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Marshal_General last won the day on February 7 2022

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1560 Excellent

About Marshal_General

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Both her and Manti have plot armor. I guess so that squishes can finish it. I picked the villains off one by one with my DP blaster that way.
  2. SCIENCE!!!!!! Who says you couldn't have unlocked psychic powers through an overdose of Red Bull?
  3. True, but its the best my brain before coffee could come up with.
  4. I could see one with Yoda. Mountain Dew. or Dew not.
  5. Your waifu is standing in the way of my beautiful sunset. 😎
  6. I would be nice if /loc included the zone or at least add a /zone command. Then you just make a macro $tar in /zone at /loc
  7. Are you aware that you can pop them into a salvage rack in your base? I have one set aside for event salvage.
  8. Blood sacrifice, duh!
  9. Yes you can, but the point is which is the greater evil? The one who was born/created that way or the one with free will who chose to be that way? I say that no demon born of hell or angel born of heaven, can be as evil or good as mankind since they had no choice and we do.
  10. The greatest capacity for evil depends on the choices available to you. Are demons truly evil since they are the way they were created and don't really have a choice in the matter compared to the likes of Crey who do evil because they chose to?
  11. One of the most famous is: mā - mother má - hemp mǎ - horse mà - scold
  12. This is from the Christmas vendor in the lodge for 50 candy canes and you just get the recipe.
  13. Unless I totally forgot how they work, I have been buying the unique recipe with a level 10 so that I don't have to attune it.
  14. I still do not consider it fog if it blacks out everything the fog lets you see. Deleting the file did work though so thanks for that. I wonder if it only happens to Altas as that is the only map that it has happened to me. I also skipped the tutorial so Altlas would be the first map that character entered.
  15. OK, I have had the problem I had earlier this year happen again. Before anyone tries to tell me it is Fog of War, like I don't know the difference. The first picture is Kings Row and shows FoW. The second is Atlas and is not FoW. As you can see, I can none of the map in Atals unlike what I can see in KR. What is this?
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