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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. Also a nice npc chatter.
  2. Created a character on torch just to play in their weekly spawning of babbage. 21 babbage. 126 merits, 21 MA. FUN. Might be nice to run in on other servers... Here is a SS:
  3. I didn't get the badge for kronos, but I will be return to play again. Lots of fun. Even more lag
  4. Ouch. The most I have on a character is around 850 badges. I kind of lost interest with what I call spreadsheet badges. Oro is one of them, crafting is another. Basically the x by y grid.
  5. When burned out in msr, tf, and hami. I just run continuous radio missions.
  6. Rivera Heights off of the Hollows. When can we get this zone for as a 50+ zone filled with goodies.
  7. It is like those all you can eat buffets where people come in an eat all the can...
  8. 100%. Also, 100% on the person who allegedly stole it.
  9. The Huntard didn't control his pet.
  10. Ok, I want red letters in my name now.
  11. Why are you giving out the password?
  12. Go on. Give us 10 more.
  13. quest: get Elder Gods diapers. quest: push Elder God around Atlas Park Task Force: Get Off My LAWN!
  14. On Everlast, Awesome Fairy is recently taken and parked. You would have to go with something like Awful Fairy
  15. I don't think the game is balanced. If you think it is, show the mathematical proof of it.
  16. Oh, so the game is balanced now. I disagree that it is balanced around IOs.
  17. FYI, I have a level 1 character whose name I won't release. He is called: The Kraken
  18. Try a battle-axe will power for fun.
  19. Share all exp earn over all the servers and all the characters, be they online, off line, parked for namesake, etc.
  20. This is the answer. I usually just go around killing all the freakshow in the region.
  21. I am bring this up not for myself but for Snarky.
  22. Yes, but in what direction?
  23. Just to add on the OP suggestion. What you need to to is have EZ-to-kill mobs, in small groups, with large travel times to reach. This should keep fury a bit in check. So, good idea op. Blame the op, not me. He started this.
  24. Sorry, I deserved the thumbs down.
  25. Well, I guess I didn't know the right slang.
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