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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Why would that get generic'd? Did you say in the bio he's THE Al Bundy from the TV show with a costume that was a direct copy of him? If not, that's overkill to generic it.
  2. I watched this last night and it was ok. I don't think it was as bad as some made it out to be, but it certainly wasn't great and nowhere near as good as the first one. I think it's pretty clear the movie suffered from story issues that they tried to fix in the editing room. A lot of the backstory seemed glanced over and could've used more time to fill in. I did like the buddy movie dynamic between Aquaman and Orm. I'm kind of sad this was the end for the Snyderverse and Jason Momoa's last time as Aquaman. I liked him in the role.
  3. Apologies if this has been suggested before. Would it be possible to make smaller scale versions of the existing item storage bins for bases? Stuff like enhancement bins, inspiration storage, the salvage vault and salvage racks are enormous and they're a real pain to use if you just want to build a small room or two. It would be great if we can get smaller sized objects instead. For example, there's all kinds of cool new stuff in the base editor like crates, boxes, pallets and such that could work. Is it doable to maybe use some of those models as the storage bin object? I'm sure it's not as simple as just copying the storage bin object code to a new object and changing what model it uses. Also, not sure if this is feasible or not, but having a single salvage or enhancement storage item that has the storage limit increased from 100 to maybe 1,000 or whatever the hard storage limit is for a base. You'd have to restrict it so that you could only place one of the max storage items in a base, but at least that way we could just place 1 storage item instead of a bunch of them if we wanted. One last thing along those lines, it would be great if we could have teleporter objects that can accept more than 10 locations. Saves those of us looking to build smaller bases a lot of space if we could. Would certainly open up some flexibility. Thanks.
  4. I don't use Discord at all. No interest in it whatsoever. I kinda feel like in some instances you're pushed into using it here.
  5. I've noticed drop rates for everything seem a lot lower than before the last patch too. I don't have any hard data to prove anything, just adding my 2 inf that it feels off. I did see a couple of people asking about this in LFG the other night, so it seems more people have noticed.
  6. I could very well be wrong, but as I remember it, copies of signature CoH/CoV characters aren't allowed either. For me personally, I don't see a problem with what you've created there, but I'm not the one who makes the final determination. Where the line is between homage and direct copy is ultimately up to the HC people.
  7. Aren't you able to see how active those accounts are? If someone has all those unplayed level 1 alts lying around but are still playing daily, they can be contacted by other players to negotiate releasing a name. If it's an account that hasn't been logged into in the last 5 years, that's a different story IMO. I know it's a huge project for a small volunteer team to re-do the code here to allow for names to be non-unique, but I personally think it would be great to have for the future because everyone will be better off getting the names they want. Hopefully the HC people will address it at some point down the road. I can live without new missions and costume pieces while they tackle this. I can also understand why they don't.
  8. STO does the same thing as CO where the name is a combo of global handle and character name. It's not hard at all to send messages to someone. You can click on their name and select the option to send a PM. No need to type the whole thing out.
  9. On the Mids Reborn website, scroll down and click on the button that says "Installer".
  10. @Diantane you can download it from the link @Major_Decoy provided. You may need to download and install the .NET core for it to work though if you don't already have that installed on your computer. As for the MIDS sub-forum here, it's no longer used for support. You'll have to join and use the Discord or GitHub for that.
  11. For this, you'll want to pay a visit to the Base Building subforum and read up on base building in the Base Building Guide. There's also links to an excellent series of informative and helpful videos @Dacy put together on base building. You'll learn a lot from them. It's not hard at all to set up a quick base for storage of enhancements and salvage.
  12. Same here, especially when you can run stuff like DFBs and SBBs that drop SOs which can be used or sold for inf. Buying SOs with merits is a waste.
  13. If that's the level of inf you're looking to build quickly - and what "quickly" means to you is subjective - then I'd have to agree with others who've said the market is the best way to get there "quickly". Farming is good for generating inf, but if you're relying solely on kills and good drops to sell for inf it's going to take a good while to hit the billion mark. Others have posted some great advice on stuff to sell on the market and how/where to earn them. One thing I don't see mentioned often is running SBBs and then selling the Overwhelming Force IOs on the market. SBBs can go very quickly with the right team, and those IOs sell for a anywhere from 3 to 10 million on the exchange, sometimes more. The group I team with usually farm a dozen or so of them on a weekend and we'll make a nice chunk of inf just selling the IOs. Advice like "just play the game" and "it will roll in eventually" are non-starters and not helpful. I don't think a couple of the purists here actually read and understood the OPs question. One last thing, you might want to look at sharing your builds in the appropriate subforums. You may get some good suggestions there on builds that aren't so expensive for you.
  14. Bloody hell, where are you even getting any of this from? Who's said anything about markets or meritocracies or anything else of the sort here?
  15. As far as I know, we can all respond to any posts made here whether they are "directed at" us or not. Ok so you admit you can't directly quote where any suggested otherwise. At least you can own up to that. Good for you. It's nonsense to add that in because no one suggested in the first place. Tom Cruise should make more than a heart surgeon and a heart surgeon should make more than a cashier at Tesco. No one's suggested otherwise. From personal perspective. How much money is too much money? That's the question and people are going to have very different opinions on what is "too much" in that regard. It's not hard to figure that much out. Correct and no one suggested otherwise. Saying "I think actors are overpaid" isn't saying anything about the standard business model for Hollywood. It's just stating an opinion on the pay for some actors. You're trying very hard to turn it into that, but it isn't working. Pretty sure I'm not tied in knots over anything, but you certainly seem to be.
  16. I just can't see Kraven the Hunter being a good movie. Maybe I'll be wrong, but I personally think it's safe to say this is going to be another one to toss onto the steaming turd pile right next to Madame Web.
  17. See now, here you go again trying to distort a conversation and trying to argue your opinions as facts. This isn't the conversation at all. Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anyone suggesting Tom Cruise shouldn't make more than a heart surgeon. If you can find where that's expressly stated, I'd love for you to direct quote it since I must have missed it. The argument you're trying to make here is nonsensical because no one has suggested anything of the sort. It's you looking to start an argument over opinions just for the sake of arguing.... again. I think you've missed the point (again) and still haven't learned the difference between opinion and fact. How much is too much is the subjective question. What dollar amount constitutes "too much" is an opinion that's going to vary from person to person. @Ghost and I were debating whether a million dollars is a lot of money to a studio. We weren't discussing facts, we're sharing opinions. Neither of us are right or wrong. Now, is Tom Cruise worth the 70 to 100 million he makes per movie? Not to me, but I'm not really a big fan of his, especially since he's made some real turds before. Is RDJ worth the 450+ million he's made doing Marvel movies? Personally, I don't think so, but that's my opinion, not a fact. I think that kind of money is way too much money for one actor to make, especially given that there's quite a lot of very talented people in SAG/AFTRA who are struggling to make minimum guild wages because they haven't gotten their "big break" yet. That's what I believe the conversation was about. Maybe the Tom Cruises and RDJs can take a pay cut to help those fellow guild members out? Again, that's just an opinion not a fact though. You may feel differently and there's nothing wrong with that. You're welcome to your opinion.
  18. Hey if you want to consider 1 million plus dollars "tiny" and pocket change, more power to you. I think it's a lot of money and I don't think most studios are happy to willy-nilly piss that kind of money away. You're welcome to disagree. Also, I didn't make any claims about studios being better or worse off 30 years ago. I just said 1 million in 1994 is worth more today.
  19. Most studios aren't in a financial position to be throwing money away. Big studios in general aren't doing well, not to mention the Roger Corman FF movie was a million plus back in 1994. That's a lot and even more in today's money. Hollywood way overspends in my opinion. Like I said, there can be a whole host of reasons why the studio went ahead and released a film that's a huge steaming turd.
  20. Yes, I know. I even said I didn't think it cost nearly as much as Madame Web. It's an example of a studio spending lots of money on a movie on a movie they know won't make them any money, which is something you said studios don't do. Yeah from what I've read, they're doing anywhere from 4 to 6 months worth of reshoots. That's basically redoing the entire movie, and that's a very bad sign.
  21. I've no idea, I don't work at the studio. I could make any number of guesses why... contractual obligations, vanity project for someone, tax write offs, not understanding the audience... the speculations can go on endlessly. Who knows what the deal was? I'm not so sure about that. The Roger Corman Fantastic Four films come to mind, although I doubt it cost anywhere near that much. There's an amazing amount of people out there who don't understand the concept of the sunk cost fallacy. From the sound of it, Captain America NWO is shaping up to be another turd and is going to be the next super expensive flop. Honestly, I just can't believe some studio executives in charge of Madame Web really thought this movie was going to be a smash hit for them and would make tons of money. If they did, they probably shouldn't be in the positions they're in.
  22. This doesn't make any sense. They can churn out movies of the quality of the Spider-verse films every five years, make money and not have to worry about losing the IP. There's nothing to gain by making crap that loses tons of money. That's just stupid.
  23. I've been messing around with building something different and wanted to try and make something Japanese themed. Problem I'm running into is that pieces and parts I'm looking to use don't really match in terms of size. For example, I'm trying to use the following parts to make the walls; Short Wall 4, Short Wall 8 or Garden Wall for a base Screen for the walls Supergroup Glass for windows Various dock pieces for the floor and ceiling Main problem is that the Screen is a different width than the parts I'm using for a base so there's gaps or I have to move stuff together and there's flickering. The dock pieces I'm using are all either too wide or not long enough. Same goes for trying to use the Roman and Sloped Awning pieces to try and build a sloped roof. I've looked around at a couple of other bases that are Dojo/Pagoda themed and they're great, but not really the aesthetic that I'm looking build. Are there any recommendations for parts that fit together better? Thanks
  24. I wish we could choose different animations for the base portal thing. I really never liked having to summon a portal like that. It would be much more fun to be able to pick a "beamout" or call for transport type animation.
  25. That depends on your build and how you're playing it. Hand clap works great during a rage crash to prevent mobs from attacking you and knocking them away. I don't think SS sucks at all. I have it on a bunch of brutes and tanks. From my experience, most people who say it sucks don't know what they're talking about or feel that way because it's all smashing damage, which is the most resisted damage type in game. It can, but that's where strategic use of Hand Clap and Footstomp come in.
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