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About BrandX

  • Birthday January 4

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  1. I know what the OP is talking about, however, I don't know what missions allow it specifically. Some, as the star holder, I can call up the contact for the next mission, and it will auto kick people out of the current, completed mission. Other times, I have to wait till everyone is out of the mission to make the call (last ones in Synapse have this for sure).
  2. ^This right here. It was my first thought with the description given. Now, if you can't get behind playing a Mastermind, I might suggest... Dark/Time Troller. That may just help you with your squishy feeling (Time Manipulation is nice on the defense and -ToHit side of things). Fire/Dark Troller. Not as much defense but more -ToHit and you get the glowy eyes from Fade.
  3. So a reward for actually forming one...Having star for TF at formation gives you something? The issue I see with this, is someone may form it, but then not want to pass the star to someone higher level.
  4. I've never really had issue making a TF...SF can be a bit more difficult because some people's aversion to villain side. However, I think the real issue is there's few who want the lead position. They want others to form them.
  5. To my knowledge it has to do with the idea that if they did, they'd do more and more dangerous stunts.
  6. These are useful! Sometimes it seems the switch doesn't want to happen or the trays will switch but not the forms, but so useful!
  7. Wasn't the Paragon Times the thing that gave dumb lore reasons for new power sets? Oh! Look! Aeon created the use of double blades! πŸ˜› Instead of just accepting the meta of "It's now available and you can make heroes who use it"
  8. Could just be made as a means of hoping it leads to people keep subscribing or start subscribing to Disney+ Lots of shows start out as "Why?" and become hits.
  9. I got The Dark Falcon. It is nice πŸ™‚ It's in my collection of Imperial Shuttle, Poe's X-Wing, SWTOR: Sith Fury, and Ahsoka's T-6 Jedi Shuttle πŸ™‚ Saw the Cinder but undecided if I'll go for it.
  10. I do have tough/weave (still not much in the way of defense on my build). Would love RoP but that requires 2 power picks to get to and doesn't work with my concept personally.
  11. WP can hit 75% S/L which I found helped a lot. That said, as I main EM/Regen right now, I have found going with the Melee Core Hybrid, to make quite a difference in my Regen's survival and I'm not worried about the passive 10% Damage bonus and it's times of doing more damage, as I was never one to constantly keep it clicked every mission (sometimes better than others).
  12. If you sell the level 25, you're selling it to anyone who's tried to buy the IO at any level. As the market doesn't see the level of the IO you're selling, really. Catalysts drop frequently after hitting level 50 in just running things, that I often have a pile built up for the next character to use. Not sure this is needed. I guess I could see them adding the cost of 20 reward merits for the attuned version, as I do believe a catalyst costs 20 merits to purchase from vendor, so it'd just be getting it done for you there?
  13. I wasn't expecting anything and I have to say, I thought it was mid. Action could've been better. I don't know the game that well, as I didn't enjoy playing it when I tried it out, so I can't speak for how well it stuck to the game other than I hear Cate was on the old side for her character. I felt the best way to describe it was "Wait for streaming" which also makes me wish we didn't have such early turn arounds as even this level of movie likely would've gotten a bigger audience before streaming, imo.
  14. Honestly, I'd rather not, as that means we see Bruce hooking up with Babs, and I don't care for that pairing πŸ˜›
  15. If they wanted to do a new cartoon for Batman, there's a good comic to take it from, where you get the whole Bat family and it feels fun and different. Batman: Wayne Family Adventures...the way a new animated Batman adventure should go.
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