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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. Does anyone know if Unity Game Engine can open or use any of the city of heroes file formats? For example, trying to load a zone like atlas park. I assume it can't be done, but it doesn't hurt to ask because some people have come up with clever ways to do things.
  2. Things have been feeling more databasey today.
  3. You likely have seen this:
  4. Do you know what the highest resolution that is supported? I am considering getting a large 4k tv on my wall and just curious how it might support this game. Might not get that because I don't watch tv, but would use it for youtube and a couple of streaming channels.
  5. Can we get this on replay? Sometime soon?
  6. Humor me, this is my attempt at making a positive post for a change. Since we have so many new players here was thought it might be a good thing to bring this topic up. What I am asking for is for those of you who are using binds on a regular basis to post them for all to learn from. Let us know!
  7. In that case, I am NOT requesting this.
  8. I would love to see the global size increased.
  9. I was thinking this:
  10. I want a postal worker costume. Also, an oversized novelty cowboy hat. It's funny because it is larger than a norm one.
  11. Let's take Ferrari and Le Tigre and Magnum with him.
  12. Oh, I was giving you credit of the possibility that you couldn't accept change or otherwise deal with reality of the situation. If you can, then my mistake. If you can, you posting this seems off. You want what you want, this isn't what you want. So, what are you expecting anyone to do?
  13. Street fighting BOSS mobs.
  14. Except when you are taking a knee and a pesky oscillator does the smallest damage and kills you. Those times are long gone though.
  15. Welcome to Homecoming you old farts.
  16. Is this a new the old timers guild or the old the old timers guild?
  17. I suggest becoming an altholic.
  18. Or seriously funny?
  19. Glad you have found a home. Now, I would like to talk to you about the church of alts.
  20. Just take a look at this:
  21. Ground Hogs Day. Arbor day. I am sure there are some trees that could be involved with that.
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