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  1. I retract my retraction, this dude is a worse Diantane. I tried talking sense to ‘em, tried getting him to understand that this game will never be uber challenging, but no dice. PSA for those who are reading this: If someone comes to you in CoH asking for what OP ask for, assume they’re blowing smoke up your ass. 100% of the time, they don’t want this mode, not really. They just want to complain about how easy the easiest MMO ever is(by design) while refusing to play actually challenging games. They want to thump their chest mostly about allegedly being good at this relaxed and intentionally easy game by suggesting some outlandish mode that is the unfun version of difficult, basically irritating and overly punishing and imbalanced towards certain ATs while not actually being any harder legitimately than base game.
  2. Great hyperbole. People who DO play challenging games also understand the niche they serve and that they’re not all the same, also that not every game needs to have a super hard mode. Some games really are just chill and laid back. What you’re suggesting is akin to putting a Nine Sols mode into Stardew Valley. It doesn’t make sense, isn’t necessary given what’s available in their version of challenging content, and honestly wouldn’t even be utilized by 99.9% of the playerbase, so, as much as I hate siding with the folks who spam this phrase for everything, it would be a legit waste of resources
  3. That’s what I’m saying. You SAY you want extreme hardcore “challenge” and then if or when that occurs, you pull an Shadow of the Erdtree, complain about it being unfair, then review bomb the content. Except CoH’s review bomb equivalent is…I dunno actually. Yelling at the devs?
  4. I’ve clarified my stance many times as never having been that but ehhh reading comprehension in 2025 isn’t a thing so I’m not surprised he missed it. Arcane, start slow, start with the Junie. B Jones series and work your way up from there. Hell we all have to start somewhere
  5. Im trying to help you here. Okay let me be a bit more clear, take a look at Hard Mode in game. That’s about as hard as you’ll get CoH. The devs, who I talk to in closed beta, even said back when it came out that basically that was peak of what they’d be comfortable with adding in terms of difficulty. So, knowing that, It’s not a matter of what I want, it’s a matter of what is the hard line they’ve drawn in the sand in regards to the matter. (I don’t want your idea of difficulty because as someone who ACTUALLY plays challenging games instead of just talking about wanting challenge, I can see the glaring holes in your suggestion that literally negate all challenge that I don’t think you’ve considered. One I mentioned already.) I’m trying to give you suggestions for actually challenging games you could play to satiate that itch, but hey to each their own
  6. You really should just go play an actually difficult game to satisfy that itch. CoH won’t ever get a mode that meets what you’re trying to get at. When I want a challenging game, I play Black Myth, Lies of P, Wuchang(when it comes out), Nine Sols, etc. hell I’m playing immortal feynx rising currently and the combat’s no cake walk despite looking simple, and the puzzles are definitely a fun brain teaser. Point being you’ll be fulfilled, assuming you ACTUALLY want challenge and aren’t just putting out bravado like most who want this type of thing do, in other actually more challenging games. And then you can take a break and relax in CoH. Think of it like a vacation in gaming. This isn’t me trying to be an ass, it’s just me pointing out you’re trying to fit a square peg in a circle hole. It’s not gonna work
  7. My bad, it was a poorly done joke. I don’t want to be like the usual gatekeepers here on this forum so my apologies there. But the rest of my response kind of gives the “why” even if it’s a voluntary mode that this won’t necessarily yield the results you’re looking for. I myself have made mechanics driven suggestions only to come to realize this game does not have a very uhm…mechanically inclined playerbase, to try and put it nicely? You gotta know your audience. This audience likes easy street, which I do not hold against them! A lot don’t even like the bare minimum mechanics in HM as is. This is a way rougher version of that. *PoE2 is path of exile 2. A wanna be soulslike seasonal ARPG
  8. So YOU’re the new Diantane(or however his name was spelled). This should be fun. Addressing the suggestion, you’re trying to turn CoH into PoE2. I assume that’s where you’re getting these ideas from. It won’t work and is bad from the onset. It, as others have said, unfairly punishes leveling squish ATs thus forcing team comps that are basically like HM; 7 corrs and a tank. This would make the game boring af just like bland ass HM. Also it goes against the core of CoH, which I admit is a bad core thanks to it incentivizing dunning Kruger effect(look in game and on these forums to see what that is) , but it’s still the core; a laid back turn your brain off power fantasy training wheels MMO that eases you into playing other more advanced MMOs by giving you the basics of what MMOs are. Or at least that’s one interpretation of it.
  9. I’m going to be honest, unless you’re a community leader of content, I feel there’s no need to announce your departure. Best thing to do is walk away, and if or when you come back, it’ll be like nothing changed at all.
  10. There has never been, and never will be any instance in CoH history where a heavy KB user has been helpful to the team over say a solid troller or debuffer. Death is the best CC, followed by solid KD and or stuns and debuffing them until the already wet noodle is nothing more than a flea. KB does nothing useful in practice
  11. EDIT: I’ll be damned if I get another demerit. I stand by what I said but I’m in CB and I can’t have that being compromised because someone got butt hurt and reported me. Honestly, the moderation is getting seriously out of hand in the wrong direction to the point where I’m thinking this whole thing needs to shut down like in 2012 for the good of the game itself, ironically.
  12. You can’t tell these people that CoH’s gameplay loop is D-tier at best effectively, by the 4th 50 onward(I look past it because of the end result being a new neat powerset) and expect a positive response to your comment. I still disagree with your suggestion. Ignoring the imo subpar leveling experience, it can take roughly 5 painful hours to farm to 50. It sucks, horribly, but it is still 5 hours vs a week organically. Not that bad in comparison. I haven’t made an alt in roughly 6+ months, but when I wanted to test a new powerset this was what I did. Saved hours in the longrun
  13. that’s a fair interpretation of the message. My pessimistic view of this certain situation makes me doubt that’s the case, only because in the past I HAVE seen how this community reacted to other servers’ costumes and additions, usually from the viewpoint of HC staunch defenders. Lots of them will trash the other server because of personal beefs or laugh at their additions and point out their jank, yet we sit here still with age old bugs and some glaring new ones with some page drops. Hell one of the pages had a litany of noticeable bugs slip into live release recently! It’s not an always type of thing, but it’s one of those “semi glass house throwing stones” type of deals. It’s a 20 yr old MMO. Some costumes may not even be possible on these antiquated models WITHOUT some jank 🙂
  14. Well articulated response. Glacial will do one of two things now as is customary to the CoH forums: 1.) Not read. Self explanatory yet they’ll give a snarky or wildly misinformed response. 2.) Continue to die on the hill that is kissing HC’s butts and thinking they do no wrong. You see, kids? This is the danger of only playing one game, and specifically one version/one server of said game. You become blind to literally everything around you and become sycophantic in nature to that one game. But being serious, it is very rude to call every other dev out there “jank” HC has plenty of jank to it, a lot if you really go looking. They are NO better, and in a few cases they are exponentially worse, than other servers. *Before I get another demerit, this is not a slight towards Glacial or the forums, this is just my take on the nature of online forums and getting attached to one game, what it does to criticism and what not.
  15. Delete Energy Blast* No way to troll if the set doesn’t exist 😎
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