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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I won't disagree with the outcome, but if members of the team are looking for the Valet badge you might want to wait for most of the rest of the team to zone before jumping in. There are different successful strategies to avoid the destruction of cars/trucks, but I've never seen it happen when a single player triggers the rampage without others to assist. YMMV.
  2. As I have written elsewhere; I would prefer that instead of an increase +Recovery, I would rather that Conditioning just be a flat +MaxEnd boost. I'm somewhat bored by my own suggestion, so I think I will instead begin a campaign that Conditioning be upgraded instead to grant a 1% discount on all Inf expenses at vendors.
  3. You use quite a few sets that I do not, but I don't feel like being critical about those. I'll call out some things I do differently: I think the Stamina slotting should replace Acc/End with the %+Endurance piece. (2xIO at 50+5 would probably be better) Physical Perfection can take the Power Transfer %Heal. I don't use any Numina pieces, including the Global. I don't chase Impervium Armor set bonuses. IIRC I have four instances of the Psi defense piece dropped into various powers. I have Dull Pain 6-slotted with Preventive Medicine. This is one of those powers I rarely use outside of extreme content, but I like the set bonuses and Max HP is kinda the tank thing. I have Taunt 6-slotted with Mocking Beratement. I find the set bonuses to be a better fit for an Invulnerable Tanker than Perfect Zinger... and I think the %damage proc in that set is a trap (for Taunt). Whirling Hands is where I have four %damage procs, plus the Gauntleted Fist %+Absorb piece. In the 6th slot I have an HO for Acc/Dam (Nucleolus) Here are some choices I make because eventually I find myself standing against only 1 enemy, so I don't specifically rely on being surrounded by enemies to boost my offense: I prefer a 6-slotted Build Up with Gaussian's set. I have Invincibility slotted with a LotG, 2xShield Wall (boosted) and an HO Cytoskeleton (End/ToHit/Defense) I slipped the Kismet +Accuracy (really +ToHit) into Tough Hide. I don't use Conserve Power, instead I have Focused Accuracy. It is nothing special, but I have the Rectified Recticle +Perception piece in it. You shouldn't need a Knockback Protection piece in Fly. If you are specifically worried about UBER Knockback, I'd move the slot such that you can use a second Steadfast Protection global and get a set bonus. EDIT: Let me add this personal note about Knockback Protection... At one point I definitely felt like I wanted extreme levels of KB protection (I can't recall if I was pursuing 17 or higher) because I felt that it would be embarrassing have an Inv tank tossed around by the very few enemies that do that much KB... but it is possible to buy 90 minutes of 10KB protection from a SG base. Unyielding should get you 10, and I won't fault anyone for looking to cross the 12 KB threshhold (from a set bonus like Gladiator's Armor... which can be boosted to 50+5) or from a single +4 piece, but I wouldn't compromise a build just for that level of KB protection.
  4. Obviously, mileage varies. I have a 2-form build Fortunata & Night Widow... in which the Fortunata is "all range" (a scrappy controller) and the Night Widow is "all close" (a team-boosting scrapper). I greatly prefer the Fortunata, primarily because the AoE can clear x8 maps solo much faster... but OTOH... it was the Widow build that I used during much of the post 24 leveling up, and I still switch to it when I am on teams. I suppose there are things about the Widow VEATs that would make the Night Widow better for me specifically (Damage per Activation maybe?) but much of the imbalance in relative performance is (I think) due to my specific power picks. I have a very simple-minded suggestion about the VEAT Inherent: I would much rather have the Inherent be +MaxEnd instead of +Recovery. I suppose a hard look could be had looking at the full suite of Endurance costs for the VEAT powers, but for my build-points the variety in VEATs comes from the Power & Patron pool choices which I wouldn't expect to be tuned for VEATs. I also feel that (effective) +Recovery bonuses get to the point of diminishing returns too fast (from sets, globals) and a higher MaxEnd just appeals to me.
  5. This is a sort of side opinion to the Dominator discussion but... I actually like this peculiar feedback loop for perma-Dom... +Global Recharge -> MOAR clicking -> more -Endurance +Global Recharge -> PermaDom -> Endurance bar refills I haven't found anything else quite like it in the game, so any time there is a whiff of changing Global Recharge or Domination I think fondly about this feedback loop.
  6. I have to say it: Henchmen, not Pets. Some MM can have both, but I am suggesting adding a Pet to each primary. This is part of my thinking that went into my "replace the Tier 4 Equip power with a recharge-intensive pet"... if the pet could provide a buff to make up for some of the level shift (especially if it only affected the MM's henchmen... and pets)... and it didn't become the Leadership pool... It would allow all of the primaries a place to slot the Global IOs that improve survivability of the henchmen AND free up slots (in the henchmen) to allow MMs to actually focus on ENHANCING diverse elements of their Henchmen. All MM primaries suffer from this problem in some way, but several primaries REALLY suffer. I focus on reworking that Tier 4/Level 6 power because TWO of the henchmen are not even summonable until higher levels (level 12, level 26) and it seems CRAZY to me that a MM requires a low level power to improve a higher-level power. I don't think the game balance below level 6 will be that much harmed by giving the Tier 1/2 summoned henchmen boosted abilities. There are enough recharge-intensive game resources (P2W pets, Incarnate Lore) that it wouldn't be a big graphical ask for the Dev team to add such a thing to each MM primary. I recognize that there are a few elements of game balance to consider: Should the buff pet be inherently permanent, or should it require resummoning (like a FFG or VEAT pet)? Should the buff pet be targetable/destroyable? Should the pet buff the same thing for each primary? Should the pet buff all allies, or just henchmen/pets? My hot takes: (1) I don't care. The HC improvements have already made the game much easier for MM management, I don't think it would be too much to force it to be resummonable, unless it becomes target-able. (2) I prefer "NO", otherwise AoE will probably wipe it out, and then we have to start considering recharge time for the power as a game balance issue. For example: with /Traps,I don't think I ever had a FFG get destroyed. (3) My heart says "no" but game balance says "yes". Maybe a compromise, where all primaries boost ToHit for the Henchmen, but then individual primaries boost a secondary attribute? (4) I prefer "just henchmen/pets". I wouldn't want MMs (via their primary) to encroach on the realm of other ATs to buff allies (again, via the primary)... my want is to buff the henchmen, not everybody else. I'm flexible on this point, as some MM players may want to go the "petless" or "semi-petless" route, so maybe the buff should also work on the MM too?
  7. Masterminds (all primaries) The effects of the first henchmen upgrade power should be baked into the initial summon of the henchmen The initial henchmen upgrade should be replaced with a rechargeable non-targetable pet (not a henchmen) that provides buffs for the henchmen/Mastermind can accept recharge-intensive and pet-specific IOs, so that all MMs have more freedom for henchmen slotting.
  8. Many, many times this: As established in Homecoming, the current working of %procs allows for a tremendous amount of freedom in character design space, and that freedom isn't hurting anybody. The HC game is FUN! Abstractly, I grok why folks might think the game could be tuned differently... even if the measures by which such adjustments could be judged are nearly completely subjective... but why yuck in someone else's yum?
  9. I can get behind this slotting, but my Inv/EM Tanker (played primarily for teaming in Non-Incarnate content, and just strolling through Ouroboros missions) has the %BuildUp proc in Build Up. I usually find myself eventually) standing alone with a single hard target and I enjoy the extra OOMPH. I also like the set bonuses. The most satisfying time to have Build Up is when a Paragon Protector is in Moment of Glory, the rest of the team is whiffing... the Pom-Pom Tank comes is with a KER-PLOW! YMMV.
  10. I like the lists, and have a few comments: All my characters (including Stalkers) have AoE temp attacks (Hand Grenades, Plasmatic Tasers) because eventually they will be running some low level mission (e.g. Frostfire, Positron, Synapse) when an extra AoE to add to the low-level attack chain against a bajillion enemies is just too much fun. This may not be what "efficiently" means, I'm just jawwin. re: "Tanking". My favorite Stalker can barely keep aggro, but at-and-above level 25 she doesn't have any problem standing toe-to-toe with non-incarnate AVs (mileage varies for incarnate content, or Recluse' Victory AVs) while the rest of the group catches up. I'm usually TAB-ing and button mashing, but I know that she has taken Boss+ aggro away from Brutes but I think those circumstances are on those specific Brutes. I have a not-as-favorite (but still beloved) Stalker that had Provoke for a while... and although I can tolerate a less-than-efficient Taunt, there were never any circumstances where it wasn't more practical to simply attack the small number of grouped enemies I wanted to (maybe) Taunt.
  11. I like %damage procs as well. Many DPS types don't need them; on the other hand I often feel like extra %damage from procs are the only things that make it possible for certain low-DPS AT to complete missions within the same order-of-magnitude (with respect to time) as high DPS AT. I don't want to go back to the era when a non-DPS character couldn't turn up the number of enemies on a map without committing to long solo map times... and I am NOT thinking about AE maps.
  12. Sorry, the thread must have been moved/deleted!
  13. I don't disagree with any of the above, but I want to add this (for certain corner cases): If you plan on being a MM that uses attacks to hurt enemies, the associated Purple %damage procs will significantly increase the amount of damage you do, because of the low base damage that MM attacks do,
  14. Almost always? If I am specifically trying to keep %damage proc rates maximized (and have "enough" global recharge) in a specific power, I usually avoid boosting the (Purple, PVP) Enhancement pieces that give Recharge. For me, this is a complete judgement call. For example, if a power is already below 20% for the %proc rate because that build uses 4+ pieces of a Purple or PVP set in an inherently fast cycling power, I will almost always boost every piece in the set anyway.
  15. I have no complaints about /Poison on my 'Troller, but I found that Venomous Gas wasn't working well for that character. I tried the power as part of the build when first available, and at level 50 (with more slotting/build options) but it simply didn't compliment the playstyle for that character... especially for high-level solo play. This was just my experience, but most of the time I found that I was rarely close enough to enemies to have Venomous Gas do anything, and that if I was going to survive in such close quarters I was going to have to make serious compromises to everything else I wanted the character to do. I don't need the power to change to suit the needs of that character, as I can build all sorts of other characters that can wade solo into close contact with +4x8 spawns. I'm definitely not faulting the players that love the power and leverage it in their own builds.
  16. What was his badge count?
  17. There are even simpler tricks, which I am sure new marketeers will discover in time. Mileage may vary as far as how much Inf can be made on the margins, but suffice it to say, there are a LOT of different ways to accumulate Inf in the auction house, and I've landed on market strategies that also serve purposes in addition to collecting raw Inf.
  18. It doesn't look like I posted any Trapdoor tests for any my Fortunata, but what I discovered playing my default build is that the Blindness was slowing down a "clear all" much more than I would have liked. I also didn't quite have the emphasis for large-spawn-clearing damage on my particular favorite build. I've been looking for a specific reason to have a more team-dedicated 50+ third build... maybe by double-dipping into the Leadership pool and focusing on AoE I could improve my times?
  19. The Dark primary has a -ToHit component to it, which helps quite a bit even without enhancing it. YMMV in certain circumstances.
  20. This feels like a bug, although it is recoverable by logging out and logging back in. This is The End Justifies the Means. It is possible to one-hit-kill Doc Quantum and have him despawn without giving the player the option to 'talk' with him and allow the mission to progress. This is the first time I have encountered an enemy that could be taken out in a single hit and didn't "stick around" to give his dialogue. There is something else that is triggered upon this defeat, the spawn of Longbow with him no longer become legitimate targets. If this mission gets examined, I'd also like to put in a request that the behavior of Ghost Widow also be re-examined. I don't mind that you don't need (or benefit) from her being in the mission, but it seems weird to be able to keep triggering the same dialog with her. If she isn't going to help the player as an NPC, my preference would be that after Doc Quantum is defeated and his glowie is clicked that the player could go back and fight her as well.
      • 1
      • Thumbs Down
  21. Not particularly relevant for VEATs, but the only character I have that really paid attention to damage buffs from enhancement sets is my /Bio Armor stalker. It's not like I was paying that much attention, but I noticed the enhancement set damage buffs offset the use of Defensive Adaptation.
  22. I'm not going to argue, except is it really a "proc"? Whatever it is, a few rolls of the converter wheel can turn it into something much better. There are certainly other procs I would never try to market: Stupefy's %Knockback comes to mind... and I like stuns.
  23. I hate that piece, but I did eventually end up using the other 5 pieces in a Blaster's Snipe (available at a low level), since Experienced Marksmen keeps the set bonuses (one of them is IIRC +MaxEnd) at lower levels and can be boosted. My Scrappers/Stalkers don't bother with that set. EDIT: as far as warning other players, I used to warn folks not to try to use HO Membrane in Fortunata Mind Link, but it has been a while since I saw a build posted that suggested using it.
  24. mob = mobile game element, typically an individual "monster" that moves and interacts with players and the game world. "Mob" is singular.
  25. A sort of trivial bug, but the setup of this mission has two (related issues) The crystal will not send you to Tina. At the conclusion of the mission, you cannot TALK to Tina, you have to call her. It appears that there is something subtle about this arc, as it treats Tina as a contact that was removed from contact (like Sister Psyche)
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