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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Sure. Here you go. "If I wasn't a casual gamer with limited time that would be more feasible.... but seeing as how the devs have already provided a solution, would it not morally fall on the other players who don't want it to deal with it? " That's you inferring that others are "morally wrong" for not using Null. That's you inferring you're morally right simply because Null exists. Your subsequent replies in the thread provide further insight into your belief that you're in the right. Several people called you out on that, not just one or two people. Come on man, you know better. If you're playing alone, you're soloing. If you're on a team with others - whether that's one person or a full team or a full league - you're teaming. It stops becoming all about you once you join a team. The team leads patience probably wore out by that time. Regardless, you didn't follow a very simple request from a team leader and you go booted. Again, if you are teaming with 1 other person, you're on a team. Only one person on the team has the star and that's the team lead, so its their call. Now you know it can be an issue, so perhaps mention it before starting a TF next time.
  2. This is my experience as well. The one or two that are dicks are enormous dicks though lol. For the most part, if you ask another player to leave you be they will more often than not leave you alone. I've had a couple of occasions where they actually helped with pill boxes and such for badges.
  3. There's nothing flawed about it. We can all read what you wrote in the other thread. You were being a narcissist and suggesting others were "morally wrong" for not agreeing with you. There's a huge difference between not using group fly - which you admit to not using all the time and thereby not needing - and leeching. I think you know that. What you're still failing to acknowledge is that teaming is different than soloing. Teaming is a social activity you do with others, so your fun is superseded by the fun of everyone in the group, not the other way around. Most people are social animals and understand they will need to change their game play in a team environment versus soloing. Yes it does. Not everyone will even know about Null. Whether you like it or not or want to admit it or not, you were partly to blame for what transpired on that TF. Why do you keep ignoring that it wasn't your team? The team leader made a request which you refused, so they booted you which they were well within their rights to do. A GM even confirmed that for you in your thread. Look, this isn't rocket science here. You created a rant thread about getting booted from a team because you refused to turn off group fly. It's not a huge leap to figure out what happened. You were using group fly, the team leader got annoyed with it and asked you to turn it off and you didn't, so you were booted. I think it's reasonable to infer based on your replies in these threads, you weren't the nicest person in your response to that team lead, so that was more than likely why you got kicked. Use that as a learning opportunity and inform other players on a team ahead of time that you like to use group fly and if they don't want to be affected by it, go visit Null before you start your TF. Maybe try a different approach here and turn your experience into something positive instead of using it as an opportunity to rant and bash the team lead for booting you? Your thread could have been about your experience and suggesting ways to improve group fly or make it so it doesn't adversely affect other players unless they want to so others don't have to have your bad experience. That's what these other threads are trying to do.
  4. It's on by default so that it affects pets, which is intended for Group Fly. Turning it off by default and making Null turn it on defeats that purpose.
  5. It's not accommodating laziness, it's about being sociable and courteous to others. As many have pointed out here, not everyone knows about the Null option. Did you let anyone know you will be using GF during the TF before you started? Of course not. Everyone has to accommodate you so you can see your bots with jet boots. Why do you consistently gloss over the fact that your obliging of a simple request to turn off a power that adversely impacts others solves everyone's problem? Narcissism isn't a defense. Your reason is "I like rocket boots!" or that your bots will die quicker. So what? Re-summon them. None of that matters though. The team leader felt it was disruptive and asked you to turn it off. You didn't and they booted you. I don't care whether you take me seriously or not. A person doesn't need thousands of hours of teaming experience to know that playing on a team is different than playing solo. There's others to be considerate of, and a power like GF can have an adverse affect on others on a team. What difference does it make whether they asked you at the beginning of the TF or on the second mission or at the very end? You're (again) admitting you can work without it. That too. They're the one who formed the team and are leading the TF. It's their team, their rules. If you don't like it, leave and form your own team. Says the narcissist who hasn't listened to any of the feedback, suggestions or criticisms offered by other players responding here. You'd rather be told you're right.
  6. Not to mention being "forced" (ie asked) to turn off GF means they're being cyber bullied and a victim. Win win for the narcissists! 🤣
  7. How could they claim to be a victim if they did that? 🤣
  8. This is the correct, sociable, non-narcissistic thing to do. You're doing the right thing by communicating ahead of time and allowing others to make an informed decision.
  9. You have access to a tool to make GF not a problem - turning it off. That's very basic logic too. Not having GF on in no way prevents you from playing your character at all. You yourself have admitted a few times now that you don't use it everywhere all the time, so it's clear it isn't necessary, so turning it off when requested by others in a team isn't a hardship for you. So you say. None of us were there and can know what happened for sure. What we do know is that the team leader asked you to turn off GF because it bothered them, and you refused to do it, so they booted you. They didn't do anything wrong. And had you just turned off GF as requested, you could have finished the TF without any problem. Again, it's you that's the problem here. I can comfortably say that I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been on a team or league with someone using GF. And in each instance if it was disruptive to the rest of the team, that person was kind enough to turn it off. They weren't rabid narcissists, so they didn't have an issue with it and throw tantrums about it. I don't team a lot, but when I do most people are happy to adjust their play style to accommodate the needs of the team. Most people realize teaming is a social interaction that's about the group, not just you.
  10. What about your actions? Did they ask you to stop using Group Fly? By your own admission yes. Did you comply? No. Do you not see how your own actions can be the problem here? Amen!
  11. Simple. Your OP and subsequent follow ups are crystal clear. Your sense of self importance supersedes everyone else, your fun is more important than everyone else on the team having fun, and everyone else was wrong to not accommodate you and everyone should cater to you because reasons. Narcissism at its best. ^ Exactly.
  12. Disagreement is fine. Telling others that they're somehow "morally wrong" because they didn't cater to you and booted you when you couldn't agree to a simple request is the narcissistic part.
  13. Yeah no, you're in the wrong too. You're essentially telling everyone else to do something so you can have fun while at the same time trying to say others asking you to do something (turn off group fly) so they can have fun is wrong. Turning off group fly is easier for you than it is for people to run to Null if you really want to get that petty about it. It's clear you can't look at things objectively here. No matter what you say, there's nothing making you ineffective and unable to contribute to the team without group fly on. By your own admission, you don't use it on certain maps, so you don't need it on. Just about everyone adjusts the way they play when they're on a team vs playing solo. You can do it too. There's nothing tyrannical about booting you from their team when you didn't oblige a team leader's request. I agree.
  14. I can empathize as this is always a sucky situation when people on teams don't agree. With that said, the team leader didn't do anything wrong. It's their team, they're leading it and they get to set the rules on how they are going to run the TF. If they asked you to turn it off and you didn't they're within their right to boot you. If it's disruptive to the rest of the team, then yes they can boot you. A couple of things... Nor should you be able to impose on their play styles. That door swings both ways. You could have let team mates know in advance that you'll be using group fly and if they have a problem with it, there's a Null option in PD to disable it or they can go do some other content or ask you not to use it. So is everyone elses time very valuable to them. I don't believe so and I don't think they should. Again, the team leader didn't do anything wrong in asking you to turn off group fly and booting you when you didn't oblige. There's really no right or wrong here. It's more a lack of communication ahead of time. Sorry it happened to you. Maybe next time let team mates know you'll be using it ahead of time?
  15. Amen, not to mention how dangerous that is for everyone.
  16. Or maybe they just used people with low IQ that are immune to psi? 🤣
  17. How about giving new people a shot at a role instead of reviving dead actors via CGI? That's giving studios even more reason to not hire real people.
  18. Yes I know. And yet we have missions like "Stop All Robots in Headquarters" in the Synapse Task force that's literally polluted with them. 🤣
  19. Not true in the case of early game Clockwork. Psi damage is great on Synapse runs.
  20. That depends on who the actor is. Some of them make insane amounts of money - see Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler, Dwayne Johnson etc. You could make an entire movie with what some of these individuals get paid. I read somewhere that Jennifer Connelly got something like $114K per minute for her role in Top Gun 2. This I completely agree with.
  21. You never know. I mean, if it's a totally CGI character I'm not sure why a stunt double would need a full prosthetic suit and mask... but could be. This article does say it's a "first look at the Thing"... https://www.superherohype.com/movies/582595-the-fantastic-four-first-steps-set-video-thing
  22. Can't get excited about this. I have to wonder why they're bothering releasing it since there's no way I can see this turning a profit.
  23. Oh man... I'm thinking (hoping) this is going to get replaced via CGI, but then again The Thing was a rubber suit before in three different film attempts... The more I see of the stuff from this, the less I'm excited to see it.
  24. Yup. "To the extent that I was aware of the kind of toxic fandom, the anti-SJW, you know, sad little corner of fandom — you just disregard that. Sometimes you’re motivated to have things simply because it’s possibly going to piss off or provoke people who seem to have missed the memo about just what exactly “Star Trek” is and always has been all about." https://variety.com/2020/tv/features/michael-chabon-star-trek-picard-1203544717/
  25. You're a leading a team playing a video game, not other people's drill sergeant, parent or boss.
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