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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. Oh, so the game is balanced now. I disagree that it is balanced around IOs.
  2. FYI, I have a level 1 character whose name I won't release. He is called: The Kraken
  3. Try a battle-axe will power for fun.
  4. Share all exp earn over all the servers and all the characters, be they online, off line, parked for namesake, etc.
  5. This is the answer. I usually just go around killing all the freakshow in the region.
  6. I am bring this up not for myself but for Snarky.
  7. Yes, but in what direction?
  8. Just to add on the OP suggestion. What you need to to is have EZ-to-kill mobs, in small groups, with large travel times to reach. This should keep fury a bit in check. So, good idea op. Blame the op, not me. He started this.
  9. Sorry, I deserved the thumbs down.
  10. Well, I guess I didn't know the right slang.
  11. So, no Brasses in UK?
  12. QoL. A way to organize inspirations in the AH so I don't have to scroll so much along with a get feature that you can provide a number of the inspirations to get. Hell, I would like to have a "go bag" of inspirations so when I get to Hami is just push the swap button and the inspiration tray swaps. A second bag for raids would be nice as well. Getting old now and my eyesight is bad. I would like to see thicker lines/buttons to adjust/push. Trying to adjust some UI elements is frustrating. When trying to do badge hunting, something to help out to find what is missing or how many more X I need. Don't want to hear about addons and crap like that.
  13. someone trying it on then putting it back in the bag?
  14. You hate cheese whiz don't you
  15. I can't helping thinking if they can put cheese in a spray can, why can't they do the same with butter?
  16. The should have just done this: Entering the game: Earns enter the game badge. Earning the first badge: The Badge Badge. Having two badges: This is the trifecta badge. ....
  17. where do you get the recipes to make them?
  18. I ask myself this question everyday. This video doesn't help but is fun to watch:
  19. Have you asked the AI LLM if they are worried that humans might take over their jobs?
  20. If this was a thing, nobody would get it. That's right, zero people. You have to have all the badges in game to get it, and IT IS A BADGE IN GAME.
  21. What if two people with small arms are fighting each other?
  22. So, voicing a concern, even if it is just rumor, is wrong in your book.
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