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Clave Dark 5

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Posts posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Would like to see more of this though. And I never heard or even know where those places are.


    Paragon Dance Party has been around since 2004 but was replaced by Pocket D after City of Villains was released. You can still find entrances in Paragon... somewhere. It's mostly empty.


    I don't think I had ever visited it pre-shut-down (villain here), but I stumbled across it it just the other day trying to find where Pocket D was blueside.  It was completely empty.  Maybe people should cordon themselves off in there to run DFBs instead of the sewers or something.


    What shard are you on? On Everlasting it seems to have a decent number of people coming and going during the busier hours. I've seen it almost empty, but that's on my weird schedule as an Euro player  ;)



    Indom.  Given my often weird play hours though, it might have been at like 3 am or something though.

  2. So if you don't play Redside - why not?

    Because I don't want to play in the Rogue Isles. I want to play in Paragon City and Praetoria.


    I know I can find a Pocket D and Vanguard there.

    But there is no Pocket D entrance in Atlas Park. There is one in Kings Row, though.


    Ha!  Take that Atlas!!  Villains win again!


    Yes, I haven't yet bothered to do much homework playing the game, such as memorizing every map and where things are (which is one thing red side has going for it, no trying to remember how to get to Firebase Zulu or any of those other less-traveled areas.)


    "The Biggest Reason"? Citation needed.


    Yeah, a lot of people dislike that there's not many people redside, but there's also a ton of people who:



    See the thread pith a poll up top that's labeled "For those who don't play redside - why not?".  Right now that is indeed the number one answer.

  4. 3) on topic

    The community. Blue-side has Atlas, iconic meeting place. This in my opinion why blueside will remain topgun. If only Villians had a starting area with every imaginable resource and all maps connecting to (rail being easier than having to run to the edge of the map in order to dock 1/4 of playable areas.) CoV promotes isolation, isolation creates anxiety and anxiety desensitizing group play.

    I don't know or have any memory of the other points, but this one is pretty spot-on, that is something redside lacks.  I mean, I don't even spend much time in Atlas on higher level toons, but I have zoomed in there for a costume contest and when in doubt I know I can find a Pocket D and Vanguard there.

  5. The ratio of villains to heroes wasn't as lopsided, no matter how robust the population was, best I can tell (at least on the single server I currently play on).  On the other hand, I believe the devs in the past publishes such numbers; have the Homecoming devs done so?  Is there any way to check the ratio?

  6. I find it interesting how subjective a sliver of these answers are.  Ask somebody a political question, and sometimes you get back answers that discuss numbers, get deep into the weeds about morality or something, but you also get some almost blank "nope, not ever ging to consider any other angle" answers.  Which is fine, that's how politics work.  I wouldn't have guessed that would work for red side vs. blue side, but here we are.


    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying...I'm see any "intractable" positions here, at least not in the sense of "you are wrong, and I am right".  Please clarify?  (And I'm not asking you to tie it further to politics, more to understand what you are seeing that's negative in this thread).


    The comment just up there that ends with "They made a mistake allowing the ATs to be universal" for example - and I'm not saying it's wrong at all, just very set in stone.

  7. Clave Dark 5, on the topic of binds, while the numpad binds are the most well known, I think learning to juggle the nine-key is a bit much, and like you, I'd have to keep looking up what each bind did. But most MM's will function fine with three binds. Something to set Attack+Aggressive, something to set Defensive+Follow, and something to set either GoTo+Passive or Follow+Passive. Set them yourself on whatever keys are most useful or easy to remember for you, and you can pretty much familiarize yourself with them with 5-10 minutes of play.


    I use Z, X and C, and it's easy enough to issue orders without lifting my hand out of the WASD position. Q, E, and F are also possibilities for easy to reach keys - though I use F on my Robo/FF toon for my Fly/Hover toggle switch. Mouse4 is for Teleport on my Beasts/Nature toon. 



    z "petcom_all Aggressive$$petcom_all Attack"

    x "petcom_all Defensive$$petcom_all Follow"

    c "petcom_all Passive$$petcom_all GoTo"

    My style of play, which is subjective, yes, is button clicking rather than keyboarding, and I've never had a gaming mouse because this is the only game I play.  I've taken at least two MMs to 50 that way and it seems to work well enough for me.  Thanks for the advice though, it is actually appreciated.


  8. I find it interesting how subjective a sliver of these answers are.  Ask somebody a political question, and sometimes you get back answers that discuss numbers, get deep into the weeds about morality or something, but you also get some almost blank "nope, not ever ging to consider any other angle" answers.  Which is fine, that's how politics work.  I wouldn't have guessed that would work for red side vs. blue side, but here we are.


    My answer to the above would be teams, again, the pop is just way too freaking low.  But I am going to be making more of an effort now to watch for redside teaming.  I suspect if we, villainously, held a gun to everyone's head and made them vote, this would be the most obvious answer, because how many groups you play on are actually stopping to read anything and being offended at being a leg-breaker for the mob or whatever?

  9. When they were redside only, all of my masterminds came to grief once they hit Sharkhead.  The zone was inescapable, and levelling a MM through one Scrapyarder mission after another was no fun at all.


    I've always considered Sharkhead - due to the Scrapyarders - a kind of purgatory that MMs have to go through for five levels until they ascend to the heaven of a full set of pets at level 26.


    Maybe because it's been too long, but with the MMs I've run through redside, I can't ever recall having any problem with them there, at least no more than the usual "my pets are weak, I'm too low level!" problems.

  10. Seeing as how my DP/Nin is still in the low levels so far, how important/useful is Paralyzing Dart anyways?  Or Blinding Powder?  I can see they might be good for solo, in theory.  I'm not even sure what they do, although the names give me a clue.

  11. The other thing a few people have answered when I asked was "the zones are ugly". Which is true.  The Rogue Isles are a filthy lawless craphole of a country.  It is what it is.  It doesnt have to be everyone's style. 


    Personally, I dont think its a problem with redside, I think it's an issue of taste.  Compare it to tankers, or defenders, or MMs, or whatever.  There's nothing wrong with red side.  Its just not everyone's cup of tea.  Its not everyone's playstyle.  The early levels dont grab your attention super well.  Its dirty, everyone is an enemy, even the people you work for.  But, if you play to its strengths, it can be a really rewarding journey.  I like the idea of going from lowly peon street thug up to Recluse's homeboy.  Or at least Recluse's Homeboys' Homeboy. 


    And again, the content in grandville is super awesome.


    I agree with pretty much everything you've said, but again, there is a prob with reside, in that the numbers are super low, compared to where they were live.  I used to play on servers with one dot at night at 3 am and still saw more folks redside than I do now at 10 pm.  I don't think we'll ever have as many players as blue, but we should have more.


    Removing Null the Gull is an interesting idea, I mean, I know I have popped up a new toon on Mercy and then just run to Pocket D when I couldn't find anyone.  But if you did so right now, with the way things are currently, I think you'd be freezing in place the imbalance.  And I have to admit I like the idea of having the chance to swap at a moment's notice anyway.

  12. In the old days my stalker was my main, although I had a lot of alts, but for some reason these days I seem to shy away from melee, not sure why.  Maybe because I spend about half my life super tired these days (shift work), and adding in that "chasing down every target by foot" layer on top of everything else feels like too much work.


    I know how that feels.  At times I'll pass on playing the more active ATs (Blasters and Dominators for me mostly) in favour of something less demanding.  On the flipside of that the other day I went onto a Brute instead and the adrenaline rush of chasing that fury bar really perked me up.

    Yeah, I know that feeling.  One of my first new toons was a scrapper and I quite easily fell prey to scrapperlock pretty quickly.  But I haven't logged in with him in like two weeks.  I do have a claws stalker though which is also rather unplayed, but did get me into the mindset.  Really, what I've found is I'll have fun no matter which one I log in with, so maybe I just need to push myself with the melee folk a bit more, when I'm not so tired.

  13. And if they're willing to do it, then they should probably do one goldside (Praetoria) as well, since that seems even more sparsely populated than red.

    Fair point.  I was never much a fan of the lore behind it, but I did play it some when it was first introduced because it offered flavor variation to the usual red/blue early levels (and it looked very nice!).  It was also dang hard, I know I died much more over there, which sort of kept me away.  I have yet to check it out again since rebirth.

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