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  1. LOL. Great line. My reasoning also.
  2. Coyote

    AV Killer?

    I'll just state that I've perma-Held AVs with Fire/Psy (at least up to +1, I think +2s break out... not sure how high I'll be able to push it with a max-Incarnate build). I've perma-Held AVs with Mind/Nrg (but only +0), but the Mind/Nrg can perma-Confuse to +2 without much issue. Not even 50 yet. Note, however, that this is a "for show" perma-Confuse, because I have to stick to +1 so that I can fit in a damaging attack chain that can break their Regen. Against +2s, Confuse has to be used almost as fast as it recharges, so I can't run Confuse-TF-Confuse-Burst-Snipe and still fit in occasional Power Build-Up, Hasten, and Domination without occasional lapses. Now, as far as actual screenshots or video evidence, frankly, I'm only putting out this information to help players who might consider this plan. I don't actually care enough to persuade people that I'll bother to run a video while playing just to document it. If you trust me and want to make a build for this, good for you. If you trust me but aren't interested, that's fine. And if you don't trust me, frankly, it's your characters, run them as seems most fun to you.
  3. So... instead of lasers, these guys mounted Particle Projection Cannons?
  4. I took Provoke on a Robots/EA MM originally, it's useful for keeping mobs in the AssBot's burn patches. But then I decided I'd have more fun with Group Fly and Fold Space... Provoke would still be useful to keep Bosses from running out of the burn patches, and Robots struggles at Boss-killing, so I could see keeping it over Group Fly. This is for soloing. For teaming, mobs should be controlled or Tanked in most situations, so it has a lot less use.
  5. But... it's a toggle. Why would it lower DPS to activate it on a target between fights, and then after that just let it run? Allowing ally buffs to be used on oneself would be OP in many cases. Not necessarily all, but many... Empathy as a self-buffing set would give Empathy defenders the Regeneration of Regen Scrappers... plus mez protection, huge +Recovery and good +Defense. That's probably the most OP set. Now, if the argument would be to allow them to be used on oneself at between 1/4 to 1/2 of their normal buff values... that may not be OP. Then you'd get a multitude of buffs, but not at the same levels that Armor sets get. Which is fair because while Armor sets would have higher defensive values, they wouldn't have the versatility of being usable on allies (at double the power, too). I could see a discussion about powers like Spirit Ward being usable on oneself at a lower value. I'm not sure it's necessary since Sorcery seems fine to me now. But as long as it's a lower value, it wouldn't unbalance the pool.
  6. My most fun two have been: Robots/EA. EA is so busy that there's always something to hit, even without taking any of the Robots attacks. Beasts/Kin. Kin is also busy, and the Beasts attacks are also good, so it's nonstop summoning of lots and lots of animals. Both are highly effective, with Bots/EA being very strong defensively, and Beasts/Kin offensively. Both benefit from good Endurance recovery powers.
  7. For Frost Breath specifically, it has a 90% base chance instead of 75% (so effectively a 1.2 Accuracy multiplier). It's usually pretty accurate with Tactics and some set bonuses, by the time a character is high enough level to get it.
  8. I think I calculated it to be about 6 HP/sec worth of regeneration on the average, if used as part of an attack chain... probably a bit less in practice with mixing in AoEs, Build-Up/Aim, Hasten, etc. Say 5 HP/sec... putting 2 in and getting 10 HP/sec of healing will be noticeable. But killing mobs faster will also be noticeable.
  9. Generally, powers that have a fixed recharge will have a shorter recharge time than enhanceable ones. If they were to set up nukes with a fixed Recharge value, I would very much expect them to be lower than the original base recharge, but higher than the current "high-Recharge build" recharge, maybe 60-90 seconds. Definitely not 180.
  10. 1: you can probably get away with only 1 Accuracy in those guys... 1 Acc is generally good enough until you start to face significantly higher level mobs, so unless you're playing at +3 or so, with Supremacy added to help their chance to hit, they should be fine. However, you might want to consider 1 End Reduction in them. Although it may only be needed after you get the Level 32 upgrade, I think that Ninjas often have Endurance problems. 2: if you're going with a relatively expensive IO (generally 6 million plus), it's not that expensive comparatively to get some mismatched Acc/Dam/End from sets like Blood Mandate or whatever is available at Level 22, and get more total Enhancement value out of the first 5 slots. 3: you don't really have too many options here, it's just a question of Tier 1 or Tier 2, and of the two, the Tier 2s can afford to have slightly lower total Enhancement since they don't need as much Accuracy as the Tier 1s... they're a level higher, and they do have attacks with -Def debuffing. So I would want the Tier 1s to have all 6 slots on enhancing Acc, Dam, and some End Reduction. But, honestly, I'd try to sneak in more +Def IOs into the Tier 1s as soon as money is available.
  11. Mystic Flight: not much needs to be said.. improvements to flight speed and teleportation range make it a clear improvement. Spirit Ward: good. I like it as a precautionary toggle, so having the burst of absorb at the front wasn't a great deal for me, but since other players seem to care about using it as a reactionary defense, it's good that the design now incorporates benefits designed for both types of uses. Arcane Bolt: as I've said, I like it. I like that in general use it's a solid attack, and it also has a nice niche as a "use occasionally only when Arcane Power is active" that turns it into a really good attack for a T2 attack. Rune of Protection: I like the 60/180 ratio, it fits better into many defensive rotations. I'd have preferred a 30/90 so it can be used more often as a reactionary power, but since the animation isn't very fast, the argument that 60/180 will generally be better also makes sense. This ratio looks fine to me, and I like that it's recharge-independent so it can save slots. Enflame: Kind of poor, I think. Not quite a dud, but for an AoE power it's not at all impressive, and for a single-target power, the AoE makes IOs in it less effective. Does it get the benefit of Containment for Controllers? In any case, I won't complain, because it will still have a use as a high-DPA power since one activation lets it do 60 seconds of damage. Most builds would love to have an almost animation-free toggle that improves DPS on a single target, and slotting cost is minimal since you can skip Recharge on it. Whether it ends up worth the pick and slots will depend on the build and on how much damage it does once slotted up... on Live it's underwhelming, but it also has problems with Enhancements not working, so maybe it will become more worth it now.
  12. This has been suggested before, and I'll add my voice to it. If it's going from a 90 second duration for the current animation to a 30-60 second duration, could we get the animation to be a bit shorter?
  13. That's not an accurate analysis. Because Hasten's uptime is not 100% on SOs, you wouldn't be getting this uptime on RoP. For the correct number you'll have to figure out Hasten's uptime, and then average out RoP's uptime with Hasten running and with Hasten not running (with the weighting of each version based on the Hasten uptime).
  14. Well, I don't know when a damage proc will activate. But I still put it into a power, and it has a chance to activate, and if I use that as a major part of my attack cycle, then I can depend on the law of averages to determine what the average damage will be over a long time. You can do the same with this critical damage... figure out how often it is ready when you use AB. Which would probably depend on how many powers you use between activations of AB. If you see that it's up 25% of the time, then you just average out the base damage with a 75% weighting and the critical damage with a 25% weighting, and figure out the average damage. Just like procs, except that instead of the activation chance depending on the power's enhanced Recharge, it depends on your attack chain. Or like how Stalkers can figure out their average damage when they use 4 attacks in between Assassin's Strikes, which is followed up by Moonbeam (which may or may not crit depending on whether the Hide proc in AS activates or not), and several of which attacks have procs in them. No particular attack is guaranteed any particular damage, but you make enough attacks that you will reliably get close to average damage. So, you can really "play around" it... you don't need to have a critical effect guaranteed to occur. I don't know that Fissure WILL Stun on any activation, nor do I know that Energy Font will have a Stun effect procced... but I can figure out my Fissure cycle time, and the Stun uptime of the Font, and figure out that there's a 66% chance that any minion will be Stunned at any moment in time. As long as you're willing to play with random effects, this is fine.
  15. No, that would be Rune of Ponytection, sir. Although it would still belong in the Sorcery pool.
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