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Everything posted by Trickshooter

  1. I understand that the ability to make force fields is a classic comic book power, and I do like that powerset in this game. HOWEVER... I've always felt that this game was really missing force fields as an armor powerset. Plenty of characters in comics have force fields, or at least can create force fields through some means (Magneto, Jean Grey, Invisible Woman, etc.), but I wouldn't describe their powerset as being 'Force Fields' (except maybe Invisible Woman). Some characters only have one around themselves that they can manipulate, like Unus the Untouchable, Skids, Cecilia Reyes, Armor, etc. This version of Force Fields, which I'm calling Force Shield to differentiate, is one I've wanted to see in CoX for some time. This is my first attempt at designing an armor powerset, so numbers might be off, but I really tried to make it fit alongside the other sets. Numbers are all for Tankers. Anyway, enjoy! Force Shield You wrap yourself in protective force shields that deflect nearly all forms of damage and soften the blow of most attacks that break through your defenses. Additionally, you can somewhat manipulate your forcefield offensively against foes. Force Shield offers defense and some resistance against just about all types of damage and debuffs, but has no direct Heal. Deflection Shield Your force field defends you against the kinetic impact of Smashing and Lethal damage attacks. It also offers some resistance against Toxic damage, debuffs to defense and protects you from Stun and Hold effects. Toggle Self +Def(Smash, Lethal) +Res(Toxic, DefDebuff, Stun, Hold) 16.5% Defense(Smashing) 16.5% Defense(Lethal) 20% Resistance(Toxic) 21.625% Resistance(Defense) -12.975 Protection(Stun) -12.975 Protection(Hold) Recharge: 2s Endurance: 0.26/s Kinetic Barrier Activation of your force field is somewhat subconcious, and even while not actively being used it will soften the kinetic impact of some attacks. You will have increased resistance to Smashing and Lethal attacks, increased Max HP, and some protection from Knockback effects. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to defense. Auto Self +Res(Smashing, Lethal, Knockback, DefDebuff) +MaxHP 10% Resistance(Smashing) 10% Resistance(Lethal) -10 Protection(Knockback) -10 Protection(Knockup) 21.625% Resistance(Defense) 187.4 Maximum HitPoints Insulation Shield Your force field provides a stable environment inside that protects you from some energy and temperature extremes, defending you from Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage attacks. It also offers some resistance to Toxic damage and protection from Immobilization and Sleep effects. Toggle Self +Def(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative) +Res(Toxic, Sleep, Immobilize) 16.5% Defense(Fire) 16.5% Defense(Cold) 16.5% Defense(Energy) 16.5% Defense(Negative Energy) 20% Resistance(Toxic) -12.975 Protection(Immobilize) -12.975 Protection(Sleep) Recharge: 2s Endurance: 0.26/s Refracting Barrier Activation of your force field is somewhat subconcious, and even while not actively being used it will refract some of the energy of attacks away. You will have increased resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy attacks. It also offers some resistance against debuffs to endurance, recovery and tohit Auto Self +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, EndDrain, RecDebuff, ToHitDebuff) 10% Resistance(Fire) 10% Resistance(Cold) 10% Resistance(Energy) 10% Resistance(Negative Energy) 21.625% Resistance(EndDrain) 21.625% Resistance(Recovery) 21.625% Resistance(ToHit) Absorption Field You can briefly create a durable outer layer on your force field that will absorb some damage and improve your damage resistance by a small amount. You can use this near allies to also provide them a portion of this protection. Doing so will reduce the amount of Absorb you receive (min. 10%), but the damage resistance you receive will increase for each ally affected (up to 3). Click PBAoE Scaling Absorb, Scaling Res(All) 10% Absorb Does not affect caster 20% Absorb Caster only 10% Absorb Caster only if EntitiesHit < 3 after 0.5 second delay 10% Absorb Caster only if EntitiesHit < 2 after 1 second delay 1.25% Resistance(Smashing) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Lethal) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Fire) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Cold) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Energy) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Negative Energy) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Psionic) Up to 4 stacks 1.25% Resistance(Toxic) Up to 4 stacks Recharge: 120s Duration: 30s Endurance: 13 Radius: 15 ft Max Targets: 255 Force Flux You can send out a constant wave of force from your force field that has a chance to knock most foes to the ground. Even foes that manage to stay on their feet will have their defense reduced by the force of the pulse. Toggle PBAoE Foe Knockdown -Defense 14.96s Taunt (Mag 4) 0.67 KnockDown (3% Chance every 0.2 seconds) 10.5% Defense Debuff Recharge: 4s Endurance: 0.26/s Force Recoil You manipulate your force field to extend outwards and then violently retract. Nearby foes will be pulled towards you, knocked to their feet and may be stunned. Click Foe 'Gather' Knockdown Stun (Mag 2) Mag 1.0 Gather 14.96s Taunt (Mag 4) 9.536s Stun (Mag 2) Recharge: 45s Endurance: 10.4 Radius: 15 ft Max Targets: 10 Slick You can easily maintain a thin, slick layer of force field very close to yourself that will safely disperse some attacks away from you. Slick provides a small bonus to all Defense types, as well as resistance to slow, recharge and defense debuffs. Auto Self +Def(All) +Res(Slow, RechDebuff, DefDebuff) 5% Defense(Smashing) 5% Defense(Lethal) 5% Defense(Fire) 5% Defense(Cold) 5% Defense(Energy) 5% Defense(Negative Energy) 5% Defense(Psionic) 5% Defense(Toxic) 40% Resistance(Speed) 40% Resistance(Recharge) 21.625% Resistance(Defense) Force Sanctuary You can push your personal force field to its protective limits! Force Sanctuary creates a field around you that increases regeneration and recovery, and protects from many crowd control effects, then expands it out a few feet from yourself, offering the same effects to nearby allies. The focus needed to maintain this effect will limit your movement speed, recharge speed and damage while it is active. The strain of this power is too great to use it for long and it will automatically disable after 30 seconds. Toggle PBAoE Team +Regen +Recovery +Res(Hold, Sleep, Disorient, Immobilize), Self -Speed -Recharge -Damage 200% Recovery 500% Regeneration 129.75% Resistance(Hold) Does not affect caster 129.75% Resistance(Stun) Does not affect caster 129.75% Resistance(Sleep) Does not affect caster 129.75% Resistance(Immobilize) Does not affect caster -50% MovementSpeed Caster only -50% Recharge Caster only -75% Damage Caster only Recharge: 240s Endurance: 0.52/s Radius: 15 ft Max Targets: 255
  2. Gonna be honest, these sound mostly like poor connection issues.
  3. So below is the intended chances for the various effects of the Control Hybrid tree. But looking at City of Data, those chances for +1 Mag are not accurate. Each Control branch with the +1 Mag ability grants a Global Chance mod that affects any power tagged a 'ControlProc'. The 'chance for damage to a controlled enemy' effects use this tag and are correctly boosted by the Global Chance mod to the percent that is stated in the power description. However, all of the +1 Mag effects are tagged 'HybridWeaken', a tag that is not affected by any other power and instead all of the various +1 Mags have a flat 33% chance at all tiers. See below for visual aid of what I'm saying, in case it doesn't make sense. Additionally, Control Radial Genome says it has a 35% chance for a mag 2 Fear, but is actually only 30%, and the bonus Stun effect of Radial Embodiment, which is supposed to be a 100% chance if the target is already Feared and Immobilized, is actually only 90%. And for PvP, those qualifiers are missing so you just always have a 90% chance to Stun.
  4. 20 years later and we still have no antithesis to Dark Miasma. Or any dark sets really, but we're focusing on just one for now. Now you might say, "But Trickshooter, it's very easy to just be Empathy/Energy or Empathy/Rad and call it Light powers." And to that I say, nobody asked you. I've been cooking up this idea for awhile, but it took many iterations before I was happy with it. I hope you guys like it, but if you don't, don't tell me because I will take it personally. Numbers are level 50 Defender numbers. Light Affinity You can manipulate light to aid your allies or weaken your foes. Light Affinity can heal, deflect assaults, blind or stun foes and more. Phototherapy You radiate healing light all around you. Phototherapy also leaves allies resistant to ToHit and Perception debuffs. Click PBAoE Team: Heal, +Res(ToHit, Perc) 133.86 Heal +43.25% Resistance(ToHit, Perception) Recharge: 10s Duration: 30s Endurance: 13 Animation: 2.03s (Healing Aura) Crescent Beam You send out a wave of forceful light in an arc, knocking your foes to the ground and leaving them vulnerable, effectively lowering their resistance to damage. Click Cone Foe: -Res(All), Knockdown -20% Resistance(All) 0.67 Knockback Recharge: 30s Duration: 30s Endurance: 7.8 Animation: 1.17s (Transfusion) Blinding Arc You blind your foes in a wide cone in front of you, lowering their chance to hit and damage potential. Click Cone Foe: -ToHit, -Dam(All) -12.5% ToHit -25% Damage(All) Recharge: 60s Duration: 30s Endurance: 10.4 Animation: 2.17s (Sonic Siphon) Veil of Light You surround an ally in a veil of light that makes targetting them difficult for your foes, effectively increasing their defense. Veil of Light also provides resistance to many debuffs. Click ST Ally: +Def(All), +Res(Def, ToHit, Recovery, Regen, Slow) +15% Defense(All) +43.25% Resistance(Defense, ToHit, Recovery, Regeneration) +20% Resistance(Movement Speed, Recharge) Recharge: 60s Duration: 120s Endurance: 10.4 Animation: 2.27s (Fortitude) Illuminate Surround yourself with revealing light that increases the chance to hit and perception of you and your allies attacks. Illuminate will also increase the range of many abilities. Foes within this area of effect will have slightly reduced chances to hit through the blinding light. Toggle PBAoE Team: +ToHit, +Perception, +Range, Foe: -ToHit +12.5% ToHit +432.5 ft Perception Radius +15% Range -12.5% ToHit Recharge: 15s Duration: N/A Endurance: 0.52/s Animation: 2.03s (Freezing Rain) Flash Burn Expose a single foe to an intense, burning light. They will be temporarily blinded, lowering their chance to hit, and the burn will slow them and reduce their ability to regenerate health and recover stamina. Click ST Foe: -ToHit, Slow, -Regen, -Recovery -31.25% ToHit -200% Recovery -500% Regeneration -87.5% Recharge Recharge: 120s Duration: 30s Endurance: 13 Animation: 2.03s (Benumb) Star Motes You summon a trio of star motes, small particles of light that bounce around and fascinate foes. They will taunt nearby enemies and their light will reveal stealthed enemies near them. The star motes can't be harmed, but they can't attack and will only last a few seconds before fizzling out. Click Location Summon: 3 Star Motes (Wisp Model), Foe: Taunt, -Stealth Summon Star Mote 1 13.6s Taunt (Mag 4) -1000 ft Stealth Radius Summon Star Mote 2 13.6s Taunt (Mag 4) -1000 ft Stealth Radius Summon Star Mote 3 13.6s Taunt (Mag 4) -1000 ft Stealth Radius Recharge: 90s Duration: 15s Endurance: 15.6 Animation: 1.53s (Come Hither) Color Spray You flash a cone of clashing colored lights in front of you, disorienting many foes and leaving them defenseless. Click Cone Foe: -Def(All), Stun(Mag3) -25% Defense(All) 11.92s Stun (Mag 3) Recharge: 90s Duration: 30s Endurance: 10.4 Animation: 2.27s (Fortitude) Lightspeed Radiate powerful light around you that supercharges you and your allies. Lightspeed will dramatically increase your recharge and movement speed, as well as you regeneration and recovery rates for a short while. Click PBAoE Team: +Recharge, +Speed, +Regeneration, +Recovery +50% Recharge +30% Movement Speed +50% Recovery +200% Regeneration Recharge: 360s Duration: 60s Endurance: 20.8 Animation: 2.57s (Moment of Glory)
  5. oh ho! Have you checked out my Arbiter Hawk-approved Probability Distortion powerset suggestion from back in the day? 😁 Anyway, a fun read, thank you guys for taking the time to answer! And for coming out to the costume contests, loved seeing some of you there! Maybe someday we’ll team up (not that I’ll know)!
  6. The debuff effects are pretty weak and need some reworking, but it is a fairly potent AoE Hold at 8 seconds long duration with a 60s recharge. That's just over half the duration of Controller AoE Holds, but with only a quarter of the recharge time.
  7. That IO only gives 2 Fly protection, which is enough for a lot of -Fly effects (typically -1.6 Fly), but is unfortunately not enough for Web Grenade or Entangling Arrow and their variants which are -10 Fly. Regarding the endurance cost reduction, do you happen to have Cardiac or Vigor for your Alpha incarnate slot?
  8. Not to be pedantic, but aren't only 2 of the powers from the mouth? Either way, I would also like to be able to change them from launching from the mouth; the set is kind of all over the place theme-wise partially because it's like, am I concocting poisons or am I producing them from my body...? I just tell myself that Bio Armor is Plant Armor, make it green and bam! My Stalker is now a Thorns/Plant Stalker.
  9. Important to remember that the GMs are volunteers and they cannot fix bugs, nor is it their job to report bugs to anyone. They are there for immediate issues like your mission won't complete, or an item vanished from your inventory, or you're stuck in geometry, etc. They send you to the forums for bugs because this IS the place to report bugs. Anyway, yes, you're right that it shouldn't take Range enhancements. It's a leftover from the power originally being the Mastermind version, which IS Ranged.
  10. Power Boost and Power Build Up both do the rainbow burst by default, yes.
  11. Certain effects in the game tend to be associated with a specific visual cue so that players can easily understand what that effect is doing, like Aim causing a yellow glow because the game associates Accuracy and ToHit with the color yellow, while Build Up causes a red glow because damage is associated with red. Typically, effects that do what most players call +Special (which improve buff and debuff values and mez durations) have the rainbow glow, as if you're getting temporary enhancements to multiple attributes, because that is essentially how most of them work. While Domination doesn't technically work that way (it doesn't provide Strength boosts, it flips a flag to activate extra effects already baked in to your powers), it is intended to simulate that effect, so... we get rainbow sparkling Domination. You don't necessarily know HOW it works, but if you're familiar with +Special powers, the rainbow colors should communicate to you that your mezzes will last longer while under the effect. But also yeah, it would be nice to be able to customize that.
  12. Any way the Oni Guard could be made available as a Detail 2 on the Standard head type? I'm trying to make an Orc character for... reasons... but currently it's only available with the ill-fitting (on a Huge body type) Half Helmets (or the new Beret and military helmets, but those don't really fit either, but in a different way). Just a suggestion! Also, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
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  13. I did think "maybe we'll just call it bonus accuracy because you do lethal or smashing damage" but then beam rifle is pure energy and still gets it lol
  14. Originally, that bonus was meant to make up for weapon redraw if you used a power outside of your weapon powerset, something the non-weapon sets didn't have to deal with. I believe (and I could be wrong, cause I'm going off memory of long lost forum posts) the reason TW never got that bonus was because it's redraw times were already baked in to it's slow animations, as in (ignoring Momentum), whether your weapon was already out or not at the start of combat, the animation was the same length. Normally I'd say, "yeah, go for it, I'm all for parity, don't forget Trick Arrow also never got that bonus" buuut... if you really think about it, weapon redraw time doesn't really exist anymore, so now it's like why do these sets get an accuracy bonus at all? Minus Archery cause that's her thing, some weapon sets get to be naturally more accurate to make up for a penalty that they don't really have anymore.
  15. I did say "almost completely" but Bio Armor is not entirely like those other sets, you can't be FX less on a Bio Armor character unless you skip a lot of powers.
  16. Then you make a character with a stone skin costume and choose Invulnerability, same with lots of other concepts. Invulnerability does not mean you necessarily have tough skin, it just means you're some level of invulnerable. You can be invulnerable because you're wearing some kind of armor, for example. I have a character that uses Invulnerability, but I consider her made of diamond and that's what makes her invulnerable. You don't have to pick Stone Armor just because you want a character with stone skin. You only have to pick Stone Armor if you want a character who has rocks and crystals jutting out of them. You can't pick Stone Armor and then say, well I don't want these rocks visible. Then why did you pick Stone Armor? And yes, there are sets with No FX options for some powers, but those are almost completely found in sets like Super Reflexes, Ninjistu, Willpower, maybe Regen, I can't remember. Sets where FX aren't necessary to convey the sets theme. You can dodge without being swirly, you can regen without being green. But you can't cover yourself in rock armor without rocks. Also, specifically with Granite Armor, that is such a ridiculous tier 9 that I consider the golem costume part of the trade off of getting it (along with the speed and damage debuffs and inability to jump and fly).
  17. i'm still here
  18. Because you're playing Stone Armor, not Invulnerability. If you just want "super skin," then you play Invulnerability. Options are great, but you can't just ask to throw out the visual theme of a set. That power is Granite Armor in the Stone Armor powerset, so rocks are gonna be involved in one way or another.
  19. I believe during the Issue 12 beta, we were told something like "in retrospect, this is basically complete KB immunity and we should have never had it be that high" and so they reduced it to be less than the KB protection Melee ATs got, but players wanted it to be higher as it required more investment, and so the resolution of the back and forth was the situation we have now, where 2 out of the 9 points of KB protection are enhanceable with KB enhancements, even though no other power works that way. The whole issue was full of tweaks to KB, like adding PvP suppression, as well as being the issue where all versions of Power Boost's had KB enhancement removed from the buffs they provided. For the OP, it is not a bug that Acrobatics accepts KB enhancements, but as far as I know it is intended behavior that Acrobatics does not accept KB IO sets. KB IO sets were added in Issue 11, and the change to Acrobatics was done in Issue 12; if Acrobatics was intended to accept KB IO sets, it could have accepted them from the beginning, but doesn't. I'm sure there was even a dev post explaining that they wouldn't work in Acrobatics, but it's likely lost as it would have been on the original beta forums.
  20. Wouldn't that be that they get an ADDITIONAL 5.19 mezz protection, on top of already being Bosses and having natural mag 3 protection?
  21. So, what it looks like to me is that Reverberant is inheriting the damage bonus from damage enhancements in the Reverberant power as well as the damage enhancements from your own Hymn of Dissonance (because of the way Reverberant works, it's granted a copy of your power every time you use a power). So it's getting double damage slotting. I asked about Melodic Binding, because I thought that damage looked pretty low, and it looks like that power is not inheriting ANY damage bonus. At level 50, Reverberant's Melodic Binding does base 66.73 damage, which is pretty dang close to that first line of damage there, which is why I think it's not getting any +damage from your slotting.
  22. They're already so much more convenient to reapply than they originally were, having to activate them a second or even third time just because some people are further away is just not really an issue to most players, I think. Having lived through the dark ages of asking a team to stop so you can click one power 8 times, and then another power 8 more times... being able to buff the whole team (or whole LEAGUE) by clicking each power once still feels almost too generous 13 years later.
  23. Can you share what level your character is, what your slotting is for Reverberant (as in what percentage of +Damage is it receiving from enhancements), and possibly also what your slotting is for Hymn of Dissonance and Melodic Binding (again, what percentage of +Damage is coming from enhancements)? Edit: Do you also remember what level the enemies were?
  24. Went back and checked again cause you said you tested DP and it worked as expected. Of the sets that have Defiance as a Standard effect, Archery and DP have the flags to prevent stacking Defiance buffs on their AoEs. The other three, Energy, Fire and Rad Blast all do not have that flag on their AoEs. So I'm gonna theorize those are the only three sets that may have the behavior the OP is experiencing. Of course, I also have no blasters with any of those primaries to check lol.
  25. Up to 10 enemies within an 8 ft radius of you. They don't need to be attacking you and you don't need to be attacking them; they just need to be within 8 ft. Edit: Actually might be bigger than 8 ft because of Gauntlet, I can't remember. The first enemy grants you 15.5% +Damage(All), the rest will give 5.5% +Damage(All)
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