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  1. Logging out anywhere yields Patrol XP, whether the Toons in a Day Job volume or not.
  2. Click on the Subject bar to sort all the items alphabetically.
  3. Think that was bad? I only heard rumours about the Vahzilok doing the same and I don't want to know more.
  4. I've never been on a TF with @Snarky either. Missed opportunities.
  5. I was talking about the shear amount of work needed to be done for any implementation of this suggestion and testing it. There is no avoiding changed dozens of Powers and testing each of those changed Powers. Suggestions that demand a lot of volunteer Developer and Tester hours need to be very very important and necessary before they will be considered.
  6. It still requires editting the effects of dozens of Powers. I've been a Tester for HC. I know that even the simplest changes have to be checked to make sure the changes are as intended. Doing the changes correctly and testing them for dozens of Powers is rather significant. I think the amount of volunteer hours it would require makes this rather unlikely to be done.
  7. I think the request for a KB affecting all Powers won't be done, particularly due to how I think the current Powers would have to be changed. All Player KB Powers (there are a lot) would have to check an internal Power used as a flag for this. That means changing dozens of Powers--and testing it extensively. That's a big chunk of Dev and Tester time to do this right. There's also the interaction with other planned changes. That alone is a sufficient issue that will block this.
  8. I have much sympathy with @Luminara's position. I prefer one where I'm much less of a arsehole, because I try to interact as I would in person. @Snarky, I'm truly sad to see you go. You've livened up things a lot. And also brought up many a good point. The forums will be lesser without you.
  9. Depends on how good Harmony's chat functions are compared to Discord.
  10. The Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance is a pure Global: No enhancement aspects, just the Global. Should have bought a L10 Recipe. Cheaper to craft, can be slotted earlier, and will provide exactly the same things. Without needed a Catalyst.
  11. Diantane posts something. We show up. "Let's ride!"
  12. Great idea! Instead of the usual interface for Shard transfer, let's have a arc. Where you help a guy named Logan get to "Sanctuary". 😺
  13. From what I've heard from the devs, this is painfully true.
  14. They're saved locally as a backup. In-game appearance comes from the values saved on the servers.
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