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Wingslord24 last won the day on September 12 2024

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  1. Don't take sides and don't be so quick to judge.
  2. Hero: Light Angels Villains: Dark Angels Inbetween: Undefined Angels
  3. The powers chosen are meant to be the opposite of the demons, so simply copying and pasting basic powers would not work. If you look at the demons, they have toxic and fire damage, whereas the angels possess energy, fire, psionic, and cold damage—intended to affect the mind, body, and soul. and I would want this power to be unique as demon summoning is.
  4. Everything is ranged damage so no there is no melee attacks and all are control abilities.
  5. If you could read it says control so controllers and doms would get the set and stop calling me @KingCeddd03 you're starting to sound slow and redundant.
  6. Energy Control Power Level Effect Energy Pulse 1 Ranged, Minor DMG (Energy), Foe Knockback (Rooted) Containment Field 2 Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), Foe Immobilize Plasma Cage 6 Ranged, Foe Hold, Creates Energy Bubble Photon Wave 8 Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG (Energy), Foe Disorient (AOE) Singularity Collapse 12 Ranged (AoE), Foe Knockdown, Energy Burst, Foe Hold (AOE) Energy Rift 18 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Stasis, Large Energy Field Energy Vortex 22 Location AoE, Foe Immobilize & Knockdown (Rooted) Radiant Shockwave 26 Ranged (AoE), Foe Hold, Foe Disorient Hyperion Cage 30 Location AoE, Foe Hold, Pulsing Energy Wave Power Descriptions & Visuals: Energy Surge: Fires a small burst of energy at a foe, dealing minor damage with a chance to stun. Visual: A brief pulse of blue energy, similar to a small shockwave. Kinetic Pulse: A melee strike infused with energy, knocking foes backward. Visual: A glowing energy ring expanding outward on impact. Energy Barrier: Encases the user in a shimmering energy shield that absorbs incoming damage. Visual: A transparent blue sphere forming around the user, Ion Disruptor: Releases a cone of charged particles that disorients enemies. Visual: Multiple vertical energy beams flashing in a cone in front of the caster. Plasma Conduit: Generates a field of plasma energy that slowly restores health. Visual: Energy tendrils forming around allies, like glowing wisps. Electrostatic Field: Slows down enemies in an area while dealing minor energy damage over time. Visual: A circular field of flickering blue energy, Singularity Collapse: Creates a powerful explosion, dealing high damage and knocking enemies down. Visual: A swirling mass of energy forming before exploding outward. Hyperflux Shield: Amplifies energy defenses for the user and nearby allies. (Visual: A glowing dome of energy covering allies temporarily, Energy Rift: Opens a dimensional rift, summoning an energy clone that confuses enemies. (Visual: A swirling energy portal,
  7. W h a t y o u d o n' t s e e i n t h e g a m e i s w h a t w e d o n o t h a v e. I hope you understand this?
  8. This is such an excellent power idea I would definitely play this.
  9. Stop showing your jealousy it's not flattering.
  10. can you make a corruptor Energy blast dark miasma and fire mastery ?
  11. The Shoulder piece Band without the spikes.
  12. Variations of these
  13. That is leading to an origin pacific power. it needs to be something all can use.
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