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Clave Dark 5

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Posts posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I just gotta say, the tips system is amazing when it comes to villain content being ACTUALLY EVIL, and not just mildly malicious.


    ESPECIALLY the Vigi -> Villain tips. Holy shit.


    One in particular : Blast Furnace sends you a hasty text message asking for help. You show up to find that Maelstrom has sabotaged Blast Furnace's armor. Blast Furnace asks you for help because you're his hero! So you decide to take down Maelstrom, and once he's down you go in for the kill. Blast Furnace tries to stop you so you beat him into submission just before Maelstrom teleports away, so you just attempted to murder a guy in front of your adoring fan and beat the shit out of said fan when he tries to stop you.


    Or another one where a hero's sidekick is on Social Media posting about being a sidekick, so you 'teach him a lesson' by having Malta attack him and also kidnap his grandmother, only she dies from a heart attack. Sidekick attacks you, you beat him down and teleport him back to a hospital. Beating + Dead grandmother, all because you wanted to teach him not to brag about heroics on social media.


    And lastly, the Council throws a parade but does it legitimately (With all the permits and everything, so the heroes can't stop it legitimately) and Positron contacts you saying "Stay the hell away", so you sabotage the robots in the parade to attack innocent people in order to show everyone just how evil the Council truly is.


    The hero tips and missions are so lame, the villain and vigilante tips are spectacularly awesome and REALLY vicious.

    Yeah, those tips were, iirc, written by a newer member of the then-team and it showed that he was really trying to make the writing much sharper than it had been.  The mission design was also starting to think more outside the usual box, which also got my respect.

  2. Would you put someone on a pickup group on ignore before the team is disbanded?  I’d be too afraid that I would miss some critical conversation to the missions success or miss the advanced warning that said idiot is going to do something.


    If it was truly unbearable I would kick the person, or ask the leader in a tell, “this is getting unbearable for me - either the idiot goes or I go”.  Still no resolution?  I’d leave.


    After the team, of course put the player on ignore...


    Maybe that was all assumed in this conversation, but I am curious if I am missing something.


    I don't PUG that much, but the ignore would come at the end, not during. For me anyway.


    Oh yeah, no point doing it during the mission, that's just asking for trouble.

  3. The Rikti Invasion & Zombie Apocalypse zone events are happening regularly.  The game doesn't advertise the events, but there are scheduled & happening.


    I see the announcements all the time, but nothing pops.

    The Sky turns red, the street MOBs disappear, and nothing else happens with the Zombies. With the Rikti, the ships pass over and drop bombs and one-shots your pets, but nothing else happens either. No Zombies or Rikti appear.


    This was a group event where you did not have to group, kind of like GW2, but you could still have a blast, and if you grouped it was even more fun. I've been part of a Zombie/Rikti PUG that continued on to PUG the zone in CoHV, not once have I seen this happen in CoHH.


    Note, I run on redside, and I'm an Altaholic and my highest charter is 16... or was 16.


    Your level is why.  You have to be level 25+ for zombies or Rikti to appear.


    Yeah, I fought off a wave of them on PI about two weeks back and it went just like it always had.  Haven't seen a zombie event yet though.


    But hey, Summer Blockbuster - is that really going to be put on the shelf after July?

  4. So, priority:

    Is it a hot 'port?

    If yes, tanks first, followed by support, then DPS. (Even this isn't really set in stone though)

    If no, does anyone else on the team have teleport?

    If yes, other teleporters first, followed by whoever.

    If no, teleport whoever the hell you feel like, and if someone bitches about the order you teleport in, don't teleport them. >.>


    This.  I'd also put that player on ignore or something.

  5. It's hard to put my finger on, but all the red zones feel the same to me.


    I've played several villains all the way up and for the life of me can't keep straight which zones are which apart from Mercy and Grandville.


    Blueside each zone has character. Atlas park looks very different from Steel Canyon despite having a lot of the same style. I always know where I am and what that means.


    Redside I'm always in a dirty mix of quasi-victorian rubble and black tech. Even the casino zone (and here I legit can't remember what it's called) feels the same but with a pyramid. It doesn't help that you're always fighting Arachnids.

    Speaking as a "I was born on redside" player, that's exactly my take but in reverse, it's blueside I find too samey.  Maybe we both just need to spend more time getting to know the other side, as I'm doing these days because I play blue a lot now (due to population issues).

  6. Also worht noting: some targets you might cast it on disappear as soon as they die, de-toggling your EF,  like Circle Of Thorns ghosties and Council Zenith Hoverbots.  So it pays to pick your target when facing them, if you use it.


    It's the same constraints; what makes them different is that they despawn immediately upon defeat, whereas most 'animate' mobs lie around as a body for a bit before the police teleporters lock onto them and drag them off to the Zig.


    Exactly.  I have on occasion used this on a team that was fast-moving but not too fast moving, to save myself the need to detoggle as we move on.

  7. You have to pay attention to how fast the spawn is being defeated so that you can toggle it off now. Otherwise you'll be waiting for recharge when you get to the next group. On really fast teams there's literally no point in using EF/RI, it takes too long to take effect before the spawn is gone and you are moving on to the next. I spend less endurance and frustration by just not using it if the spawns are gone in less than 15 or so seconds.

    My Corr has been there and often finds herself ignoring that and Disintegrate from her Beam Rifle for the same reasons.


    Also worht noting: some targets you might cast it on disappear as soon as they die, de-toggling your EF,  like Circle Of Thorns ghosties and Council Zenith Hoverbots.  So it pays to pick your target when facing them, if you use it.

  8. Next to FF, I think that KW is one of the most beautiful areas in the game. The GREAT thing is that it is ripe for developing and adding everything, something that never happened because of the shutdown. With so many amazing people who love this game and who are good at figuring out the spaghetti code, I look forward to the future of KW.

    That's a great idea.


    Are you kidding me? They're evil in this dimension! It's a private army invading a sovereign Nation arms with flamethrowers which are banned by the Geneva convention and they're not terribly discriminant at who they're shooting at while in a civilian area. These guys are probably setting fire to Mercy island every 30 minutes.


    They're terrorists.




    Ahem.  Anyways, AE already works something like this, so it shouldn't be too hard to set up, really.  That thing about level-shifted foes could work out too because their level range is already noted in the AE system.  Heck, we could even set up something like this for all levels of characters and let the system pick out who you might fight based on your levels.  They could be nice and short radio/paper-like missions.

  10. I have a character like this, six completely different costumes, but being bind-illiterate* I just swap costumes every mission or so.  The idea of having her swap out repeatedly every ten seconds or so would make it extra fun.


    *I know I could learn to figure them all out but that's too much like homework.  Maybe I could make macro buttons for all her powers and assign a costume swap to each one or something.  Or just stick to swapping once a mission because that too sounds like homework.

  11. Here's another vote for Vengeance.  I ended up taking it on my Corr even though it maybe isn't quite thematic for the character, partly because I've never had it before.  I picked it up quite late in her build, thinking "OK, well, once in awhile this might be fun."  I've used it a lot, let me tell you!  Getting up to 50 and running around doing stuff set for insane-o difficulty levels means that actually I've seen a number of teammates get defeated.

  12. There is something fun to having an "OP" build (I run an elec melle / Shield defense build that qualifies even though I have no purples or winter IOs).

    You can still challenge yourself. I have the most fun with "bad" teams. In one ITF the rest of the tram faceplanted when the dawrfs/novas surged at the end if the first mission. I ended mopping those up while the rest of the tram waited or trecked to the hospital. It was challenging because there were so many they were actually getting through my defenses and I had to juggle powers and timing right.


    I often stay in the ITF and clear the roofs by myself if the rest of the team leaves after killing there AV. A roof full of stacking debuffs can be also challenging even for my build, and again it makes it fun.


    I only solo at x8+4 and while most mobs are still pretty easy (bosses can take a bit to wear down with my build), there are does that can pose a challenge.


    My best answer is till a tri-form warshade. So powerful yet pretty unforgiving. A mistake can turn the situation o your very quickly. The. You use your self rez, and fix the situation. It's the perfect combination of power and crazy play.

    y play. In a word it's CoH "hard mode". :)

    #humblebrag. ;)

  13. I don't know about the character select background, but you should be able to set your preferred login theme with -uiskin in launch parameters. -uiskin 1 is CoV, -uiskin 2 is GR. (0, for reference, is CoH. There's not one for Freedom; so if you want that you'll need to do some much more complex mucking about.)


    this doesnt actually work. The music/backgrounds are offset and mangled (going rogue uses the freedom theme for example) and it resets if you ever go back to the login screen or quit to login/css from in-game.


    it's a shame because the current OG CoH login + music and freedom css/cac background are really cheap looking/sounding together, and I'd like to just be able to use the freedom UI and music again. Or going rogue for that matter.

    Huh, it's been working for me, I set mine for CoV very early on and haven't had any trouble with it.

  14. If I've ever given the impression I think I'm better than someone because I've got a different opinion and experience, then I straight-up apologize for that right now.

    No sweat on that, I just felt I needed to qualify my input because I haven't been gold in ages (except for those recent 50s runs).  You're good!

  15. A lot of people talking about this 'smooth leveling experience' with Sentinels, I'm gonna take a wild guess you do Blue or Red sides. Because I prefer Gold Side and the Wards (it's better written) and as painful as that is as a Blaster, it's even worse for the Sentinels I've done, though I haven't tried everyone's favorites of Fire/Bio, Beam/Anything, or Water/Anything (they appear to be the strongest sentinel combos). Frequent, frequent deaths just doing even hunt missions because you cannot kill fast enough and your defenses are too weak to do much worth talking about while you're alive.


    I had spots (notably in the 30s) where I felt like Sentinel did better than Blaster and Corruptor but not many.

    I'm sure that I have no place talking back to a Gold Side vet such as yourself, but I found every class was much more "dying all the time" there.  And in fact, just the past week I've been over there with a 50 Corr, one of those plot lines you can follow at 50, and died a heck of a lot more than that Corr normally does (I was teaming, yes).

  16. If you want IOs just buy the mats and craft them. There are literally 10million of every mat seeded for you to buy.


    And if the argument is.. you want to make lots of influence by cornering markets but cant with a seeded market. Well then to that I say boohoo for you too bad.


    Edit: oh I misread and thought you were talking about the seeded market not the IO fee. Not sure why. My apologies, but I'll leave the message up anyway so people can flame me. I can take it... I'm a /fire brute!

    Allow me to flame you for another reason:  what's a "mat"?

  17. So very many people - me included - expected CO to wind up being a "City of Heroes II"; to take all of the awesomeness that was CoH and update it (especially graphics) to be newer, shinier, better.

    Oh, I remember that hype,  Some of it was self-generated by players on their pre-opening forums; I spent some time there thinking about switching over when it came out, if it was going to be a newer, better game.  A number of posters were of course CoH ex-pats who were really invested in knowing this game would be better and that the previous company was a bunch of hateful snakes (which might have been true for all I know as I wasn't following too much of the politics behind the scenes).  Something about that community, or that segment of it, chased me off even before the game came out, and the more I heard afterward, the more I was glad I'd not bothered.  I kept thinking about loading it up F2P, especially after CoH shut down, but... never did.

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