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MoonSheep last won the day on July 4 2023

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  1. that is funny, the team planted a memorial garden
  2. hey - i would suggest playing the character for a good few levels in game before making a build so that you have a sense of what's useful and what would benefit the alt. from the powers you've chosen it seems you may not be familiar with the archetype or the powersets, e.g. your two primary damage dealing attacks are missing (gloom and midnight grasp) and the overall build doesn't make much sense for a dominator i would also suggest looking at rolling something like an ice blast sentinel, it may fit what you're looking for from a playstyle. ice blast has 2 holds and a whole secondary for defense which looks to fit better with your aims, else you may be disappointed to play a character which isn't inherently set up as a attack:defense playstyle
  3. that looks more like it! it’s personal preference at the end of the day, though i love powerboost on my defender and that’s just for transfusion or vengeance goodluck with your continued journey on the dark/dark, one of the all time classics
  4. says the vampire
  5. i am surprised at your conclusion. your detailed analysis shows that power boost - a reasonably fast recharging power available with a single pool choice - benefits almost all of your powers quite considerably, yet your takeaway is that it has no use? - twilight grasp has the same heal % as transfusion from kinetics, they are two of the strongest AoE heals available within all ATs. a powerboosted twilight grasp can really turn the tide of battle, especially if needing to heal a high HP tank in the later levels - i haven't had time to run my own numbers, but the ones in your table look quite high. would i be correct that you are lvl 35 and casting this on a lvl 30 enemy, aka 5 levels below you? if yes, you will be seeing the strengths of your debuffs multiplied by 1.55 as a result of the purple patch - consider that when you are fighting enemies that are +3 or +4 above you that your debuff effects will be minimised by 0.65 or 0.48. also consider that some enemies such as cimerorans cast vengeance, improving their to hit. many enemies also cast -def attacks, like CoT, making the team more vulnerable to attack. a powerboosted -to hit can really make a difference in these scenarios, likewise for a number of AVs - the situations where a debuffer is really valuable - powerboost is fantastic for powers like vengeance too. a powerboosted vengeance gives the team around +63% defense and +68% to hit, this turns them into an unkillable machine. aside from a few niche cases, a defender is incomplete and underperforming without this combo overall, i can't see how a dark defender could live without powerboost unless they were a role player and weren't interested in the efficacy of their alt edit: from a quick numbers calc, looks like you might be a lvl 50 casting these powers onto a lvl 30, 20 levels below therefore benefitting from a 3.1x purple patch debuff booster as a result - let me know if my hunch is correct
  6. i think that's slightly too negative a view on ice assault. ice sword circle's animation is a little slow, but it's 15ft radius is nice and as you say, chilling embrace enhances the damage further. two ticks of chilling embrace + ice sword circle is not too bad a damage output for a 15ft radius AoE attack ice slash and bitter ice blast also have a pretty good damage dealing combination. again, adding in a tick or two from chilling embrace enhances things further
  7. modern illusion is actually quite good at crowd control in my view: - The ST confuse can be procced with Contagious Confusion - Gleam has a nice wide 90 degree stun cone and would be recharged every 30s with a permadom build - Flash is a reasonable PbAoE hold - Spectral terror can be summoned to semi-mez mobs, e.g. those which aren't being attacked i'd give it a second look. also consider that although some of these powers have a slightly slow recharge, they don't always need to be used. the best way to play a dominator is to look at the situation at hand - do i actually need to mez this mob, or simply mez the key trouble makers? e.g. bosses or nasty debuffers if the steam is steam rolling things, lean into being a damage dealer instead. if the team is constantly being wiped, focus on being a master of lockdown
  8. i’d just mez the enemies that give you slows, my mind/fire permadom is built only for +recharge
  9. if you’re close, consider things like the offensive amplifier from the P2W vendor for extra +recharge. hasten will help too
  10. hey, i’m away at the moment but the build screenshots above are fairly comprehensive. there’s no skill involved building a kin: pick the core powers, shove 2 accuracy in each with kin, the secondary set isn’t important so choose whatever you find fun - genuinely. your impact on a team from speed boost and fulcrum shift is so significant that people don’t care what else you do sonic as a primary is okay, the -res target AoE toggle is great to put on tanks and the +res shields are good. i’d perhaps rather roll a thermal over a sonic
  11. i just use 2 purple insps and then dish out my procced attacks, strongly slotted debuffs and large selection of offensive powers it would be inefficient to waste slots and power choices on something which can be replicated for a few thousand inf after typing /ah before each mission people ignore the P2W buffs available, ease of access to the market and ability to email yourself cheap T3 insps and ultimates in modern CoH and still build alts like it’s 2009 when you couldn’t quickly get all the personal survival tools you need the game has moved on and so has the concept of min/max
  12. i agree with all of this, from my perspective as a kin defender i would also add - aim is vital to have in some situations, whether to ensure a heal lands, to get a good fulcrum shift or to hit enemies which have a lot of +def, like a paragon protector which has cast MoG - i'd drop ice storm as the damage isn't that good, i'd take freeze ray much earlier and use the slots on bitter freeze ray to put two acc/dam hami O's in and 4 damage procs, 2 of them purples. the cast time is quite long though - if you want to choose power build up, i'd recommend choosing the soul mastery for Power Boost as it recharges in half the time - i wouldn't choose super speed on a kin. intertial reduction is superior as it has no travel lag during combat, and siphon speed also gives you the same effect as super speed whilst casting a debuff on an enemy
  13. i think on a KM ITF the impact on XP would be so minimal it’s not worth thinking about i run a nightly KM and have never observed much variation
  14. i think you’re looking at things with a non-dominator mindset a mezzed foe deals no damage, your greatest defense is your ability to lock down the mobs and target enemies which are either damaging you the most or are casting the harshest debuffs permadom tends to be the foundation of most dominator builds as it guarantees you’ll always be able to lock down an enemy with one click and also gives you mez protection some ranged defense is nice to have for sure, but consider that you’re not a hapless punching bag - you have abilities which can stop the damage coming in
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