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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. You just have to scroll down the list and look for the ones that don't include "farm" in the title. Some are silly, but others are darned creative. I've not played them all, but there was one where all the villains were clowns that was kind of fun.
  2. True. Straight Farming missions were a minority of the player written missions. Many of them were very creative missions, and arcs, some of which deserved to be included in regular game content. The fact that the most widely known aspect of AE became the dedicated farming missions is regrettable, as it was not always the majority of what it was used for, especially back in the days of live. Some really talented folks left their contributions there for others to play, and leave feedback.
  3. This thing will be done when it's done, and not a moment sooner. In the meantime, play like there's no tomorrow! 😎
  4. I get that. But, in my experience (at least since I started playing on Homecoming), I have not had any trouble finding teams to play on, whether it be missions, Radio, Task Force, or Incarnate Trials. It might not always be immediate, but I play primarily on PUGs without having to wait too long to see something pop-up in the LFG channel. If I get impatient, I start a team myself to do what I'm in the mood for, and on we go! That's on Torchbearer, but I'm assuming it's relatively the same on the other servers.
  5. No, actually it doesn't, universally speaking. If it doesn't work for you, that's fine. But, others have a different opinion which is equally valid, so let's try to refrain from passing universal judgement in a negative vein. 🙂
  6. My son created a Spines/Fire farm character, and lets me use it whenever the desire, or need arises. For me, that's pretty much only when one of my characters hits 50, and I dual-box a couple of rounds of Comic-Con to get all six Incarnate slots open. For me, that's pretty much it though. Everything else, I don't mind doing just via game play, because I love it that much! 😎
  7. Valid points. Though the "Suggestions" thread is probably the place where you want to make your appeal. In fact, I'm pretty sure there is a thread for this specific subject there already, so add your voice their theirs. 😎
  8. The picture on the right is a nice evolution.
  9. True. Having an absolutely pure concept, free from influence by anything that came before is quite difficult. Even if someone considers their character completely original, there were likely at least some influences by previous experiences, or exposure to content going back to early childhood. But, I do love the imaginative expression that having so many options available to us, allows. There are some truly breathtaking characters out there, some of whom remind me that my own character creating-fu is weak by comparison. But, rather than think ill of them for being better, it informs me of things I hadn't considered, or perhaps not been aware of, so that I can incorporate elements of what I have seen into my own process, therefore stepping up my game. That, as opposed to thinking negatively of them because they are better than myself at this. Hopefully, that is a sign that I have reached some level of maturity about some things. Of course, that and 5 bucks will get you a cup of cappuccino at Starbucks, so...there's that. 😉
  10. I have always had the best times playing on teams where the balance of archetypes was a good mixture of damage (ranged, and melee), and support in any form, all built around a strong tank. Temper that with the difficulty set high enough to be dangerous to a foolish team that rushes in, or insists on separating, but not so high that the only one who survives the first mob for any length of time, is the tank. I like having to have a strategy which is flexible enough to be dependent on the enemies we face, and a team willing to stick to it without feeling like things move to slow. Mainly, I love teaming with folks who love playing this game as much as I do, free from ulterior motives like how much of a stat/influence/XP/Merit/Incarnate boost it is to their character. The bottom line is that I love playing this game, and I'll team with anyone, regardless of the mix of archetypes, or mission difficulty. But, the best times are had when everything clicks, and everyone is on the same page for as long as it lasts.
  11. My sincere hope is that this changes, one way, or the other, sometime soon. The debate over the changes that will come with the conclusion of negotiations consumes a lot of oxygen around here, and once things are settled we can start dealing with facts, rather than speculation, conjecture, supposition, and profound sense of dread by some, opposed by stratospheric hope by others. I dream of a time when we are past all of that, and we can chart a course based on reality, whatever that may be.
  12. Something tells me, IF that were to become an issue, we would know pretty quickly across the board.
  13. I haven't tried the Cel Shading option yet, because I'm not a fan of it, but it's proof positive that some thought has been given to the subject, and in addition to cranking up the settings to improve things, there are options to give it a fresh look in the existing version of the game.
  14. An Incarnate, equipped with I/Os is as powerful as one would expect to be in the endgame content, of a Super Hero genre game. If you got this far, and couldn't feel that you were powerful, it would be completely counter-point to progressively getting more powerful through the levels, only to find you are constantly over matched in the end-game content. Of course, there are places like Nightward, and Dark Astoria that can present a challenge for even powerfully equipped heroes like I described above. So, it's out there if you want to challenge yourself. But, if you love being powerful, and being able to dominate, the regular content, and Task Forces allow you do that too. I think we have a situation where both camps can find a modicum of satisfaction. I'll admit that I'm not a number cruncher, so from that perspective, I don't measure things to the decimal point. I just have fun playing the game.
  15. I fully realize that the graphics in CoH are dated, especially when compared to the latest eye-candy filled games out there. However, I have noted that if your system is running even a mediocre graphics card, once can run with all of the graphics settings in-game turned up to 11, which makes a noticeable improvement across the board. Then there is the the fact that folks are excited about things like the venerable Jedi Knight coming to the Ninetendo Switch, and folks who play KOTOR, and KOTOR 2 many times through, and have no complaints at all about the graphics, because they love the game. Those graphics are downright archaic even when compared with CoH. So, perhaps I'm blinded by my love for the game, but the graphics don't bother me in the slightest. In fact, just like most comic books you see having different illustration styles, I think of the look of CoH as it's signature style. That works for me. What do you guys think?
  16. Lots of VOIP options out there, and lots of them are free. In fact, the Discord server for Homecoming has multiple voice channels available for use. You just have to join, and they are there. https://discord.gg/SyTFuDw
  17. Especially when there was another one of essentially the same topic in the current topic list? Oh well! The answers are there. Once just needs to read to find them. 😉
  18. If you remember, while Napster was directly targeted, and ultimately shut-down, it served as the catalyst that changed the face of the music industry. I suggest that if the web had been as mature then (technology-wise that is) that Napster probably would have found a way to survive. Anyway, the point is that, once something became an infinite resource, the big guys tried mightily to put the genie back in the bottle, and eventually failed. So, once they recognized they were clinging to an outmoded business model, they changed. So, in this case, since the proverbial genie has again already escaped the bottle, hopefully in the 7 years that have passed since it's closure, they have had time to reflect, and will get to the part where good things happen, rather than resorting to a struggle where they can win the opening battle, but will still ultimately lose the war. Just like before, folks will just go deeper underground, and have to adapt play-styles, but as you yourself pointed out, servers will go on. So, from a business perspective, why not play along and see what good can come from it? They really don't stand to lose anything they haven't already lost. Just my .02 of a dollar's worth.
  19. Perhaps we can agree that changes were made during the SCORE years to accommodate a much lower player population, from which these servers were derived. Perhaps we can further agree that in a higher population environment, some thought was given to how to roll some of those back to the way things originally were, because leaving them the way they had been modified was having predictably unfavorable consequences. I am not on the team, and I don't have any insight into the conversations that took place for any of these changes. But, extrapolation from what I have learned of these situations over the past few months tells me that is as feasible a theory as any other. Perhaps further discussion, where empirical data is accumulated, and provided in the correct threads to make the case for a degree of compromise, who knows what can happen? But, simply expressing dissatisfaction probably won't accomplish much more than finding some folks that agree, and some that disagree, and some that don't care, because they don't do Hami raids, which won't change anything. 🙂
  20. Not much optimism there. There are on-going efforts to make sure that will be the opposite of temporary. So, you were either unaware, or don't give it much chance for success. I can't tell. In either case, rest assured that if they wanted to shut it down, they could have done so as soon as they became aware of their existence, and the opted not to, but instead to enter into discussions about legitimizing the whole thing. We are all dreaming of what a "post deal" CoH will look like, and we kind of enjoy that line of thought.
  21. The Titan City Info Tracker used to do things like that. But, I'm not sure it works with the Homecoming version of the game. At least, not yet.
  22. Said the man on a City of Heroes forum... *sigh* 😉
  23. I don't believe Titan is leading these negotiations. That is the Homecoming team, or at least, that's how I understand it. Titan personnel (i.e. Tony) were also involved, thought to what extent, we never really knew. I don't know if someone else (Sekoia) from Titan will take Tony's place there, or if Titan will continue to be involved with the deal at all. But, the delayed response is likely the result of having to negotiate all of those hurdles, without having to give away specifics that would go against the NDA. Not an easy task, I'm sure.
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