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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. Master Mind Pets should be Master Minds. They should summon their own Master Mind Pets. All things considered Master Mind pets, should be able to summon Master Mind Pets.
  2. no no no nO NO NO NO
  3. That is a clear, concise, and well put together statement of facts. I appreciated 100%.
  4. THank you for the input. As I stated, it wasn't about badge xp.
  5. Thinking about this for a while and wondered about the process of making changes to the game. When I made a new character, I'd run around and grab badges for XP, Merits, and the accolade. Often wait until 8th or 9th level to hit atlas park, kings row, and echo atlas/galaxy. Could get a level out of it, 20 badges, the accolade. Then someone changed the game and those badges stopped giving XP. Perhaps something thought badge xp made it too easy to earn xp. We don't want anyone to level 10 in a hour and that should prevent that. But the point is, how did the decision to make this change come about? Does a random dev just get to make changes he wants to do? Is there a committee that approved it? I feel like I might have missed a poll about it. For those who want to reply reading this: IT IS NOT ABOUT THE XP FROM BADGES.
  6. Are you saying "way cannot people use words right" or "why cannot people use words, right?"
  7. There's something about Atta they don't know...
  8. That means it is time to nerf regen again.
  9. There is a character that uses it. Think of it as a theme character. I was a bit inspired by the xmen origin story where wolverine and sabertooth fight deadpool on top of the three mile island cooling tower and how deadpool teleported around. Ok, it was weapon X. I find it fun for soloing.
  10. I thought it was bank missions baddies. IIRC, there is a red side for killing heroes with a mission that will get it if you kill enough and will convert when you switch back to blue.
  11. I have permaSprint but have to toggle it on.
  12. I have fun with them. If fun isn't the top reason to play then f it all. Besides, I hate people who want to dictate my play style. Worse, those who say they are "just discussing it".
  13. I say, use the p2w as much as possible and minimal to no AT attack powers. Slot off attack power like health.
  14. The Jan nvidia driver was causing problems with my laptop especially in raids like msr. Downloaded the newest one and it seems to have fixed the issue. FYI to anyone else.
  15. Along with all my billions of influence.
  16. Wouldn't have to have endurance cost.
  17. Is there a bind for toggling noparticles?
  18. We had a good number of bunnies on MSR tonight. Thanks to Spooky for running the MSR.
  19. Just checked one of my thug MM and it has Nature Affinity, which is fine if you like healing. /time seems strong, but I never tried the perma gang war, which brings up the question: why haven't I?
  20. I kind of wish, at times, that those MM pet upgrade/buff powers were just a toggle on/off.
  21. I assumed so, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
  22. You need to retell the story of Toggle Man! Also, I just created a character named P2W Agent, who goes around using attacks from p2w. It is expensive and currently not self sustaining. Can't wait to six slot sprint though.
  23. We can't do subscriptions here.
  24. You SOB, I missed it.
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