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  1. There is a command to allows you to add music to a base. It would be nice to have room area sound instead of base-wide. I would like to request working boom boxes that we can 'clip' into cabinets,walls etc. Since boom boxes have a limited range, this would provide localized sound . 🎶
  2. biostem, I fully intended that folks turn in billboards to the Devs and they could decide which ones to post. I wouldn't want anyone to post offensive stuff!
  3. In my latest AE, I tried to tell a story. There were Ally, Hostage, and Defendable Objects along a path through a medium warehouse, some Front, some Middle, and some Back. Upon entering the warehouse, every dialogue from every item was triggered and spoken at once. Even the big finale Ally in the Back that would be the end of the fight said his lines! Please reduce the distance that triggers dialogue! I suggest Melee or Close Cone distance so you actually have to get close to a object or toon to trigger it. Even if you could fix it so only the three Zones (front,middle,back) would trigger, that would be a big help!
  4. If you like it, send me the in-game size for billboards and I'll redo it in the correct aspect ratio 🙂 This ad came from an origin story for one of my toons 🙂
  5. This! I'm already using Speed Phase for this and having this on Walk would be great! If not, at least give us a 'minimal FX' for Speed Phase! And for me, a 'Hug' emote would be fantastic. If you stand around a RP group - there is a lot of hugging going on. If nothing else, the 'carry box' emotes that NPCs have (minus the box) would be good enough!
  6. Please give us a setting in AE that sends the contact dialogue, clues, and NPC dialogue to LOCAL channel. Its hard to tell a story to a team when only the team leader can see it! I would like to see that option in regular missions, too. Only the team leader knows what we are doing and why! Also a 'cut-scene'-type thing. Perhaps show the ID picture of the person talking that we can put text with. Sometimes we need a way to put exposition in the AE stories!
  7. Please give us a setting in AE that sends the contact dialogue, clues, and NPC dialogue to LOCAL channel. Its hard to tell a story to a team when only the team leader can see it! I would like to see that option in regular missions, too. Only the team leader knows what we are doing and why! [2:53 PM] Also a 'cut-scene'-type thing. Perhaps show the ID picture of the person talking that we can put text with. Sometimes we need a way to put exposition in the AE stories!
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