarely ever (if ever) put someone on ignore simply because they thumbs-downed me frequently.


    People are going to disagree. The emoji keeps it from becoming a personal attack unless you consider emojis to be a personal attack. I believe that a 99% of the forum posters aren't using the emojis as personal attacks against anyone.

    I formally request attack emojis. So I can use them on ultra.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, honoroit said:


    lap it up, i get that on mine from 2 particular users who like to support some rather awful sentiment quite regularly.


    they kind of just mark themselves. 


    its like how people graffitti tag a thing, or urinate on it for some reason to exercise themselves of a way.

    Or post in very weird grammar and sentence structure, so that no one exactly knows what they are trying to say?


    Or post a metric crap-ton of gifs?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    You see, that's not a requirement. I would love for explanations for a great many emojis and "No"s posted on the forums. I've even gone back and asked for those explanations. However, noone is required to explain themselves. Everyone is free to just say yes, no, or nothing at all. Everyone is free to just post an emoji. It's just something that has to be accepted. (Trust me on this. I've been yelled at so many times on this forum for requesting an explanation. Apparently I'm very bad at phrasing requests and everyone reads them as demands though.)

    What if i demand a request phrased as a demand in the form of an emoji?

    • Haha 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Raikao said:

    Yes, so disagree and tell me why. I don't have a problem with that.


    I have a problem with "lol never gonna happen, ratio'd, take the L, bye".

    Sorry, you asked for a change, it's not the responsibility of the audience to prove why your suggestion is not desired, the onus is yours to convince US.


    If someone doesn't agree with you, they don't have to tell you why, simply saying "no thanks" Is sufficient.


    The fact you have an issue with someone not telling you why they are not open to your proposal says more about you than them. And if you then feel umbrage because you didn't get an explanation, perhaps some inward replection on the source of this entitlement is I order.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Raikao said:


    You're not trying to spin this on me are you? Have you read the threads about this? How much vitriol there is? What?


    Have you read the rules that state things like "Assume good intent?" 

    There's no spin, you typed what you typed. In a couple threads.


    If the carebears were here, they would be sad panda bears.

  6. 2 hours ago, Raikao said:


    Then remove the Suggestions area from the forums.


    This take is mental beyond belief. You don't speak for the devs either. Unless there is a dev post explaining a "this is never happening" stance, this is not some "over and done with" discussion. Just because a few people are so much against the idea they get emotional about it.


    All in the pursuit of some nebulous concept of balance, which applies to some things, but not to others and is presented as this unchanging fact. Case in point: You claiming it'll never happen.


    I can only second what some others have said: This is one good change I'd like to see on HC. I don't want to play on other servers who have implemented this, because most of their other changes are shit and have warped the game too much.


    But this ain't it chief.

    Wow, you're intent on making new friends, eh?

  7. 13 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Each enhancement, whether regular or superior, is unique. So you can only have one full set of each ATO set in a build. The regular and superior versions, however, count separately for set bonus purposes, so if you six-slotted a power with Malice of the Corruptor, say, and made three of them Superior, you'd get the Superior two- and three-piece bonuses, and the regular two- and three-piece bonuses, not the four-, five-, and six-piece bonuses from either the regular or Superior sets.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 4 hours ago, TalonBlue said:

    This biggest advantage for using lvl 53 Hami-O's or D-Syncs to get the most value out of enhancements with the fewest slots used on a power.


    Tactics for example. One lvl 53 Cytoskeleton covers that power's To-Hit and Endurance Reduction values most efficiently, saving you from 2 or 3 slotting it.


    2 lvl 53 Ribosomes covers any resistance power toggle like Tough or Dark Embrace.


    Or the holy grail of 2 lvl 53 D-Sync Provocations, saves you 2 or even 3 enhancement slots on a power like Fulcrum Shift, where in the past you had to run like 2 Accuracy IO's, 2 Recharge IO's and maybe an End Reduction IO.

    While a slot or two may be saved on that individual power for those numbers in isolation, the set bonuses are now lost with a negative net benefit.


    4 slotting tough for io bonuses is always better than 2-3 with HO


    Fulcrum only needs recharge, any min maxed built has enough native acc from set bonuses to hit 5+ targets 100% of the time, even fighting +4s and any min maxed kin doesn't need end redux


    Tactics slotting of 5-6 gives set bonuses from gaussian, which is a huge


    As mentioned, in a vacuum a power may benefit, but a toon build will be less effective in almost all cases when min maxing with IO and set bonuses. The difference can be quite large for 1 slot "gain," costing recharge, defense, resistance, damage, accuracy, proc chances for health or end.

    • Haha 1
  9. If you min max your build, In 98% of cases IO slotting with optimal set bonuses will be superior to HOs.


    For the 17 years I have used the various versions of mids, played and min maxed, I have found exactly zero cases where using HOs liberally is ever superior to IOs.


    There are certain powers that gain in a vacuum, perhaps using 1 less slot, but if you were actually building to extremes, that slot would be used for the set bonus, so it's either a wash or a loss.


    Even if it is a gain, the actual difference in almost all cases infinitesimal, in the order of .2 seconds faster recharge on one power, at the sacrifice of several defense %, for example.


    Or 2 more damage on a power at the expense of resistance or recharge from a set bonus.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, kelika2 said:

    Why did you make this thread?  Why did you word the title like that?

    Next time just send in a petition to the GMs, making hate-bait threads like this never ends well and it only riles up people who are bored.

    You can do all the good you want but the second you think its ok to rub salt in the wounds thats where you fucked up.


    And another thing is, if this post does not get through to you at all thats another fuckup.  Because you trying to talk to him obviously didnt work either.

    I think I'll make a toon named "kiss me with that mouth"



    • Haha 1
  11. Everyone loves steamy steamy. MOAR def, some sneakies, all the goodness.


    Of course, click it off when escorting, all normal.


    Whomever that lovely person was that had nonsensical objections.... Don't argue with people who barnsnort coke 


    All you get is a messy blow.


    Steamy FTW.

    • Haha 1
  12. Earth


    Stalagmites is your go to opener. You want to hit 165% recharge global.


    Rock cages is your best friend also. Debuff, containment...


    Quicksand is a skip, so much more in the rotation that it's not worth it.


    Fossilize is amazing, you'll hit things with it all over, it it holds for quite some time. Stack it, hold bosses, hold lts


    Earthquake is always in the back pocket. Even at 50 it's always useful.


    Stinky green cloud is huge, comes up often if you get to 170 recharge and creates huge area denial. 


    Poo man, he does great damage, he's tough as bones and a good distraction. He's your bestie for hire 


    Stone epic, another stunny stomp, a big hammer and some defense if you need.


    My earth/storm/stone is probably the most potent in terms of control, hold, knockdown, stuns, area denial and safety. Carries just about any team or several 

  13. 3 hours ago, The Chairman said:

    I would be interested to see where people are getting the idea that NCSoft was the driving force behind PvP being added to the game. The Arena was added in May 2005 (I4), and PvP zones were introduced with the launch of CoV (I6) in October 2005.


    NCSoft announced their purchase of the Co* IP on November 6, 2007. PvP had already existed for 2 and a half years by that point.

    Paragon developed, ncsoft was the parent company. They bought the ip outright later, Paragon didn't launch this game on on their own, it was always an ncsoft title.

    • Thanks 1
  14. You want evasion. Hide def suppresses, so evasion is your sole source of big aoe def in combat, the 4 to 6 slots for set bonuses and lucky is passive, also ddr and scaling resist. Combining evasion and lucky is the path to incarnate soft cap aoe def.


    I really don't recommend ever skipping evasion.



  15. 37 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    It's not the PvE changes because of PvP in and of themselves, it's how the Paragon Studios 'Word of God' on this type of change went from "We won't make PvE changes for PvP reasons" to "We won't make PvE changes purely for PvP reasons" to "We'll try not to make PvE changes for PvP reasons" to not talking about it at all and just implementing changes where there didn't seem to be any PvE issue that the change addressed, in what seemed to be an effort to keep PvE and PvP mechanics closely tied to each other.

    This is actually accurate.


    There was a time when they couldn't wholly separate pve  mechanics from pvp, and adjustments occured that affected pve, because of pvp. Travel suppression was indeed one of them, which I have detailed before the how, why and what was said to try and "cover it up" from certain OG devs. So, not going to go into it again. I actually know first hand, as the day it went live I found a workaround that put hover nearly at flight speed and could kite, and that was patched shortly after. Jack was of a mind that powers shouldn't operate substantially differently between the two, because it would be alien, which was the direct cause. When he was ousted, there was a shift and they became separate, but the damage was done.


    And, pvp was not intended from day 1, it was required by ncsoft at some point during early  development, because Korean MMo house and everything they did had a specific business model... but the game was not created for it and it was always a shoehorn.

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