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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. And the Halloween event.
  2. It is like an itch which you have to scratch. And the way to scratch that itch is to make another alt. That's what I do.
  3. I am working on it.
  4. Yeah, and I am about to start a thread about too many people are playing.
  5. altholic here. Can't pick just one.
  6. Cat you imagine Atlas park full of catgirls? Can you imagine atlas park FULL OF CATGIRLS!
  7. Good idea.
  8. Let's not forget some of the spicy talk those NPCs have.
  9. It feels to me like people I have known since Homecoming opened are not around anymore. Have people been leaving the past couple of months? Are they going elsewhere? If so, what game are they going to?
  10. I am talking about abilities like Hurl that would toss presents.
  11. To clarify, it was basically this:
  12. This makes santa sad.
  13. I just noticed it too and thought to get in but failed badly.
  14. I would love to have a variety of dress up bots. Insect types could be cool too.
  15. Well, had a couple of other games to jump in such as swtor. But the big time sink for me was World of Tanks. That got ruined by changes...
  16. I recently purchased this shirt: https://www.amazon.com/favorite-Childhood-memory-hurting-T-Shirt/dp/B08FS73MBW
  17. This is so sad. RIP Punchy.
  18. Are you saying that because you feel that way you should get the benefit as if it were?
  19. How about a boot to the head?
  20. The Opposite? Something evil perhaps? Like a bunch of Karens?
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